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Imran Khan's Islamabad Rally - امربالمعروف - Updates & Discussion

I've lost faith in the army. IK can't hope to compete against the establishment and win. The establishment is the real criminal here, not zardari, not the Sharifs. The establishment did this to Pakistan. And for that the establishment will be held accountable, not in this world of course but in the Afterlife. I will not forgive them for throwing Pakistan in this inferno just to stay the king maker.
Not really. If the establishment really is behind this, IK will take them to cleaners in his election campaign and when he does this, there will be no way to run for them. We will see another political martyr or final innings. Despite some surprising attacks on his morals on this forum, Imran Khan loves the RIYASAT to death and because the establishment is the most important department of the RIYASAT he will continue to give them respect.
Agree with your whole post, except that IK is coming back to power, after next election.
The establishment cannot hope of stealing an entire mandate with impunity nor can they expect a person like IK to let it happen and do nothing. Remember in 2014 it was only 4 constituency. You are talking about a 2/3rd majority. If the establishment tries to steal our mandate this time they will be in for a surprise. Bohat sir per bhata lia inha.
Best thing for IK is that next election will be held after Bajwa is retired in Nov, 22 otherwise Bajwa will make sure IK will not come to power again.

Yes. But next COAS would be appointed either by SS or care taker PM. They have made sure that next COAS is not appointed by IK.
Not really. If the establishment really is behind this, IK will take them to cleaners in his election campaign and when he does this, there will be no way to run for them. We will see another political martyr or final innings.
Come on man. This entire event is staged by Fauj because IK would've become too strong after he appointed Gen Faiz as the next army chief. From there onwards, IK would've ruled for the next 10 + years like Erdogan, removing fauj completely from the political stage and shutting down their businesses. The fauj would rather see Pakistan burn at the hands of Sharifs and Bhuttos than see DHA and their business being shut.
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The reason why I am still not sure is because they wouldn't want to after all these years of saying humse maazi Mai galtian Hui Hain. It will be a disaster. And yup the probability of IK taking names is like 1% hence called it a wild thought.

Ok. But I have not an iota of doubt. This is also the concensus of virtually all the pro-PTI journalists; though they are not expressing it openly.
So let's say there really is a sea of people out in support, how will that impact the no-confidence? I understand that it's the popular opinion to keep IK but that's not going to stop the rats from shooting their shot.

Especially considering our SC is run by a monkey that doesn't realize the precedent he is setting here, allowing an MNA voter into a for-sale item.
So you jumped from PEOPLE to MNAs in your next post. I thought it was people who were going to lose him lots more seats. How quickly the narrative was switched and the PTI supporters are munafiq? Benazir used the public money and government machinery to distribute, loans, cash, properties so the no-confidence motion fails. Imran Khan has done none of the above. Imran Khan's people were not caught on videos buying senate elections. Still hasn't uttered a bad word against the establishment and has not asked for their help. And Imran Khan's morals are in question here. Amazing.

So this is the post you are referring to:


Do I need explain to you how my point on MNA's is in response to your question why IK should resign on moral grounds? Where in the world did I jump from people to MNA's??? And when I came to the point about people, did I not challenge you to bookmark the post and look me up if it ever happens?

Why in the world is simple English so hard for you people to comprehend when it is about IK? Or perhaps this is a deliberate attempt to not answer on topic because of apparent reasons.


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So this is the post you are referring to:

View attachment 827855

Do I need explain to you how my point on MNA's is in response to your question why IK should resign on moral grounds? Where in the world did I jump from people to MNA's??? And when I came to the point about people, did I not challenge you to bookmark the post and look me up if it ever happens?

Why in the world is simple English so hard for you people to comprehend when it is about IK? Or perhaps this is a deliberate attempt to not answer on topic because of apparent reasons.
The one before but never mind. We both are not suited for each other.
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