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Imran Khan's arrest: Zaman park under attack

It could have been:
1) single president (ceremonial) alternatively selected from both wings
2) Single currency. Unified Military, Unified Foreign policy
3) Freedom of movement for the citizens
4) Separate legislature with 2 PMs and Parliament with ability to collect and retain Taxes (so you are the master of your own destiny)
Use less discussion

The country is ran by the military.
Civilians are duffers per military
This is not expected to change
Pakistan will be eygpt and Imran Khan Moursi 2.0 there is ample population who is against IK just like in eygpt
Unlike turkey wherel even opposition was against marshal law we don't see that here.

Rana sahab has clearified the approach first goal is to get rid of IK phir dayla jayga

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I saw on ARY, Judge was saying during the hearing,

PTI needs to take permission 15 days before jalsa

PTI IG wagaira se mamlaat teh kar leh

PSL bhi to ho raha hai.

I really wanted to know about 15 days permission, did anyone else saw that and whats the final score.
Every tutelage system (= slaves under the Imperialists) in every country at all periods of history thinks alike! Iblis was the first to think that way! What happened to the Turkish tutelage? Do you hear anything from them now? Man* proposes, GOD disposes.....

By the by, it wasn't about Mujib alone, it was about the East Pak folks. Now, it's about the West Pak folks...

*As for the Muslims, they surrender to HIS WILL, PLAN, EXECUTION etc. a priori
Everyone has a brain, one needs to use it in best possible manner. IK has a brain too, but with that emotionality he has only become a “fitna”.

While in Lahore, I saw people from other provinces arriving in Zaman park. Maybe they are militants, maybe they are not, I don’t know.

I know a few residents of the Zaman park area, I talked to them and then their neighbours and friends. Maybe a PDF exclusive coverage could have been arranged also, to hear from the ordinary citizen, or a resident of the area. Anyways the new channels are doing the job already. I was also thinking that Ghazi52 posts a lot of media, maybe a PDF team with own cameras could have taken shots too.

The distinctive part I saw was that discussions on PDF have no impact on outcome of reality. This is why I take this thread as entertainment. I wish the views of members in this thread could be heard by concerned people and may make an impact but it just doesn’t happen. Having a uniformity of views between members here and the public defending IK exists. But they begs the question, what’s the effective methodology to put across a point (or points) to be heard and considered ? Hooliganism is not the answer. Violence is not the answer. Attacking LEAs is also not the answer. Jinnah had far worse opponents in terms of race and religion yet he chose the method of the law, logic, principles and guile. He was a brainy chap, a pure intellect. IK is a baboon in front of him. All the justifications and excuses for this Zaman park incident by IK’s party members are just crap.

There’s a lot that can be said but then there are million of analysis’s put forth by journalists out there. Imran khan can make his own Nazi Army like Hitler since that’s how Hitler arose into politics. Lal Masjid saw something similar. The doors of talks and negotiations are always there but the arrogance of a man leads him always towards his downfall.

Only if the public had come out against rise of petrol prices and other rights, they would not be downtrodden right now. IK himself didn’t come out leading public against the rise of inflation that directly affects public. I didn’t count numbers but many people said that around 200 people were protecting IK. This is a country of millions of people. Just 200 there and maybe millions sitting online, that’s what I thought.

As for the ops, the uniformed men are restrained by orders. I can open up a topic on write up about riot police tactics and how effectively they can be used when facing odds, but I know that police even when led from front by officers had certain restraints on them. Anyways, that leads to then military being called in and military has some other plans for IK now. After every incident security reports are made by intel agencies on threat matrix and then plans are put in place accordingly.

Coming back to primary point, the talk or discussion on PDF needs to be heard effectively by policy makers. So many pages, some posts are good but no one will hear them. The forum is the primary defence form of Pakistan, it should have an impact in “off line” life also.
کس پوسٹ کا ریپلائی سر ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
میں زرا کچن میں کچنار گوشت بنا رہا تھا

Kya baat hei wah ji wah.
کس پوسٹ کا ریپلائی سر ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
میں زرا کچن میں کچنار گوشت بنا رہا تھا
شادی کر لیتے تو آج یہ دن نہ دیکھنا پڑتا
Hooliganism is not the answer. Violence is not the answer. Attacking LEAs is also not the answer. Jinnah had far worse opponents in terms of race and religion yet he chose the method of the law, logic, principles and guile. He was a brainy chap, a pure intellect. IK is a baboon in front of him. All the justifications and excuses for this Zaman park incident by IK’s party members are just crap.

Sorry, but Jinnah was dealing with far more civilized people, real Englishmen, not the low-intelligence, corrupt and violent brown Englishmen wannabes that Imran Khan is dealing with.

The British had their backs broken by Hitler and were looking for a peaceful exit that Gandhi and Jinnah provided. The British weren’t sexually torturing politicians and dumping bodies in the streets like Hafiz Whiskey and his goons.

The people protecting Imran Khan are sure that he will be beaten and sexually molested. The so-called government is illegal and the judges are corrupt. They have no legitimacy in the eyes of the people.
t’s quite horrendous that Pakistan is on the verge of all this and the generals are playing games to save their luxuries
I understand criticising PTI or PMLN, What does this have to do with generals?

The British weren’t sexually torturing politicians and dumping bodies in the streets like Hafiz Whiskey and his goons.
The British tied dissidents to cannons and blasted them to pieces. During the 1857 revolt the RAF bombed dissidents.

Source of information for Insafis!!

All those who think IK should respect laws and get arrested are either chutiyas or dumb of highest level. We are officially a banana republic with law of jungle. History will be written as victors dictate not be the loosers. Law aur Constitution ki batti bana kar en k pichwary main day do jo es k beneficiary hain, get freedom from mafia and rewrite constitution and laws for public.

TTP approach
I understand criticising PTI or PMLN, What does this have to do with generals?

The British tied dissidents to cannons and blasted them to pieces. During the 1857 revolt the RAF bombed dissidents.

We’re talking about 1947, not 1857.
Everyone has a brain, one needs to use it in best possible manner. IK has a brain too, but with that emotionality he has only become a “fitna”.

While in Lahore, I saw people from other provinces arriving in Zaman park. Maybe they are militants, maybe they are not, I don’t know.

I know a few residents of the Zaman park area, I talked to them and then their neighbours and friends. Maybe a PDF exclusive coverage could have been arranged also, to hear from the ordinary citizen, or a resident of the area. Anyways the new channels are doing the job already. I was also thinking that Ghazi52 posts a lot of media, maybe a PDF team with own cameras could have taken shots too.

The distinctive part I saw was that discussions on PDF have no impact on outcome of reality. This is why I take this thread as entertainment. I wish the views of members in this thread could be heard by concerned people and may make an impact but it just doesn’t happen. Having a uniformity of views between members here and the public defending IK exists. But they begs the question, what’s the effective methodology to put across a point (or points) to be heard and considered ? Hooliganism is not the answer. Violence is not the answer. Attacking LEAs is also not the answer. Jinnah had far worse opponents in terms of race and religion yet he chose the method of the law, logic, principles and guile. He was a brainy chap, a pure intellect. IK is a baboon in front of him. All the justifications and excuses for this Zaman park incident by IK’s party members are just crap.

There’s a lot that can be said but then there are million of analysis’s put forth by journalists out there. Imran khan can make his own Nazi Army like Hitler since that’s how Hitler arose into politics. Lal Masjid saw something similar. The doors of talks and negotiations are always there but the arrogance of a man leads him always towards his downfall.

Only if the public had come out against rise of petrol prices and other rights, they would not be downtrodden right now. IK himself didn’t come out leading public against the rise of inflation that directly affects public. I didn’t count numbers but many people said that around 200 people were protecting IK. This is a country of millions of people. Just 200 there and maybe millions sitting online, that’s what I thought.

As for the ops, the uniformed men are restrained by orders. I can open up a topic on write up about riot police tactics and how effectively they can be used when facing odds, but I know that police even when led from front by officers had certain restraints on them. Anyways, that leads to then military being called in and military has some other plans for IK now. After every incident security reports are made by intel agencies on threat matrix and then plans are put in place accordingly.

Coming back to primary point, the talk or discussion on PDF needs to be heard effectively by policy makers. So many pages, some posts are good but no one will hear them. The forum is the primary defence form of Pakistan, it should have an impact in “off line” life also.
Point well taken.

Then the solution should be easy, no.

- Hold elections
- Leave IK be as per your assessment his support is dwindling
- 200 people were protecting IK then how come Rangers and Police weren’t able to arrest IK, which comes to point #2

IK is still playing within the constitution. Sure some of his supporters are vying for violence but IK has resisted those calls.

But still the powers that be, want to push his party and supporters against the wall.

I won’t even get to the bias against IK, when his opponents did far worse things and are scot free.
I understand criticising PTI or PMLN, What does this have to do with generals?
There is a reason Pakistan army is still one of the best armies in world. What has Imran Khan given Pakistan? Pakistan Army gave Pakistanis Golf courses, Fauji Foundations, DHAs and best hospitals. They never demanded anything in return except only for taking hostage entire Pakistan and it's resources. We should not be hateful towards Generals.
Point well taken.

Then the solution should be easy, no.

- Hold elections
- Leave IK be as per your assessment his support is dwindling
- 200 people were protecting IK then how come Rangers and Police weren’t able to arrest IK, which comes to point #2

IK is still playing within the constitution. Sure some of his supporters are vying for violence but IK has resisted those calls.

But still the powers that be, want to push his party and supporters against the wall.

I won’t even get to the bias against IK, when his opponents did far worse things and are scot free.

IK is a fitna and he must be killed
The new narrative of pak bhoj
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