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Imran Khan sets 30 days deadline over US drone strikes

One has to see it with an open mind and not through jingoism.

Count the money given, the cost of the weapons and weapon platforms given and then the transit fee and not to forget the IMF and World Bank Loans (these are controlled by the US).

Now check how much is owed by Pakistan to the IMF and WB as servicing fee and the sops given, if any.

BTW, with all the activism that has been enumerated as having been done, has the supply stopped?

The cost has to be considered in terms of whether or not after taking IMF/weapons/CSF is Pakistan left with enough sovereignty to even call it a distinct country or is it just an organization rented out by the US?

No where in the world the US exerts total control over a country like it does in Pakistan. Pakistan needs to reclaim its country even if it means defaulting on the loans or anything worse. It will be a start at to corrective measures. Pakistan of today is not improving, so aid hasn't been helping at all. We have too many expenses and very few revenue sources (including the aid). Its high time we fix these unrealistic ambitions Pakistan is expected to have which can only be done once the people of Pakistan are put in charge of governance.
Had their been other options that would have been availed much before......!

mate.. there are always other routes.. its all about Cost Benefit analysis.. As long as paying off the Pak govt stays cheap enough for NATO, they will use it. Once these protests (if they sustain) make it cost prohibitive, then other options which were earlier more expensive will become the preferred ones. Remember that killing terrorists in their home base in NW is the crux of the war in Afghan. They wont give up the war to keep a supply line to that war open. Because if there is no war, what do they need the supply line for ;)

This picture is taken early morning , "Imran Khan sleeping in Dharna on stage under the sky "

we need leaders like imran khan , may GOD BLESS u sir INSHALLAH u will achieve ur goal to save this nation,

---------- Post added at 01:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:36 PM ----------

‎"I have no fear of death,'Imran says. 'When I came into politics I always thought there was a possibility I would be killed.' If anything his lack of fear has grown along with his faith in Islam. 'Spirituality does two things for you. One, you are forced to become more selfless, two, you trust to providence. The opposite of a spiritual man is a materialist. If I was a materialist I would be making lots of money doing endorsements, doing cricket commentary. I have no interest in that."
(Imran talks wid Tim Adams)
SMS from Dr. Fozia Siddiqui Sister Of Doctor Afia Siddiqui:

"MashaAllah good show PTI, ISF. A lot of hard work, May Allah stop drone, send Aafia back home, bless all of you and our leader Imran Khan for every step taken. And thankyou for your support and love. Your sister. Dr Fowzia. PTI/ISF k tamam sathio ko inquilab ka surkh salam."
The cost has to be considered in terms of whether or not after taking IMF/weapons/CSF is Pakistan left with enough sovereignty to even call it a distinct country or is it just an organization rented out by the US?

No where in the world the US exerts total control over a country like it does in Pakistan. Pakistan needs to reclaim its country even if it means defaulting on the loans or anything worse. It will be a start at to corrective measures. Pakistan of today is not improving, so aid hasn't been helping at all. We have too many expenses and very few revenue sources (including the aid). Its high time we fix these unrealistic ambitions Pakistan is expected to have which can only be done once the people of Pakistan are put in charge of governance.

It is a noble thought that you propound.

However, as I see it, from the open forum, Pakistan has gone down the path too deep, for an instant quick fix.

It is true and very unfortunate that the US has an immense hold over Pakistan and no matter which political party comes to power, the stranglehold will not ease.

If Pakistan defaults on servicing the loans, the US will come into play again and the world community will impose sanctions, as they have done to Cuba. Therefore, one wonders if that is an option.

I feel that Pakistan is in this sorry mess is because the feudal and rich have a hold of the politics of Pakistan and so long as their interests are not affected, Pakistan can sink and they will play a slave even to the Devil, if it requires.

While India has had land reforms and reformed many other issues that the British had instituted to ensure that there were loyal Indians to play their tune, it has been rocked by galloping corruption. However, the good thing is that Indians have gone up in arms and with Anna Hazare as the icon are in the process to draft a Bill that will give powers to a Body called Lokpal, which will be beyond govt control and which will be an Ombudsman. Whether it will see the day is another question since politicians are dreading it. Nonetheless, a move has been made.

Pakistan too requires a Lokpal Bill to ensure that those who live off the fat of Pakistan are brought to book and fast. This will eliminate those who are making fortunes off Pakistan and selling it to the highest bidder.

I wish Pakistan well, with all sincerity and hope that instead of tilting at windmills, they put their house in order, and usher in a true Pakistan of Jinnah's dream.

Follow China's way - Peaceful Rise.

And then when you are strong, flex your muscle.

Right now, the sectarian and internecine wars that is being fought in Pakistan and the waste of time to influence events in Afghanistan or fighting the bogey of India is sapping Pakistan of its energy and finance.

Keep the issues alive, if you will, but low key it and divert the maximum effort and money to build a strong and healthy Pakistan that can do without the stranglehold of a foreign nation, be it the US or Saudi Arabia, which anyway, is a client state of the US.
Noble thoughts and emotions alone cannot run a country.

Realpolitik does.

Money is required and so is trade.

Now, who controls the world finance and trade?
mate.. there are always other routes.. its all about Cost Benefit analysis.. As long as paying off the Pak govt stays cheap enough for NATO, they will use it. Once these protests (if they sustain) make it cost prohibitive, then other options which were earlier more expensive will become the preferred ones. Remember that killing terrorists in their home base in NW is the crux of the war in Afghan. They wont give up the war to keep a supply line to that war open. Because if there is no war, what do they need the supply line for ;)

Had that been the case US-Nato would not have begged when Pakistan blocked its route few months back....! Any thought? Obviously Russian route is expensive and would be a big burden on US-Nato economy. Even with this route a single soldiers cost $1million

The cost of sending one U.S. soldier in Afghanistan for one year is $1 million

U.S. spending $3.6 billion a month in Afghanistan according to CRS report - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

So double winking from my side with a lol ;) ;) :lol:
If the push comes to shove, then the US will mend fences and find the route.

I never underestimate the Americans.

Let the US try it......!

Noble thoughts and emotions alone cannot run a country.

Realpolitik does.

Money is required and so is trade.

Now, who controls the world finance and trade?

Try to give this lesson of submission against US to Indians...! And enjoy your life being slave minded Indian.
BTW your slave mindedness is already reflecting from your post.
To be honest Pakistan hasnt got much to lose anymore. The country is ten times worse than it was before American WOT via Pakistan.
Had that been the case US-Nato would not have begged when Pakistan blocked its route few months back....! Any thought? Obviously Russian route is expensive and would be a big burden on US-Nato economy. Even with this route a single soldiers cost $1million

So double winking from my side with a lol ;) ;) :lol:

What did that begging cost USA?? And what did it gain Pakistan..?? except a few brownie points to score on forums like these? What has Pakistan been asking US most vociferously over last few years

1. Bigger role in Afgh
2. Getting India out of Afgh
3. Mediation on Kashmir
4. Stopping Drone attacks
5. Civilian Nuclear Deal


Name 1 that has been given as a result of any action to block transit etc...

Let the US try it......!

Try to give this lesson of submission against US to Indians...! And enjoy your life being slave minded Indian.
BTW your slave mindedness is already reflecting from your post.

Heh Heh.. Scroll up and see which country is being considered a slave of USA
What did that begging cost USA?? And what did it gain Pakistan..?? except a few brownie points to score on forums like these? What has Pakistan been asking US most vociferously over last few years

1. Bigger role in Afgh
2. Getting India out of Afgh
3. Mediation on Kashmir
4. Stopping Drone attacks
5. Civilian Nuclear Deal


Name 1 that has been given as a result of any action to block transit etc...


None of those were given to pakistan as a result of their cooperation,and it wont change anything if pakistan stops cooperating. It wont get worse for pakistan because it cant get any worse,it will only get better.
Dharna Updates:

- Marvi Memon & Omer Warraich on way to PTI Dharna in Hayatabad.

- MNA Akhonzada Chatan from FATA joins sit-in/dharna and gave thanks to Imran Khan for the great initiative
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