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Imran Khan's arrest: Zaman park under attack

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Maryam aurangzeb said GB police had their guns pointed towards Punjab police and prevented them from coming in, and federal govt even changed the IG.

But the Punjab IG says GB police went from Zaman Park by the time Punjab police went in, and the GB CM also corroborates this story.

Hakoomat sahi bokhlayi hui hai.
One thing I have noticed weird about our thinking is that all of the major resistance and fighting we always are expecting from KPK and Pashtuns in general.

Pakistan is composed of other major groups too, we all need to grow a pair too and do our part. What's happening in Zaman Park is nothing if compared to our population. Revolutions are waged on a grander scale.

That's not true at all. There are far more punjabis esp lahoris attending rallies and at the zaman park.

Pashtoons have suffered a lot in the tribal belt, they have more at stake, and now they have a voice to vent their frustrations and further interest politically that was absent for the last few decades due to WOT.
Wo sab karne wale bhi wohi the jo aaj sab kuch kar rhe hn.

Assuming there's 2crore voters of IK. (that's less than 2018, but it's just a hypothetical). Like even if there are 20k people in Zaman park, that's still 0.001% . Not all people are able to fight it out but that is shamefully low. Meanwhile people will go to rallies and jalsas like they don't have a job or a worry in the world.

Baby steps but we should pray we learn to run fast because we don’t have much time. People need to understand this fire will consume them even if they are “non-political” whatever that means. How can you sit on the sidelines when the entire country is burning.

I watched Shahid Afridi video where he explains he was making fun of Shoaib Akhtar but the part that bothered me was his statement of being non-political. We claim to be Muslim and yet don’t understand our religion. We can’t sit on the sidelines as a Muslim , we have to stand up for our rights and protect each other.

This country needs to understand, na maloom afrad used to operate in Balochistan and Waziristan and we didn’t believe our brothers. We didn’t respond to their cry for help and the corrupt generals grew more powerful. Now they are using the same tactics in major Pakistani cities and still majority refuse to take a stand. We have to make a stand, everyone doesn’t have to fight but just coming out of your house and standing infront of GHQ will send a powerful message.

We either fight for our right or sooner or later we will became Egypt 2.0. Few posters here who have great knowledge military knowledge through either serving or being a family member of a serviceman are showing an ugly dark picture of military mindset. You guys live in western countries and enjoy the rights/freedom it gives but refuse the same for your country of birth. A corrupt is corrupt no matter if it’s a general or politician. Blind loyalty towards institution is mind boggling and specially for those who claim to be Muslims.
Muslim chain of command is Quran and Hadith and it teaches us how to be great citizen but it seems if you have any link to Pakistan army you don’t have to follow Quran and Hadith.

Wake up brothers , take a step back and for a moment think if what is happening in Pakistan occurs in the country you reside in, how will you respond.

Iraq and Syria operation/war was successful because its people hated the government and their military. They didn’t make a stand when they were invaded because they didn’t believe in their country. Don’t push Pakistanis towards the same mentality.
That's not true at all. There are far more punjabis esp lahoris attending rallies and at the zaman park.

Pashtoons have suffered a lot in the tribal belt, they have more at stake, and now they have a voice to vent their frustrations and further interest politically that was absent for the last few decades due to WOT.

What have the tribals contributed to Pakistan apart from costing Pakistan $100 billion in losses for backing Talibs and Bin Laden?

Karachi and Lahore is the backbone of the country. Without these cities Pakistan would look like Kabul.
I am a student from KPK and living in Lahore rn.
@-=virus=- Steppe Wolff is a Pashtun and not a Lahori born/Lahori elite. My previous alert on Lahori PDF members being in the protest was at least slightly misleading, based on a single report. This incident also shows how city identities are cosmopolitan and easily adopted. Lahore is very diverse, it houses more than just the elite children of Punjab.
@-=virus=- Steppe Wolff is a Pashtun and not a Lahori born/Lahori elite. My previous alert on Lahori PDF members being in the protest was at least slightly misleading, based on a single report. This incident also shows how city identities are cosmopolitan and easily adopted. Lahore is very diverse, it houses more than just the elite children of Punjab.
I am an uzbek, my grandfather came from Afghanistan. Ain't a Pashtun but living long enough in Lahore to be a Lahori.
@-=virus=- Steppe Wolff is a Pashtun and not a Lahori born/Lahori elite. My previous alert on Lahori PDF members being in the protest was at least slightly misleading, based on a single report. This incident also shows how city identities are cosmopolitan and easily adopted. Lahore is very diverse, it houses more than just the elite children of Punjab.
Islamabad and Karachi are the most diverse. Maybe Lahore or Peshawar 3rd or smth.

Oscar sb said: The whole assumption that the institution is the problem only ignores what is an overall cultural malaise in the people of Pakistan .

Presumably you are referring to corruption and nepotism. But that is endemic to the whole of Asia barring perhaps Japan, no? What makes Pak special?

Nothing. I just like to be edgy and sound different without offering any solutions.
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