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Imran Khan's arrest: Zaman park under attack

12:00 PM on March 15:

Chief Justice of Islamabad High Court decided to go on Tea Brake while listening to the case pertaining to Lahore Crackdown.

How cool is that :yahoo:?

Don't spread lies and venom against IHC, IHC has suspended arrest warrants:

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This might be a golden chance for some third party or agency to kill IK and never get blamed.
That sounds like idea of dirty hairy
You are not off.

WhatsApp Image 2023-03-15 at 1.15.57 PM.jpeg

They have hurt and killed many Lahoris to the point an emergency has been declared in hospitals city wide!

Doubt this is for PTI injured. They are arresting injured PTI workers en route to and under treatment from hospitals.
i was listening to a twitter space some time ago and the PTI people quizzed the TLP lot about many things of which one was party policy.

none could give any response to it other than acting like thugs. one guy did manage to get some policy to the notice of twitter space but the policy was just few lines and that was it.

Saad Rizvi has shelved what his old man made. simple.
There's much truth to this. One of my colleagues is a rabid barelvi, khadim-rizvi lover. Always takfiring everyone.
He's turned against saad rivzi's TLP.
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