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Imran Khan WTF Happened?


PTI had no chance of winning the elections to form a government. despite bringing in electable, spending untold amount of money it couldn't form simple majority. so establishment had to convince regional parties to favor PTI. right from the word go I knew that Imran Khan's social media popularity was not enough to convert into votes and he admitted himself at the gates of Bani Gala when he flatly refsed to listen to with party workers that he knows what he is doing and its essential that the party tickets are given to electable who had changed many parties before and had a checkered past.

I myself was aware of that and considered it business as usual, justifying that Imran will clean all of it because he himself is clean. Imran had no chance to come to power given how deep the Noon league and PPP political influence is in the system and people are used to seeing this party in power for over 30 years. so the only way to win was that the elections were engineered in his favor.
yes he got my vote and vote of many idealist people who were dreaming a PPP/ Noon league free democratic Pakistan. but sadly these people are now spitting blood and tears over the "treachery of army" but his political capital was never ever enough to even to get simple majority. GHQ pushed the things to PTI favor and it was all acceptable and Halal for us because Noonies and Zardaris are scumbags and ugly and we don't like them.

PTI story.jpg

now I ask myself why army pulled its hand from him then? I have no satisfactory answer I have some plausible answers.

Sack of hay as CM Punjab
he installed Buzdar as CM for the most important province of Pakistan despite the advice of GHQ and his allies & benefactors. Manikas benefited financially and ran the province with the help of Buzdar who happens to be the disciple of Imran's current wife. his removal was too late and didnt save Imran.

Mega corruption and blunders in projects
Peshawar BRT, Billion tree Tsunami, Malam Jabba ski resort project gave rise to stories of embezzlement and mismanagement of funds and false claims. I am ignoring stories about Zulfy Bukhari, Tosha Khana, Farah Gogi because they are not significant (or I am not aware of their materiality).

Stagnation of CPEC
CPEC and associated projects were put on back burner due to government indecision, unnecessary delays, red tape and cover up (explained below)

Diplomatic suicide
angering Saudis, pissing off Chinese (e.g. but not limited to)lying about a terror attack as a cylinder blast, annoying and embarrassing Turkey and Malaysia. the Saudi Crown prince recalling the Jet he had loaned to Pakistan so that Imran Khan can use it was very low time for KSA/ Pakistan relations. I am not going to include Absolutely not America because it was simply rhetoric because America was not asking for anything and had no need from us after it alredy got our assistance in the safe transit of its personnel from Afghansitan.

TTP appeasement through misplaced pragmatism
suggesting a diplomatic office for TTP, constantly criticizing military operations as (appeasement of Americans) and paying ransom money to TTP at government level. I have personal account from locals in Peshawar and Swat blaming PTI's soft approach and even appeasement of TTP terrorists. granted GHQ shares the blame as well for TTP resurgence but GHQ is not a democratic party but PTI is which got elected through the votes of the people (with a lot of helpful push from "Generals").

the establishment and the PDM is not buying his deadline bluffs and threats of dissolving the assemblies or resignations anymore. now his party has suddenly woken up to the inflation and price hike and plans to make more marches against the federal government as if people were loving the fruits of his good governance in the time of plenty before his ouster. from the GHQ point of view it was a great defeat and embarrassment for the generals that the party they engineered to replace Noon league and PPP fell on its face flat and GHQ had to go back to the same Noon league it punished on behest of PTI sending its leaders out of the country

The establishment unfortunately wields a lot of power, has its say in the administration, has the say in all the aspects of the state but its not all powerful and is willing to work with a political party that is not just going to use it to punish journalists and political opponents but take care of the governance and build country's image through working for people and good diplomacy, if it was not willing to share or give up some of its powers to a democratic party then it would never bother with elections.


Imran Khan still holds power in 2 provinces, he still has time to show to the public more than just power shows, sit ins and protest marches. He can show how fortunate KPK people are compared to people in Sindh through some relief and real improvement int he quality of life of the people not just fiery speeches.

so far his strategy has not worked and he has had to give new dates to his march of doom which the PDM has now started mocking. whataboutism wont sell anymore . cursing the establishment will also runout its sell value. while the establishment's people like Sheikh Rashid, Ch Fawad , Pervaiz Khattak and Shah Mehmood Qurashi etc. are still in PTI .. Imran should allow his well wishers to correct his path to self destruction and give a second thought to his past and present actions and most important thing is to change the habit of using establishment to punish his opponents and critics give KPK and Punjab voters something to . cheer on instead of using provincial machinery for his political protests, ditch the habit of all words no action and come up with practical plans to improve quality of life of Pakistanis
Why is anti Establishment argument construed as pro PTI rant? Or pro Establishment argument treated as anti PTI?

We can have civil argument. It goes both ways.

Coming back to topic, elections if were to be held today, will give PTI a majority or even 2/3 majority. It’s quite obvious. Feel free to debunk the theory.

There is a reason why there are murmurs of a technocrat government which means no elections. We know why elections are being delayed or won’t be held at all.

My long term view is this, the establishment won’t let IK come to power. Why would the establishment let someone to power, who, has exposed their supra constitutional, interference in other institutions. Hence, no elections, IK will not be allowed in, every plan in the universe will be used to make it happen.
Everyone knew at the end of 2021 that world is heading toward recession and things are going really tough for global economy.And we need to prepare for it internally.
Yet THEY decided to go for this nonsence move of NCM at such senstive time, removing majority party from power and making a coalotion government of minorities.

Demage has been done. Naacho sab ab beth ke. Imran khan, Ghari, Audio, Video , Tosha khana, provincial government bla bla bla lagey raho.

Mark this post here. And wait for whats coming for Pakistan.

There was storm coming on the horizon and at the same moment some GENIUS CREAM of house decided to demolish several section of walls windows and doors to install new ones. Ab bas tamashe ka wait karo. Arguments band karo.
Patwari moderators have taken over this forum.

They say what ever anti PTI crap they want and if anyone responds in kind they shut you up and ban you. They encourage postings by low IQ retards like @fools and let him open 5-6 anti PTI threads every morning . Meanwhile even an innocent discussion thread against Patwaris is quickly closed.

They ask you to post discussions but openly violate their policies .

This forum has turned into a PDM / Anti army forum and moderators have encouraged sick and degrading comments about our forces while attacking those who come to defend jawans and shaheeds.

Like everything else that has been systematically and completely destroyed in Pakistan by PDM goons this forum cannot be saved from the infiltration of same parasites .

I have met some good posters @Windjammer and @ghazi52 and some really honest and dedicated Pakistanis and I wish them all the best but I don’t want to be part of this shit show so enjoy .
These schemes are there for the welfare of retired and wounded, and families of KIAs. Pakistan is losing troops, mostly poor bread winners of families, left and right. Other countries allocate large sums of money for their retirees and veterans benefits. Pakistan can’t even keep up with its defense budget. There should be accountability to make sure things are done legally, but these schemes are serving a good purpose.

Soldiers and martyrdom Businessmen. the mil-estb is landlord of pakistan, the rest are daily wagers and tenants​


PTI had no chance of winning the elections to form a government. despite bringing in electable, spending untold amount of money it couldn't form simple majority. so establishment had to convince regional parties to favor PTI. right from the word go I knew that Imran Khan's social media popularity was not enough to convert into votes and he admitted himself at the gates of Bani Gala when he flatly refsed to listen to with party workers that he knows what he is doing and its essential that the party tickets are given to electable who had changed many parties before and had a checkered past.

I myself was aware of that and considered it business as usual, justifying that Imran will clean all of it because he himself is clean. Imran had no chance to come to power given how deep the Noon league and PPP political influence is in the system and people are used to seeing this party in power for over 30 years. so the only way to win was that the elections were engineered in his favor.
yes he got my vote and vote of many idealist people who were dreaming a PPP/ Noon league free democratic Pakistan. but sadly these people are now spitting blood and tears over the "treachery of army" but his political capital was never ever enough to even to get simple majority. GHQ pushed the things to PTI favor and it was all acceptable and Halal for us because Noonies and Zardaris are scumbags and ugly and we don't like them.

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now I ask myself why army pulled its hand from him then? I have no satisfactory answer I have some plausible answers.

Sack of hay as CM Punjab
he installed Buzdar as CM for the most important province of Pakistan despite the advice of GHQ and his allies & benefactors. Manikas benefited financially and ran the province with the help of Buzdar who happens to be the disciple of Imran's current wife. his removal was too late and didnt save Imran.

Mega corruption and blunders in projects
Peshawar BRT, Billion tree Tsunami, Malam Jabba ski resort project gave rise to stories of embezzlement and mismanagement of funds and false claims. I am ignoring stories about Zulfy Bukhari, Tosha Khana, Farah Gogi because they are not significant (or I am not aware of their materiality).

Stagnation of CPEC
CPEC and associated projects were put on back burner due to government indecision, unnecessary delays, red tape and cover up (explained below)

Diplomatic suicide
angering Saudis, pissing off Chinese (e.g. but not limited to)lying about a terror attack as a cylinder blast, annoying and embarrassing Turkey and Malaysia. the Saudi Crown prince recalling the Jet he had loaned to Pakistan so that Imran Khan can use it was very low time for KSA/ Pakistan relations. I am not going to include Absolutely not America because it was simply rhetoric because America was not asking for anything and had no need from us after it alredy got our assistance in the safe transit of its personnel from Afghansitan.

TTP appeasement through misplaced pragmatism
suggesting a diplomatic office for TTP, constantly criticizing military operations as (appeasement of Americans) and paying ransom money to TTP at government level. I have personal account from locals in Peshawar and Swat blaming PTI's soft approach and even appeasement of TTP terrorists. granted GHQ shares the blame as well for TTP resurgence but GHQ is not a democratic party but PTI is which got elected through the votes of the people (with a lot of helpful push from "Generals").

the establishment and the PDM is not buying his deadline bluffs and threats of dissolving the assemblies or resignations anymore. now his party has suddenly woken up to the inflation and price hike and plans to make more marches against the federal government as if people were loving the fruits of his good governance in the time of plenty before his ouster. from the GHQ point of view it was a great defeat and embarrassment for the generals that the party they engineered to replace Noon league and PPP fell on its face flat and GHQ had to go back to the same Noon league it punished on behest of PTI sending its leaders out of the country

The establishment unfortunately wields a lot of power, has its say in the administration, has the say in all the aspects of the state but its not all powerful and is willing to work with a political party that is not just going to use it to punish journalists and political opponents but take care of the governance and build country's image through working for people and good diplomacy, if it was not willing to share or give up some of its powers to a democratic party then it would never bother with elections.


Imran Khan still holds power in 2 provinces, he still has time to show to the public more than just power shows, sit ins and protest marches. He can show how fortunate KPK people are compared to people in Sindh through some relief and real improvement int he quality of life of the people not just fiery speeches.

so far his strategy has not worked and he has had to give new dates to his march of doom which the PDM has now started mocking. whataboutism wont sell anymore . cursing the establishment will also runout its sell value. while the establishment's people like Sheikh Rashid, Ch Fawad , Pervaiz Khattak and Shah Mehmood Qurashi etc. are still in PTI .. Imran should allow his well wishers to correct his path to self destruction and give a second thought to his past and present actions and most important thing is to change the habit of using establishment to punish his opponents and critics give KPK and Punjab voters something to . cheer on instead of using provincial machinery for his political protests, ditch the habit of all words no action and come up with practical plans to improve quality of life of Pakistanis

What are serving officers doing vilifying a political person on social media lmao.
That the army has gotten its officers to vilify a political person openly shows that they are cornered like sheep everywhere. Where's the 5th gen warfare you were supposed to run hahahahahaha.

How far the mighty have fallen ahahahahahahahaha.
I never had any expectations from Khan Sb because, since the 70s, PPP and later N-league (including the Zia regime) have polluted the system and culture beyond repair. But I was in this wishful thinking that he was the person who would at least bring some serious reforms in the education and health sector and lay the foundation of long-term change. Alas...I was so wrong.
I never had any expectations from Khan Sb because, since the 70s, PPP and later N-league (including the Zia regime) have polluted the system and culture beyond repair. But I was in this wishful thinking that he was the person who would at least bring some serious reforms in the education and health sector and lay the foundation of long-term change. Alas...I was so wrong.

PTI was never in majority. What could he have done?

Did he let Nawaz escape to London or was it the khakis? :lol:
I never had any expectations from Khan Sb because, since the 70s, PPP and later N-league (including the Zia regime) have polluted the system and culture beyond repair. But I was in this wishful thinking that he was the person who would at least bring some serious reforms in the education and health sector and lay the foundation of long-term change. Alas...I was so wrong.
For the first time he introduced health card for everyone in punjab and kpk , now its useful for cancer patients too , and must keep in mind that most part of his 3.5 years of term wasted by corona
I never had any expectations from Khan Sb because, since the 70s, PPP and later N-league (including the Zia regime) have polluted the system and culture beyond repair. But I was in this wishful thinking that he was the person who would at least bring some serious reforms in the education and health sector and lay the foundation of long-term change. Alas...I was so wrong.
In 3 years IK should have:

Built 300+ Hospitals
Taken exports to 300 billion USD per month
Made every Pakistan a billionaire
Should have bought 500 F-16s
Should have made universal income at 3000 USD per month per person

That all included with the 2 years of corona.

Got it.

we have seen elections results of last two by elections sir . and they are saying otherwise . imran khan can do anything in politics now . just let him walk and he can make 20 jalsas in one month . people will vote him . i was pro establishment myself and never vote in my life but now considering seriously to vote imran khan . millions of paksitanis will vote first time in their lives just IK .

پتا نہیں کتنا لمبا موڑ ہے یہ میری تو زندگی ختم ہو گئی یہ موڑ ختم نہیں ہوا ۔

Inhe ye mor, mor k le lena chahiye.
And he will lose them. Because by not capitalizing and instead being the braggart buffoon he is he did not change the system quietly as he should have and instead now the corruption riddled noonies and PPP have solidified their hold even more.

If there is any man who took defeat from the jaws of victory it is Imran Khan and with it quashed the chances of any middle class led revolution in Pakistan

خان صاحب گیم کے کچھ رولز بنانے ہونگے جیسے کہ آرمی چیف کی اگر کسی ملک کے وزیر خارجہ یا سفیر سے ملاقات ہوگی تو وہ فارن آفس میں ہوگی اور وزیر خارجہ لازمی موجود ہونگے یہ مثاوی حکومت کا سلسلہ ختم کرنا ہوگا 111 برگیڈ کی جگہ سیکرٹ سروس بنانا ہوگی جو صرف وزیر اعظم کو جوابدہ ہوگی

باجوہ کو دوسری ایکسٹینشن کی میری تجویز مسترد ہونے کے بعد مجھے یاد آیا کہ میں نے پہلی ایکسٹینشن ہی غلط دی تھی
باجوہ کو دوسری ایکسٹینشن کی میری تجویز مسترد ہونے کے بعد مجھے یاد آیا کہ میں نے پہلی ایکسٹینشن ہی غلط دی تھی
According to the pro bajwa and pro PDM journalists he was begging till the last day for extension, but military officers was not agreed and asked him to leave
Khan offered him one more extension, he just wana check if he is really doing all the haramtopi for extension or some other purpose
Patwari moderators have taken over this forum.

They say what ever anti PTI crap they want and if anyone responds in kind they shut you up and ban you. They encourage postings by low IQ retards like @fools and let him open 5-6 anti PTI threads every morning . Meanwhile even an innocent discussion thread against Patwaris is quickly closed.

They ask you to post discussions but openly violate their policies .

This forum has turned into a PDM / Anti army forum and moderators have encouraged sick and degrading comments about our forces while attacking those who come to defend jawans and shaheeds.

Like everything else that has been systematically and completely destroyed in Pakistan by PDM goons this forum cannot be saved from the infiltration of same parasites .

I have met some good posters @Windjammer and @ghazi52 and some really honest and dedicated Pakistanis and I wish them all the best but I don’t want to be part of this shit show so enjoy .
Fully agree, moderator gave me negative rating and warning, because of countering pdm Goons like fool, hafeez, and horse rider.. or commenting on corrupt generals .. normal army soldiers nd junior officers full of respect for.. but corrupt generals Laanat on them…

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