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Imran Khan's Islamabad Rally - امربالمعروف - Updates & Discussion

A population of 250 million with 60% under 30..........the majority is always silent and give their response at the ballot. If IK was indeed so popular, he would have gone to the vote of no-confidence and would have fought there. He could have dissolved the assemblies before the agenda of no-confidence was put up and could have called in early elections to return with even more seats. But whatever he has done so far speaks loudly of what he knows, he will lose seats, many many seats in the next elections.
I am actually quite surprised at the attacks he's making against The Establishment directly and indirectly.

Today, in his written speech he was shaming PPP for allying themselves with "Killers of Bhutto". Why has he taken such a hostile stand against what I assume by "Killers of Bhutto", he means Pakistan Army?

Is that his own thinking or someone is giving him some really awful advice and maybe even setting him up?
I am actually quite surprised at the attacks he's making against The Establishment directly and indirectly.

Today, in his written speech he was shaming PPP for allying themselves with "Killers of Bhutto". Why has he taken such a hostile stand against what I assume by "Killers of Bhutto", he means Pakistan Army?

Is that his own thinking or someone is giving him some really awful advice and maybe even setting him up?
he meant foreign powers, western powers interfering in the country to install their puppets - PMLN, PPP, Diesel



the original match was to bring 172 peoples to national assembly

but the drug addict, zani -------

called a jalsa for his islamiat class...

bla- bla- bla-

incompetency, ignorance, and only jalsa pleasing chants ....

I can understand ur frustration man. People with stunted growth do experience random bouts rage & anger, they get massive fits, start pulling their hairs off and slap themselves in the face while crying why Imran why!!! Why??? Why did you stop our qeemay walay naan! Why...!! Who will feed us now? From where will we get free black parados?
Good thing IK has made ehsas centres for the poor lot to eat & sleep otherwise they will all be begging on the streets. All the maqsood chaprasi lots.
We have a Jahil awam.
Pakistan has two types of jahil. the abstract jahil or absolute jahil. But the worst are the educated jahil. even after being educated, if one cannot see right from wrong then they are far worse than a wholesome illiterate jahil.
Holy smokes. They say a picture speaks more than a thousand words. LOL there are actually fools who believe that the Pakistani army programmed and mobilized these masses.

My Pashtun nationalist kaka: “photoshop wakar”

His son on social media: #behindyouskipper 😂😂😂

Like I said the people who were barking that his support is waning don’t know anything about how an incumbent works lol
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