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USA to Pak Military Establishment .. that was eventually passed onto IK. Threat that if IK meets Putin, he would be toppled and there would be severe consequences for Pakistan. A few journalists have already been shown the letter but some idiots here believe it is conspiracy theory.

No confidence motion was filed immediately upon IK's trip to Russia. This is maybe why he said he knew months ago what was being planned. There is evidence of the money flow as well.
The no confidence motion has been planned for months. Way before the Putin meeting. His allies have been waiting to flee him since November last year. Don't fall for this weak cover story.
عمران خان کی طویل تقریر ختم ہوئی تو ہر کوئی ایک دوسرے سے پوچھ رہا تھا کہ ان کی کس بات کو ’سرپرائز‘ سمجھا جائے۔
وزیراعظم عمران خان کا جلسے میں ’سرپرائز‘ کیا تھا؟

You must be blind to see the size of the jalsa ... that was the surprise for those foreign powers, opposition and establishment.
The no confidence motion has been planned for months. Way before the Putin meeting. His allies have been waiting to flee him since November last year. Don't fall for this weak cover story.

And Nawaz (your RB) is not corrupt according to you!

IK has shown a strong public support .... and people gathered there without the letter.

During Dharna, all corrupt joined forces and now the same want to remove IK ... as long as he's alive, he will have 2/3 majority next term and mid-terms are on the horizon.
Same old CIA boogeyman politics? If your assertion is correct then why TTP did not collapse after US/NATO exit from Afghanistan? Afghan Taliban are in charge of affairs in Afghanistan and TTP continues to function and kill Pakistani troops.

Nothing have changed on the ground:

Afghan Taliban support for TTP​

Another source of tensions between Kabul and Islamabad has been the TTP. The armed group fought alongside the Afghan Taliban against the US and its allies for years and the two have a strong bond. When the Taliban took power on August 15, they set free hundreds of TTP men, including some prominent leaders, incarcerated in Afghan jails. Much of the TTP leadership is based in Afghanistan and many members, according to Afghan and Pakistanis journalistic sources, are receiving support.

Since it was founded in 2007, the TTP has been responsible for deadly violence in Pakistan, attacking both security forces and civilians. The Pakistani authorities believe that the TTP, along with al-Qaeda and some affiliated groups, has so far killed more than 80,000 Pakistanis and inflicted economic losses of more than $150bn.

In 2014, the Pakistani army launched a major offensive against the TTP, forcing many of its members to flee to Afghanistan. After an initial lull in violence, the TTP started to escalate its attacks again in recent years. In 2021, as the Taliban advanced in Afghanistan, TTP fighters intensified their assaults in Pakistan. There were at least two attacks also targeting Chinese workers and the Chinese ambassador to Pakistan, which unsettled Beijing, a close ally of Islamabad.

Before the Taliban takeover of Kabul last year, Pakistani officials repeatedly argued that the presence of the US and its allies in Afghanistan fed the TTP insurgency. But recent events have shown that the victory of the Afghan Taliban has only emboldened the TTP.

A ceasefire between the armed group and the Pakistani military negotiated with the help of the Afghan Taliban government in November was short-lived. The TTP resumed their attacks in December against security forces and civilians, even as secret talks with representatives of the Pakistani government have continued.

So far, the mediation of the Afghan Taliban has not produced any significant results and its support for the TTP continues. If violence in Pakistan escalates, that could put more strain on Kabul-Islamabad relations. And such an escalation is quite likely.

The Afghan Taliban is worried that pressing the TTP too hard could push it towards its enemy, the Islamic State-Khorasan Province (ISKP), and the TTP itself is apprehensive about desertions within its ranks if it does not continue with its hardline approach to the Pakistan government, which it wants to overthrow.

Let me tell you something. Americans are known to disclose their intentions when they come for a person. They openly threatened Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein among others. They are taking jabs at Vladimir Putin lately (some including Joe Biden have openly called for him to be ousted). They will be VOCAL if (or when) they decide to target Imran Khan. They do not have play hide-and-seek with Imran Khan from behind-the-scenes.

"All the chaprasi minded pandoo Patwari leaders saw an opportunity and are now trying to cash out...."

Why GOP failed to prosecute these corrupt politicians including Nawaz Sharif?

Why was PDM allowed to emerge?

WHO will prosecute this gang?

Nawaz Sharif is in London and calling the shots from there. IF foreign hands are involved in this matter then UK is prime suspect followed by KSA because Sharif brothers have investments in both countries. But I am not into accusations.

Many in Pakistan are already confused and people like you are adding to confusion.

Imran Khan should EXPOSE all those who are conspiring against him. No need to play "mind-games."

And he must do something about corruption - TALKS are not enough.

People expect results, not talks.

You have very simplistic view of the world and seem to be ill informed about how the foreign policy tools are used by the Western government to install regimes of their own liking.

Putin is threatened by Biden who is a questionably elected president of America himself lol....

Perhaps you missed out the big game that is being played in the region. There is no more America is the king mentality anymore. American public and government works because Chinese subsidize their budget through bond purchase. America is in desperate need to contain China and for that they first need to contain Pakistan.

Any thought of an independent thinking and policy making Pakistan is absolutely not acceptable to the Western powers.

Now bring in the PML/PPP/Haram brigade and all the American problems are solved. These parties prefer to take dictation rather than think or stand on their feet. They prefer to live on dictation and aid rather than work to make Pakistan independent and strong. Few billion aid to Pakistani elite combined with the visas for political elites and their families and Pakistan is sold to the lowest bidder.

Ik brings the thinking which is new and foreign to our political culture and to our people. They really have no self esteem left to think about the word honour and self respect. Every year they were told that Pakistan would receive a billion dollars in aid and everything would be Ok. Never there was any thought of increasing exports or improving our economy. Never a talk of free health care and social services net. Parchi was the king and if you needed job what mattered was your political affiliation rather than your credentials.

Please try not to question me. My dad spent his whole life loving Pakistan and we suffered enormously in this corrupt culture and system nurtured and exploited by the political elite. My dad with a PHD from Canada in metallurgical science couldn't land a single decent job because he needed some parchi from PPP/PML or MQM. I give 100 Lanats everyday to these parties and the supporters who keep these bastrds politically relevant.

We need to start thinking as a nation ....As much as I hate Bhutto there are few things I admire about him. His statement about eating grass but making bombs is the real reason why nuclear Pakistan has survived so far. Imagine no nuclear program.... what would have happened.

Now lets talk about small little common sense issues. CIA supported and created TTP to punish Pakistan for our role in Afghanistan. Just because CIA left doesn't mean their source of funding and sponsorship dried up.
You are talking about people who will never sell their loyalty but will for sure rent it for the right price. I know Afghans living in Chicago whose relative talk with a big laugh about how they made millions from the contracts they received from the USA government and some of the work was never even done.

Talibans and TTP scratched each other back and while on the payroll by CIA they had spare man power and time to make use of opium routes and smuggling with Taliban's partnership. Result is that they are playing on both sides and doing it well.

As for the politics.....please go back and read my posts. I have been saying from the beginning that IK should have dissolved the parliament rather than rely on these crutches to run his government. Unfortunately for the greater good of the nation and to protect Pakistan from these snakes he made pact with the devil in the form of Chaudhreys and MQM.

This is the high time for IK to resign from NA and dissolve three assemblies and force elections.

Feel free to find me a better alternative to IK and I will switch my loyalty to this better alternative in a min......
the crowd was impressive, was it 500k? i don't think so, i guess around 100k tu hu ga which again was/is impressive, speech on the other hand was repeat telecast with added death threat twist thrown in between. A typical election speech it was i think.
100k ???? You have no idea spent a day there it was massive
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