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Imran Khan's arrest: Zaman park under attack

I met so many Punjabis from central Punjab who are racist. Against Pashtun, Urdu speakers, Bangalis, Kashmiris, Balochis. They think Lahore is the real Pakistan. But it made no difference to me, racism exists everywhere. Then I met Punjabis from other regions and they were normal good people. The issue is these people think only they're allowed to run Pakistan.

They're trying to light a fire but we should be sensible enough to know that. Pakistan is the land of the pure which means all ethnicities, religions, tribes are all equal Pakistan. Dont let anyone fools us. Pakistan is ours and here to stay.

Yes. It is a superiority complex. We have them here in The Netherlands too. Of course we support Pakistan, but we have to remember that unfortunately such stupid people exist.

Let me get this straight. We also have daft Pashtun racists that resort to similar racist behavior. It has always existed on both sides.

What are the neutrals going to try next?

The root cause of all problems. The Pakistani army.
The Pakistani army is directly responsible for this rhetoric. Pathan equals Taliban. I am not crazy when I make the claims that I do. I have been reading and hearing a lot of toxic noises in the past few days. Even when I was present in Pakistan. There is this constant hate towards Pashtun by a certain group of people belonging to certain ethnicities. Remember that Pashtun are not only Afghans. Pashtun are also Pakistani. This video demonstrates it yet again. These are supposedly educated women that teach in schools. That is right. Let that sink in.

Don't get angry when people question racist remarks. This is what PML-N, PPP and the Pakistani army is looking for. Hate and racism against the supporters of PTI. The Pakistani army and its goons want you to believe that all PTI supporters are Taliban Pashtun. They are constantly linking this together and presenting it in such a manner.
I suggest that the trio continues to agitate a certain ethnic group. Everyone is smart enough to figure out that this won't end well.

They are poking

Eventually they will not like when someone returns the favour.

Picking up random Pushtuns and asking them what are they doing in Islamabad/Lahore. Eventually people will have enough of this and in return will ask the same questions to all posted in KPK. (Civilian/Military)

Once that genie is out, it is impossible to put that back in.
LoL 🤣
From what I have seen in Lahore Niazi, Punjabi Pathans have a borderline gay fetish with IK, been the case since 2000s, thier obsession is quite bizzare
Butts and kashmiri punjabis constantly suck up to sharifs like no other, would support even the most bizzare, illogical of things
Urdu speaking people of the city have zero political thaught, just vote PMLn or won't vote at all, could care less, it's the rest of the populace who have to take a position
so I wasn't surprised tbh just that like most older aunties she was a Karen about it

What I am surprised over is mns sharing this crap
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The answer is military inc
All the corps commanders have a stake in military inc

Not really look at Moursi

International media doesn't care

Don't be surprised if general asim decalres marshal law and still gets Nobel peace prize

General Asim, Bajwa and the likes are all Western puppets.

They are poking

Eventually they will not like when someone returns the favour.

Picking up random Pushtuns and asking them what are they doing in Islamabad/Lahore. Eventually people will have enough of this and in return will ask the same questions to all posted in KPK. (Civilian/Military)

Once that genie is out, it is impossible to put that back in.

When I was in Pakistan a few days ago I saw Punjabis and Sindhis visiting various mountainous areas of KPK. They were received with open arms. Trust me, Punjabis and Sindhis like to visit Malam Jabba, Kalam etc. We are now heading towards confrontation if things remain as they are. The way the Pakistani army has experimented with race and ethnicity might lead to grave consequences. The first glimpses of hate don't bode well.
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The Pakistani army is directly responsible for
No they're not, this is strictly political rhetoric for future crack down, painting PTI as violent, tlp 2.0
Watch and see,
establishment is not responsible for this not even indirectly forget indirectly

Unfair to blame em
The Pakistani army is directly responsible for this rhetoric. Pathan equals Taliban. I am not crazy when I make the claims that I do. I have been reading and hearing a lot of toxic noises in the past few days. Even when I was present in Pakistan. There is this constant hate towards Pashtun by a certain group of people belonging to certain ethnicities. Remember that Pashtun are not only Afghans. Pashtun are also Pakistani. This video demonstrates it yet again. These are supposedly educated women that teach in schools. That is right. Let that sink in.

Don't get angry when people question racist remarks. This is what PML-N, PPP and the Pakistani army is looking for. Hate and racism against the supporters of PTI. The Pakistani army and its goons want you to believe that all PTI supporters are Taliban Pashtun. They are constantly linking this together and presenting it in such a manner.
I suggest that the trio continues to agitate a certain ethnic group. Everyone is smart enough to figure that this won't end well.

Remember in 2018 when PTM was starting to become popular on social media. Faujeets were saying that PTM = TTP.

Now in 2023, Faujeets are saying that PTI = TTP 😂

No they're not, this is strictly political rhetoric for future crack down, painting PTI as violent, tlp 2.0
Watch and see,
establishment is not responsible for this not even indirectly forget indirectly

Unfair to blame em

Everything in the government gets tacit approval by the Army.

It’s completely fair to pin blame on them at this point in time.
No they're not, this is strictly political rhetoric for future crack down, painting PTI as violent, tlp 2.0
Watch and see,
establishment is not responsible for this not even indirectly forget indirectly

Unfair to blame em

They are. The Pakistani army is also responsible for Bangladesh. This is nothing new for the Pakistani army. They did the same experiment with BD. Bengalis were labelled and presented as the problem. We are today witnessing a similar experiment.
The Pakistani army is directly responsible for this rhetoric. Pathan equals Taliban. I am not crazy when I make the claims that I do. I have been reading and hearing a lot of toxic noises in the past few days. Even when I was present in Pakistan. There is this constant hate towards Pashtun by a certain group of people belonging to certain ethnicities. Remember that Pashtun are not only Afghans. Pashtun are also Pakistani. This video demonstrates it yet again. These are supposedly educated women that teach in schools. That is right. Let that sink in.

Don't get angry when people question racist remarks. This is what PML-N, PPP and the Pakistani army is looking for. Hate and racism against the supporters of PTI. The Pakistani army and its goons want you to believe that all PTI supporters are Taliban Pashtun. They are constantly linking this together and presenting it in such a manner.
I suggest that the trio continues to agitate a certain ethnic group. Everyone is smart enough to figure that this won't end well.
Political racism aside i think when people of different castes interact with each other they make some picture of that caste in their minds.
For example,I am Jatt and in Punjab,it is famous that:
"Jatt a te mat nae,je mat a te jatt nae "
It means no way jatts can have any wisdom,if anyone has some wisdom,he can be anything but not a Jatt.

Now It can be seen as a straight racism but it's just a perception people of other castes have made about us seeing our social behaviour.
Similarly Sheikhs,Arains, Pathans, Saraikis are famous or infamous for other things.
So political racism aside,Pathans have very well integrated themselves in Punjab's society.Only Non-Punjabi Pushtoons complain about these things.
However, PML-N is now playing on ethnic cards which shows that they have ran out of options.And on ground level,their ethnic mantra is equally failing.
They used similar tactic against Benazir also
"Jag Punjabi jag,teri pag nu laga dag"
Like slogans were used by these choras against PPP.
I was listening to a live stream of some channel, I think Dunya, and they had a reporter on the ground next to the police...and he said on the call that police nay ghalti say shell fire kar dia hai apnay hi andar! It was so funny I swear.

Then there's multiple videos of police firing shells.

Lahore police then says there was a guy firing from the rooftop in Zaman park.

A guy firing an automatic weapon from a rooftop into a concentrated area with 100 people does not even hit 1 body? And no camera captures him? And there's molotov cocktails being thrown but no fire or burn marks anywhere?

I don't know who they are making a fool but it certainly is not the public.
They are still at least 2 decades behind when people had to buy big camcorders to make videos. What they don't realize, and they won't realize soon, that every individual, even if he is living in a village has a 90% chance of having a 20MP mobile camera.

The footage of them carrying guns and other stuff into Zaman park and then recovering it in a botched search operation was so funny to watch. If it was 90s, IK would have been in jail facing murder charges by now.

Our LEAs and establishment surely have to work on their tech know how. They must update their risk assessment to factor in new technologies.
Political racism aside i think when people of different castes interact with each other they make some picture of that caste in their minds.
For example,I am Jatt and in Punjab,it is famous that:
"Jatt a te mat nae,je mat a te jatt nae "
It means no way jatts can have any wisdom,if anyone has some wisdom,he can be anything but not a Jatt.

Now It can be seen as a straight racism but it's just a perception people of other castes have made about us seeing our social behaviour.
Similarly Sheikhs,Arains, Pathans, Saraikis are famous or infamous for other things.
So political racism aside,Pathans have very well integrated themselves in Punjab's society.Only Non-Punjabi Pushtoons complain about these things.
However, PML-N is now playing on ethnic cards which shows that they have ran out of options.And on ground level,their ethnic mantra is equally failing.
They used similar tactic against Benazir also
"Jag Punjabi jag,teri pag nu laga dag"
Like slogans were used by these choras against PPP.
but these slogans won't work.

So what did PDM and PTI achieved yesterday ?

IK who was to be indicted yesterday on ToshaKhana case was not indicted. Thanks to the madness displayed by stupid PDM govt thru out the day with police violence and imposition of 144 clause. Their aim was to have a clash and riots. Attacked IK house in Lahore just when he left for Islamabad so that IK returns back in anger and later face court's contempt charges. IK team smartly outplayed them and got 10 days further relief and on the other hand PDM govt strategy miserably failed. PTI workers are now more the charged. Free election campaigning for IK even without his trademark julsas.
It’s IK who should be ashamed that wherever he goes like a fitna, then fassad occurs.

Wherever IK arrives, desolation occurs. He was in Lahore, a man got killed and several others injured, he is in Islamabad, then car/bikes destroyed and chaos occurred.

If IK fassadi becomes PM, destruction and devastation of Pakistan will take place. He is a complete psycho who is seen smiling at seeing his followers causing damage. Just like Nero who sang while the city burnt.

That smirk on his face is evil.
You sound like Minar e Pakistan went up your bung hole.

It's hard to be believe that we had trusted these people to defend our country. The have betrayed us, and they should pay the ultimate price for their crime.
PDM Napak Bojh Officers should know that taking a side in political activities is treason and the guillotine awaits them.

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