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Imran Khan's arrest: Zaman park under attack

KPK doesn't want to be part of Pakistan anymore. A Pakistan where two fuedal mafias belonging to Punjab and Sindh cannot accept a Pathan ruling over them. It is nothing else.
The Pathans have spoken.

They want to separate.
These people have actually in the past accused IK for being an Afghan lover. You can find some comments on PDF.

Well he was for different reasons.

Afghans ruined their image themselves (which is a different discussion entirely)

But his plan was that by giving Afghans citizenship, PPP’s hold on Karachi would be weakened.

Good plan tbh but Afghans don’t have good PR at all. Me and you both experience and know this 😭
Karachi is the biggest Pashtun city in the world with maybe 5+ million. For decades the whole of Karachi has been sick and tired of the generals and waderas sucking the blood of the city.

Karachi has known for a long time what the rest of the country is realizing now.

If/when $hit hits the fan the whole city will rise up against the terror mafia of generals and waderas.
That is quite true. For years Karachi has known what whole of Pakistan is waking up to now.

They probably saw DHA and Naval societies from very close.
Not really, social upheaval in Pakistan has no consequence on the actual military might of Pakistan. Economic issues that you are facing affect the common people. Neither of the two crisis affect the Military administration one bit, Military is still getting it's J10's and Missile boats, and warships. The fighting strength of Pakistan Is not affected one bit. At the end of the day real power is sum of the firepower you have. All this media circus has not dented that one bit.

I can't, I don't speak for Indians that is too big, too diverse, and too opinionated group, I can only speak for myself. In my opinion, most of the people of the median age in India I know are quite isolated from international affairs and are informed through whatever click bait'ish commentary that happens in the mediasphere, which is unfortunate. The ones who are knowledgeable are not vocal enough to make any impact on the public narrative. Fortunately, foreign affairs is handled by a professional lot and that is where almost all of India across a wide political spectrum resonates as one voice.

Given the forum is a psuedo-pti mouthpiece, here is my take to draw the flak. IK is neither a statesman nor a politician of any caliber to have made any positive changes to pakistan's polity, the time he had in power he did not work in any substantial way to make any institutional reforms to strengthen Pakistani Politics. But then neither are the sharif and rest of the clowns. And that is no coincidence, that is by the design of your GHQ, of promoting mediocre political leadership that ensures they can keep their stranglehold on Pakistan. If you keep stifling political will, natural leadership will not be inculcated, and that is what is festering around in Pakistan post-Zia.

The current round of entertainment surrounding IK's ouster and then all this "inqillab" is par for the course, If any leadership crosses the GHQ, he will be cut to size, this is not new, this is not the exception, this is the norm in Pakistan for anyone to see. Bhutto, Nawaz, Benazir,nawaz, Zardari, IK all have been meted the same treatment, and I am surprised that this even makes headways in Pakistan. This should be known by now.

folks like @SQ8 would get mighty upset when I would quote precedence of PA's conduct vis-a-vis Foriegn affairs with India and why India needs to negotiate with military. Iirc at one point, stating that India is not giving Pakistani Political leadership a fair shot (Read IK), except with the outside perspective we have always known who has been in power all along, while you guys are too close to see the full perspective. (i.e if anyone recall the "Same Page" BS peddled here)

After all this zaman park, and subsequent elections and IK's return to power, make no mistakes, YOUR MILITARY will still reign supreme.

Impressive analysis. Thanks for your input.
Where's the lie? The terrorism problem originated from pashtun dominated areas and still is ongoing in pashtun dominated areas. Everyday soldiers are blown up by a ragtag brainwashed pashtun because he wants his shariah and caliphate wet dream fulfilled. It's a genuine issue that require a change in ideology and education, nothing do with any other province.

No one's robbing anything from any province. Pakistan itself is suffering because of the 18th amendment. Stop making this an ethnic problem just because immi refused to show up in court and wants his supporters to use violence.

You think the Pashtun woke up one day and decided to become terrorists? Stop being disingenuous and an asshole. You know the actual history behind radicalisation that took place in Pashtun regions. The same army that is today hating Imran Khan is responsible for indoctrinating Jihad for the Americans.

People like you are racists. You yourself are using racial slurs against the Pashtun and accusing them of terrorism.

It doesn't matter. One day we will part ways.
Pashtuns ruined Karachi. Everyone knows this, ask someone who lived/lives there and is not a libtard and says things straight up.

Pashtuns massacred Karachiites when they arrived, they contribute the most to crime and violence, reckless hooliganism and ruined the quality of life.
Yes, Karachi was a symbol of peace. It’s the job of government to implement law and order. Sindh government failed to do their job.

IK is an Afghan lover. For that alone he should be exiled to Kabul but unfortunately there is no valid alternative.

Go suck on establishment tits.
Fr, just arrest this guy already so that the youthia awam are forced to move their A5ses for once
Pashtuns ruined Karachi. Everyone knows this, ask someone who lived/lives there and is not a libtard and says things straight up.

Pashtuns massacred Karachiites when they arrived, they contribute the most to crime and violence, reckless hooliganism and ruined the quality of life.

Hey mods @waz @Jango @LeGenD @PakSword @WAJsal

Can we get a grip over here? He’s making racist comments unprovoked.
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