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Imran Khan's arrest: Zaman park under attack

arre @HRK you're giving me negative ratings for simply giving updates based on tweets I see here and opening Dawn on another tab. this is nationality based prejudice.

Maybe it really is the end of Pakistan. maybe the action at Zaman Park is enough to radicalise everyone regardless of what happens to IK.
Dear @HRK
Negative rating is not warranted.
Everyone has right to give reasonable comments.
As people, we are resilient and should not hate based upon someone national origin.
Well he was for different reasons.

Afghans ruined their image themselves (which is a different discussion entirely)

But his plan was that by giving Afghans citizenship, PPP’s hold on Karachi would be weakened.

Good plan tbh but Afghans don’t have good PR at all. Me and you both experience and know this 😭

True. I am not an Afghan fan who often claim Peshawar and various other parts of Pakistan. Nevertheless I am referring to PML-N and PPP prejudice towards other provinces. Somehow PML-N and PPP supporters in Punjab and Sindh feel as if it is their birth right to rule over Pakistan. There is no room for a third political party.

Balochistan and KPK have long before IK came to power complained about unfair treatment. Often these provinces didn't get their fair share. Grievances have existed for a long time.
Where's the lie? The terrorism problem originated from pashtun dominated areas and still is ongoing in pashtun dominated areas. Everyday soldiers are blown up by a ragtag brainwashed pashtun because he wants his shariah and caliphate wet dream fulfilled. It's a genuine issue that require a change in ideology and education, nothing do with any other province.

No one's robbing anything from any province. Pakistan itself is suffering because of the 18th amendment. Stop making this an ethnic problem just because immi refused to show up in court and wants his supporters to use violence.

Either inform yourself or stop stereotyping people like its the 1960s. The terrorism problem originated from the military who decided to use FATA for its strategic gains. Gilgit baltistan you see today is because of Pashtuns. They fought for it. They were used again during the afghan jihad war in the 80s.

There are countless similar militant organizations propped up by the military who are largely dominated by Punjabis. Jaish e mohammad , Sipah e sahaba , Lashkar e Jhangvi etc etc all deadly militant organizations who have nothing to do with pashtuns.

FATA has been misused by the establishement. Ignored and left undeveloped for decades. On top of that the corrupt generals let US drop drone strikes on them. What do you want them to do? Thousands of missing people , extra judicial killing and what not.

If you want to end all this the place to start is GHQ. Clean that corrupt building so that they dont use people as props in the future.
You think the Pashtun woke up one day and decided to become terrorists? Stop being disingenuous and an asshole. You know the actual history behind radicalisation that took place in Pashtun regions. The same army that is today hating Imran Khan is responsible for indoctrinating Jihad for the Americans.
Pashtuns were never radicalised, this is a disingenuous libtard argument, Pashtuns have a history of violence and terrorism and one can take a look next door for a prime example.

The constant colonial attempts of Pashtunising that country through genocide, settler colonialism and cultural erasure.

The only thing that America did was arm you with weapons and organise you, everything else you already had as evident by your history.
Is me or it feels like a toy car. compare to humans around it, it looks very small
I think its somewhere in India . Pakistan police don t use these cars. extremely small car...strange
Why you all are shouting?

Go look at Islamabad
Whole public is there with khan

You guys just want people to nuke down GHQ immediately
This is good.
This is very good.
Going in favor of Khan and PTI
House can be rebuilt but not the credibility of generals, general rani, and general nani.
Dear @HRK
Negative rating is not warranted.
Everyone has right to give reasonable comments.
As people, we are resilient and should not hate based upon someone national origin.
STFU dude, like ffs STFU
I am tired of pakistani cucks of Pajeets, STFU period and stop sucking off Pajeet for once and thank you @HRK
Either inform yourself or stop stereotyping people like its the 1960s. The terrorism problem originated from the military who decided to use FATA for its strategic gains. Gilgit baltistan you see today is because of Pashtuns. They fought for it. They were used again during the afghan jihad war in the 80s.

There are countless similar militant organizations propped up by the military who are largely dominated by Punjabis. Jaish e mohammad , Sipah e sahaba , Lashkar e Jhangvi etc etc all deadly militant organizations who have nothing to do with pashtuns.

FATA has been misused by the establishement. Ignored and left undeveloped for decades. On top of that the corrupt generals let US drop drone strikes on them. What do you want them to do? Thousands of missing people , extra judicial killing and what not.

If you want to end all this the place to start is GHQ. Clean that corrupt building so that they dont use people as props in the future.
1. FATA was historically used as a strategic policy by AFGHANISTAN, not Pakistan. Fair of IPI was from there and had support from Afghanistan.

2. Pashtuns fought jihad for Pashtuns next door. You did yourself a favour.

3. Those groups are largely inconsequential, the most damage and by a massive margin has been committed by Pashtun militia groups.

4. FATA was harbouring international terrorist groups that operated against Pakistan and inside Afghanistan. Bombs were not dropped for no reason, they were given a choice to hand over the Arab terrorists and what not, and stay in peace.
Kanal 24, which is known in the mainstream media for its closeness to the Akp government (in fact, it works almost like an Akp press office and reflects the official view of the Akp government on many issues), described these events as extremely worrying and started to devote significant space in its main news flow. Imran Khan portrayed as a leader against whom the US had declared war because he said no to US military bases.

For most people this is useless information, but if any friends who are interested in realpolitik in TR in context of Pakistan, I would like to share this anecdote with you.

Edit: Ulusal TV (an Ataturkist nationalist faction and currently supporting Erdogan. It is a small but very influential segment in state politics) has started to carry the recent events in its main news bulletins. Imran Khan is portrayed here as a hero who stands up to the US and fights for independence.
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As we are officially in Banana Republic, Public should start protecting each other from terrorist state, when they come to pick/harass someone, all people of locality should gang up and beat sh!t out of them instead of making videos for tweets. United we stand, divided we fall.
Is the circus over yet or do the duffers want to score 2 own goals in a day?

Time for 111th brigade to invade Islamabad again?
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