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Imran Khan's arrest: Zaman park under attack

Who trained and abeted people in madrassas to use them in Afghan Jihad during the 80s?

Problem with Pashtun culture? Dumbass some of the nations best sportmen , politicians and minds are. pashtun.

KPK since 1997 has been the province with the most improved Human development index and reducing poverty.
1. You gladly did this yourself to help your bar brothers on the other side, it was really just supplying you weapons. You were not radicalised and your history is a testament to this. Pashtuns in Afghanistan have been facist brutes since forever.

2. This sounds like the American argument when someone criticises crime rates and violence by black people - "but they have contributed so much to our music and entertainment industry" 😂😂😂😂

Bro no one gives a **** about sports if you're busy committing crimes, violence, hooliganism and terrorism.

3. Nice work, it has also been a terrorist hotspot until the same terrorists you supported starting killing your elders and children.
In k kartoot konsa roshan o illuminated Hain. Bahar-hal gaali nae dyni chaheay
I agree.
What a nice cope, just use the typical scapegoat to absolve yourself of blame.

It reminds me of the feminists who just scream patriarchy all day 😂

The issue is in Pashtun society and culture, not GHQ. It's easy to blame GHQ in the current political environment but anyone who knows a little about the society will know the above.
Every culture has its problems. Singling out one culture is unfair.
If you think your culture does not have wrongs and issues, you can't be more wrong.
It is okay bro. It is okay. The solution is very simple. Pathan population can have its own independent state. There won't be any bickering about Pathan terrorism.

Pashtuns have spilled blood for this country and are usually the first ones ready to defend it. Anyone needing a new state is ISPR touts like him.
Brother I am of the opinion that

NO Indian have no right to participate in any debate on "INTERNAL POLITICAL MATTER of Pakistan" on any Pakistani Platform. They may have their opinion but could use their platforms to express their that opinions.

They have no legal, political or social stakes in our Politics. We MUST deny every attempt of every Indian to create any relevance in any Internal Political Mater of Pakistan.
جانے دو یار۔
We are only as strong as the weakest link.
سلطان صلاح الدین ایوبی نے کہا تھا،
میں غیرملکی دشمنوں کا مقابلہ کر سکتا ہوں، لیکن اگر دشمن میری صفوں میں ہو تو میری تلوار میری میان میں تڑپتی تو رہے گی لیکن باہر نہیں نکلے گی۔

ہمارے اصل دشمن اندر ہیں۔
۔ اہل ہند کے مشرکین کچھ نہیں کرسکتے
1. You gladly did this yourself to help your bar brothers on the other side, it was really just supplying you weapons. You were not radicalised and your history is a testament to this. Pashtuns in Afghanistan have been facist brutes since forever.

2. This sounds like the American argument when someone criticises crime rates and violence by black people - "but they have contributed so much to our music and entertainment industry" 😂😂😂😂

Bro no one gives a **** about sports if you're busy committing crimes, violence, hooliganism and terrorism.

3. Nice work, it has also been a terrorist hotspot until the same terrorists you supported starting killing your elders and children.

Ok so i have to post this again

do you know about jaish e muhammad?
do you know about lashkar e jhangvi?
do you know about sipah e sahabah?
do you know where the **** lal masjid is?

go on and every punjabi looking terrorist for this
go on and call every baloch terrorist because of BLA BRA BLF
go on and call every urdu speaking terrorist because of MQM
go on and call every sindhi terrorist because of sindhudesh

why only pashtoons?
It is okay bro. It is okay. The solution is very simple. Pathan population can have its own independent state. There won't be any bickering about Pathan terrorism.
And who are you to announce an independent state for something like 20 to 30 percent of Pakistani population?
In what capacity you are making such "country breaking " statements?
Every culture has its problems. Singling out one culture is unfair.
If you think your culture does not have wrongs and issues, you can't be more wrong.
I agree with you 100%.

But that doesn't make the level of "wrong" equal, some inherently have much more "wrong" in comparison, other cultures are far less hooliganistic and violent over petty things, and more tolerant.

I like certain parts of Pashtun culture don't get me wrong, but we are looking at this from a sociopolitical angle - and no one can deny the hooliganism, violence, crime, racism, terrorism.
It is okay bro. It is okay. The solution is very simple. Pathan population can have its own independent state. There won't be any bickering about Pathan terrorism. I don't see the problem here. This solution also acommodates PML-N and PPP concerns. PPP and PML-N can run their affairs within their own respective regions. No more Pathan problem in Punjab and Sindh. It will be win win and a happy ending.

@Bleek runs 2 twitter accounts

@harshtruth1011 and @PakAnon91

You can tell by the syntax and the way both accounts talk as it’s very similar to the syntax on PDF.
@Dalit @Khan_21
@Mirzali Khan

Let's not fall into the trap PMLN & establishment are setting up. They want turn this into an ethnic conflict in order to divide Imran Khan's followers and weaken them. As of right now, he still has support from the youth of Punjab and Sindh. If this mutates, those youth will no longer see PTI as a national party.

The establishment and PMLN are fine with the rest of the country going to hell as along as they maintain their grip on Punjab. Remember the establishment had no problem giving up East Pakistan without a fight. However, Imran needs all the support he can get come election time.

Imran Khan needs the youth on his side. I'm sure some of the old guard have betrayed him. It's important for youth to protest near GHQ and Corp commander houses in mass to remind them they live in this country too.
Army should bend the knee to IK and they should both work together to rebuild Pakistan and dismantle the Zardari and Sharif networks. This can be the only way forward. There is absolutely no rationale in going up against a populist movement which has the potential to transform the country.
I agree with you 100%.

But that doesn't make the level of "wrong" equal, some inherently have much more "wrong" in comparison, other cultures are far less hooliganistic and violent over petty things, and more tolerant.

I like certain parts of Pashtun culture don't get me wrong, but we are looking at this from a sociopolitical angle - and no one can deny the hooliganism, violence, crime, racism, terrorism.

these two are punjabi! look what they have been doing to Pakistani's, make an excuse for them!
Ok so i have to post this again

do you know about jaish e muhammad?
do you know about lashkar e jhangvi?
do you know about sipah e sahabah?
do you know where the **** lal masjid is?

go on and every punjabi looking terrorist for this
go on and call every baloch terrorist because of BLA BRA BLF
go on and call every urdu speaking terrorist because of MQM
go on and call every sindhi terrorist because of sindhudesh

why only pashtoons?
This is COPE 😂

Have you ever heard of proportions? You can't compare small irrelevant groups to a group responsible for the vast majority of terrorist attacks.

If a white man rapes someone on average once a month, but an Indian does it on average 10 times a month.

Which one has an issue with rape that needs to be specifically addressed??

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