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Imran Khan's arrest: Zaman park under attack

If the tribals are not contributing to the economy, is it okay to launch drone attacks on them? are you okay with collateral damage?

And what exactly has the establishment costed pakistan in making all these terrible strategic blunders?

The only few folks that really gain from Drone and WOT are corrupt elements in the establishment. War profiteering establishment.

PA did the bare minimum, they even left the border open during war time so these tribals wouldn't whinge about having their movement restricted. With all these freedoms and trust, they still invited Taliban fighters into Pakistani territory. They were the gateway for AQ radicalization of Pakistanis. If they didn't want to be part of the war then they shouldn't have joined it by giving Talibs refuge. They think they can do anything they want without any consequences.

Any normal functioning army would have moved 100k+ troops to the border if 27 countries had invaded next door to play it safe. The CSF funds were for that, the blame goes to PA for eating that up and not even bothering to build a border fence but don't say nobody trusted the tribals to not get involved in the war. Everyone gave them ample opportunity.

Instead of owning up to their mistake, they allowed TTP to develop and got thousands of Pakistanis killed, lost intelligence access from the five eyes and gave India a free pass to fill the void. I am doing my best to control my anger at them so I won't say anymore about them but they have done significant damage to Pakistans standing in the world. You think Pakistan would be on the brink of bankruptcy had none of this happened?

If these folk were rational they would have asked for the troops to help keep them safe when war broke out and distanced themselves from the Talibs and AQ.
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No Mujeeb got more electoral colleges then bhutto. 160 for awami league 81 for PPP. There was no question of who won. Yahya simply refused to hand over the govt initially. And when he finally agreed for talks feeling the heat of public pressure, Mujeeb put the condition to remove Martial Law first and hand over complete power to civilians.
Yahya completely declined and started mass killing in East.
The difference of Mujeeb and Bhutto was that bhutto wanted a united front with Mujeeb against Martial law removal in a 2 halves sort of setup. Mujeeb demanded to be the leader of whole Pakistan being winner of majority seats and refused Bhutto offer for a united front.

Mujeeb wasn't wrong then, he had the right to rule all of Pakistan without Martial Law. The generals wanted to pull his strings but he cut the hands of the generals.

There was nothing wrong with 6 point formula especially looking at what happened before 1971 when elections like now were delayed for 25 years by various generals

Bhutto was simply a front man of army

But he was hanged by the Generals?
I don't know if your are on the side of traitors or actually seeing things with so much negativity to say such things. The truth is opposite to what you say and what ever Traitors do it goes againt them and in favour of IK.
If they cancel election that is good because then article 6 will be applied on all of them sooner or later because PTI is not going anywhere and people of Pakistan are also not going anywhere, PTI will win not only next election but many many future elections.

They want PTI to become the next PPP and PMLN, that's the only way they will be allowed back in government. If the people of Pakistan keep resisting for a change then noone can stop them. Our armed forces will have to go back to the barracks like the Turkish armed forces.
No Mujeeb got more electoral colleges then bhutto. 160 for awami league 81 for PPP. There was no question of who won. Yahya simply refused to hand over the govt initially. And when he finally agreed for talks feeling the heat of public pressure, Mujeeb put the condition to remove Martial Law first and hand over complete power to civilians.
Yahya completely declined and started mass killing in East.
The difference of Mujeeb and Bhutto was that bhutto wanted a united front with Mujeeb against Martial law removal in a 2 halves sort of setup. Mujeeb demanded to be the leader of whole Pakistan being winner of majority seats and refused Bhutto offer for a united front.

Where was mujeeb wrong in that?
Yahya promised to end Martial law after election

In one his speech he said I'm leader of Pakistan not Bengal.

He got majority and asked for national assembly session where he was to be elected PM.
Yahya might have remained President for some time.

Bhuto had no right for government
He could get CM seat for Punjab or sindh as one unit policy was rolled back in 1970 by yahya before election and west Pakistan was no more instead 4 provinces.

Or bhutto might have formed united govt and be the foreign minister for mujeeb as he was before for ayub
They want PTI to become the next PPP and PMLN, that's the only way they will be allowed back in government. If the people of Pakistan keep resisting for a change then noone can stop them. Our armed forces will have to go back to the barracks like the Turkish armed forces.
the mood on the roads is to fry these jurnayls.

Where was mujeeb wrong in that?
Yahya promised to end Martial law after election

In one his speech he said I'm leader of Pakistan not Bengal.

He got majority and asked for national assembly session where he was to be elected PM.
Yahya might have remained President for some time.

Bhuto had no right for government
He could get CM seat for Punjab or sindh as one unit policy was rolled back in 1970 by yahya before election and west Pakistan was no more instead 4 provinces.

Or bhutto might have formed united govt and be the foreign minister for mujeeb as he was before for ayub
mujib was pro soviet, amrika was not gonna let him become the pm, hence the game amrika played with yahya and bhutto!

both yahya and bhutto were traitors, not mujib.
The arrest danger is still not over. The judge in session court is still insisting on arresting him. He seems to be a Noon League judge. He has restored the arrest warrant despite Imran Khan giving written assurance.

The judge has great prejudice for Imran Khan. This type of prejudice can only come from two sources - Noon League or establishment or both.

The arrest danger is still not over. The judge in session court is still insisting on arresting him. He seems to be a Noon League judge. He has restored the arrest warrant despite Imran Khan giving written assurance.

The judge has great prejudice for Imran Khan. This type of prejudice can only come from two sources - Noon League or establishment or both.

both the judges and the establishment don't seem to realize that in their suicidal attempts to deprive Imran Khan of basic rights, they themselves have literally lost all their grip on the writ of governance. it doesn't matter what these kangaroo judges order now, the masses just won't accept it. The people are asserting themselves. The masses will demand compliance to THEIR orders or else there will be hell to pay! the way thousands of police and rangers were literally humiliated by the masses is indicative of the fact that Pakistan has changed FOREVER! the more they try to hang on and grab on to the straws, the more littar and chittar parade they will get from the masses! they themselves have awakened the sleeping giant that is the people of Pakistan. And this giant is hungry for establishment's blood! anyone who gets in the way will be reduced to ashes!
is PDM government in power?

If the tribals are not contributing to the economy, is it okay to launch drone attacks on them? are you okay with collateral damage?

And what exactly has the establishment costed pakistan in making all these terrible strategic blunders?

The only few folks that really gain from Drone and WOT are corrupt elements in the establishment. War profiteering establishme

PA did the bare minimum, they even left the border open during war time so these tribals wouldn't whinge about having their movement restricted. With all these freedoms and trust, they still invited Taliban fighters into Pakistani territory. They were the gateway for AQ radicalization of Pakistanis. If they didn't want to be part of the war then they shouldn't have joined it by giving Talibs refuge. They think they can do anything they want without any consequences.

Any normal functioning army would have moved 100k+ troops to the border if 27 countries had invaded next door to play it safe. The CSF funds were for that, the blame goes to PA for eating that up and not even bothering to build a border fence but don't say nobody trusted the tribals to not get involved in the war. Everyone gave them ample opportunity.

Instead of owning up to their mistake, they allowed TTP to develop and got thousands of Pakistanis killed, lost intelligence access from the five eyes and gave India a free pass to fill the void. I am doing my best to control my anger at them so I won't say anymore about them but they have done significant damage to Pakistans standing in the world. You think Pakistan would be on the brink of bankruptcy had none of this happened?

If these folk were rational they would have asked for the troops to help keep them safe when war broke out and distanced themselves from the Talibs and AQ.

WOT is long over and Nato forces have withdrawn using a peace streaty. Then why are drones allowed to operate over the tribal belt?

Is it in the national interest to carry out this drone program? and Which civilian government signed treaty that allowed these drones to operate over its soil?

The arrest danger is still not over. The judge in session court is still insisting on arresting him. He seems to be a Noon League judge. He has restored the arrest warrant despite Imran Khan giving written assurance.

The judge has great prejudice for Imran Khan. This type of prejudice can only come from two sources - Noon League or establishment or both.

Clearly establishment goons. N leak fools are just dummies with their support.
WOT is long over and Nato forces have withdrawn using a peace streaty. Then why are drones allowed to operate over the tribal belt?

Is it in the national interest to carry out this drone program? and Which civilian government signed treaty that allowed these drones to operate over its soil?

Clearly establishment goons. N leak fools are just dummies with their support.
hafiz whiskey wants plots in amrika, that's why!
both the judges and the establishment don't seem to realize that in their suicidal attempts to deprive Imran Khan of basic rights, they themselves have literally lost all their grip on the writ of governance. the way thousands of police and rangers were literally humiliated
They weren't humiliated, they just weren't motivated enough to fight their own people - you have to realize police are locals and go back to the city, place they live in and are probably PTI supporters themselves

Police weren't humiliated, Thier handlers were
by the masses is indicative of the fact that Pakistan has changed FOREVER! the more they try to hang on and grab on to the straws, the more littar and chittar parade they will get from the masses! they themselves have awakened the sleeping giant that is the people of Pakistan. And this giant is hungry for establishment's blood! anyone who gets in the way will be reduced to ashes!
hafiz whiskey wants plots in amrika, that's why!
There has to be bigger reasons, its not that simple.

I'm sure the military has made some secret agreements or pledges with the state.

You have to wonder why, right?
They weren't humiliated, they just weren't motivated enough to fight their own people - you have to realize police are locals and go back to the city, place they live in and are probably PTI supporters themselves

Police weren't humiliated, Thier handlers were
the handlers constantly use the police and rangers as their personal thugs to carry out their dirty work. the police and rangers know that. that is why they are not motivated, they know that they are hated and despised even by their own near relatives for being the barking and biting dogs of their handlers. soon, In sha Allah, we will see police and rangers surrender in front of the masses and even joining them thus leaving their handlers completely unprotected and naked in front of the masses.

I foresee a french revolution type uprising happening where all these judges and jurnayls will be publicly executed while the police and rangers quietly stand by and watch!

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