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PML-N voted for extension in return for help with Imran problem: Rana Sanaullah


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PML-N voted for extension in return for help with Imran problem: Rana Sanaullah

Zulqernain Tahir Published September 22, 2023 Updated about an hour ago

LAHORE: As the top leadership of the PML-N continues to rail against the former generals, in an apparent bid to reclaim their “vote ko izzat do” narrative before going into elections, a key leader confessed on Thursday that the party had supported an extension for former army chief Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa in order to contain PTI Chairman Imran Khan’s onslaught.
“Voting for Gen Bajwa’s extension [in 2020] was a tactical move by the party to fight the fitna (anarchy),” former interior minister Rana Sanaullah said during an appearance on Samaa TV on Thursday, using a term he frequently employs to refer to the PTI chief.

The former army chief’s extension became a bone of contention between the judiciary and the PTI regime in 2019 when the top court suspended then-PM Imran Khan’s notification, granting Gen Bajwa an extension. After much legal wrangling, the court had allowed the general to continue in office for six months after the government assured it that it would legislate to provide legal cover to this ‘grey area’.

Eventually, in early 2020, parliament had unanimously passed amendments to the Army Act that cemented the extension, with the PML-N being among the parties that voted for it.
This was Mr Sanaullah’s second outburst against the former top brass in as many days. A day earlier, he had assailed former generals Bajwa and Faiz Hamid, declaring them “national criminals” and demanded action against them. “The way the PML-N brought Gen Pervez Musharraf to justice, it will do the same to [both men],” he had said on Wednesday.
He had also reinforced party supremo Nawaz Sharif’s recent statement, seeking ‘strict accountability’ of former generals and judges, saying that it was a policy statement on behalf of the party.
In an online address to party ticket holders in Lahore a couple of days ago, the elder Sharif had said: “(Former) chief justices Saqib Nisar and Asif Saeed Khosa were tools of former army chief Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa and his spy chief Gen Faiz Hameed. Their crime is bigger than a murder offence. Pardoning them will be an injustice to the nation. They don’t deserve a pardon.”
However, it should be noted that on the same day, the elder Sharif’s daughter Maryam Nawaz had tried to walk back some of the venom in her father’s comments by saying that “neither he nor she believed in taking revenge”.
Sources told Dawn that the party supremo had told the leaders to adopt “an aggressive stance” against both Gen Bajwa and Gen Hameed and some former and incumbent judges.
Meanwhile, a leader from the Shehbaz camp, while talking to Dawn, said that after Mr Nawaz’s outburst, some quarters advised the party not to take an extreme position on the matter.
Mr Shehbaz, who left for London on Wednesday, might talk to his brother and convince him to dilute his tone.
“Mr Shehbaz never uttered a word against Gen Bajwa since he assumed the prime minister’s office and even after leaving the position, showing how careful he is in such matters,” the leader said.
Published in Dawn, September 22nd, 2023
Yep. This is how they do it and don't even hide their deeds.

LOL Looks like PML-N is realising that the generals cannot be trusted. Naming the culprits publicly.
Yep. This is how they do it and don't even hide their deeds.

LOL Looks like PML-N is realising that the generals cannot be trusted. Naming the culprits publicly.

Yes you are right. something fishy is going on behind the scenes, otherwise Godfather league wouldn't come out open against the military especially when Godfather is seeking guarantees on his possible return to Pakistan.
I remember some people wanted proof that fauj orchestrated it all, and that this was all organic.
From formation to its ouster, PTI government was always dependent upon the military. How the government was able to survive the knife's edge majority for almost 4 years and how it rounded up MPs for bills and legislature. It would be foolish to think that the government could withstand on its own. Establishment's support provided the foundation for functioning of PTI's government and as soon as Bajwa withdrew his support and sidelined Faiz, the entire structure came crumbling down. So it would be very naïve to think that the Government was functioning in a democracy. Since 2015, Pakistan is essentially in the reign of militarocracy. And in a militarocracy, the players try to improve their outcomes by making deals with the most powerful player in the system i.e. the military.
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From formation to its ouster, PTI government was always dependent upon the military. How the government was able to survive the knife's edge majority for almost 4 years and how it rounded up MPs for bills and legislature. It would be foolish to think that the government could withstand on its own. Establishment's support provided the foundation for functioning of PTI's government and as soon as Bajwa withdrew his support and sidelined Faiz, the entire structure came crumbling down. So it would be very naïve to think that the Government was functioning in a democracy. Since 2015, Pakistan is essentially in the reign of militarocracy. And in a militarocracy, the players try to improve their outcomes by making deals with the most powerful player in the system i.e. the military.
Please start from 1947.......merit kill and kill and kill....merit formally buried in Zia era.
From formation to its ouster, PTI government was always dependent upon the military. How the government was able to survive the knife's edge majority for almost 4 years and how it rounded up MPs for bills and legislature. It would be foolish to think that the government could withstand on its own. Establishment's support provided the foundation for functioning of PTI's government and as soon as Bajwa withdrew his support and sidelined Faiz, the entire structure came crumbling down. So it would be very naïve to think that the Government was functioning in a democracy. Since 2015, Pakistan is essentially in the reign of militarocracy. And in a militarocracy, the players try to improve their outcomes by making deals with the most powerful player in the system i.e. the military.

Even if I agree with you, it doesn't negate the role of the estab in bringing the government down.

Secondly, had the military not been meddling, perhaps PTI would have gotten more seats? Who knows! Just ask Kh Asif.
I remember some people wanted proof that fauj orchestrated it all, and that this was all organic.

the pakistani army started it when they pick sides choosing Imran Khan over Nawaz Sharif. I have nothing against Pakistani Army picking sides. They just don't seem to be good at it
Even if I agree with you, it doesn't negate the role of the estab in bringing the government down.

Secondly, had the military not been meddling, perhaps PTI would have gotten more seats? Who knows! Just ask Kh Asif.
Military meddled in favor PTI as it went overdrive in undermining the PMLN before GE 2017. PTI wouldn't have gotten this far had Military not supported and promoted it. How General Asif Ghafoor trained the propaganda core of PTI using the resources of ISPR in the name of internships. How media was muzzled to portray either neutral or a positive image of the party.


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Yes you are right. something fishy is going on behind the scenes, otherwise Godfather league wouldn't come out open against the military especially when Godfather is seeking guarantees on his possible return to Pakistan.
nothing really.. just pressure games from both sides .....
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