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Imran Khan sentenced to 3 years in Jail

No GOD domains is not different neither he is away from politics even if you want to assume it so.

In the end of the day you need the will to fight.

Afghans fought for 40 years to get where they are now.

Palestinians have been fighting for 70+ years.

Kashmiris, despite being betrayed multiple times, are still fighting against active settler colonialism in their land.

Libya got carpet bombed and went through a civil war but is making improvements and is more developed than Pakistan.

Algeria went through a very bloody civil war in the 90s and is one of the most developed countries in the African continent.

Pakistan is a country made from British handouts, it never fought for anything.
Pakistan is a country made from British handouts, it never fought for anything.

Parts did, my area AJK and the Northern areas. But you are right, people don't understand the value of something if they didn't have to do anything to earn it. This is why the partition refugees were the most staunch in their support of Pakistan.
Parts did, my area AJK and the Northern areas. But you are right, people don't understand the value of something if they didn't have to do anything to earn it. This is why the partition refugees were the most staunch in their support of Pakistan.

People from AJK had to essentially fight a two front war.

One against Dogra oppression and the other against the National Front and skinheads.
PTI wanted Pakistan to default. They made every effort from writing letters to IMF to lobbying politicians in the States to running anti state campaigns on media. That FAILED. Humdulilah.

PTI ruined relations with allied countries like China, U.S, Turkiye, and Saudi Arabia. The current government not only managed to win back confidence, attract investments and ink trade agreements but also forged a strategic alliance with new countries like Russia, Iran, Azerbaijan and Iraq.

PTI attempted to corrupt judiciary and domestic media. Humdulilah that also FAILED.

PTI attempted to create mutiny in the Army doing what India always aspired to do. Humdulilah that also FAILED.

PTI brought terrorism back in the country, freeing 30,000+ terrorists. This too shall be taken care of very soon by the government and establishment like they did back in 2013 by launching Zarb e Azb.

Most importantly no one came out to support PTI on the streets. Clearly the country rejects PTI and its politics.

All crap BS
Tum sub patwarion ko aik he jaisa propaganda feed kyn kia jata ha? APni akal ghass charna gai hoti ha?
Show where did IK or PTI wrote letters to IMF to stop them? IMF itself wanted to meet Khan knowing well he represents the majority. He was banned from any local TV channels and even anchors were stopped from naming Imran Khan.
See from 19:28 time stamp
Your propaganda is busted there and then.
PTI ruined relations with China, US Turkiye, another BS Lie from the corrupt mafia, in fact when he was in power the relations with China, SA, and Turkey were at its best.
There was a reason Prince Salman came to Pakistan and OIC conference also held in Pakistan, only to happen twice. President Erdogan also visted Pakistan. These trips dont happen if relations were sour.
US was a different case altogether because US wanted Pakistan to pick a side in Ukraine war while Khan wanted to remain neutral. Your harami establishment supported this decision and also the decision to visit Russia. Later that harami traitor Bajwa hired a known anti Pakistani harami Hussian Haqqani to lobby against Khan in the US and show to the US as if Khan is anti US. Stop lying to your fuckin teeth.

PTI created munity in the army? Dawn leaks, Kerry Luger bill all happened during Khan's tenure. Right!

What a load of crap?

"Shahbaz wanted to cut deal with TTP as long they didn't conduct operations in Punjab: report"​

Files recovered from Osama bin Laden's compound in Abbotabad reveal that the prime minister’s brother, Punjab chief minister Shahbaz Sharif, sought to strike a peace deal with the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) through al Qaeda, The Long War Journal reported.


First of all the word its Alhamdulillah. So whatever Major Col is sending stupid posts like above to be spread, at least proof read it. Secondly writing Alhamdulillah at the end of every post and trying to hide behind religion does not make is legit. Stop using religion to justify your dirty deeds.
Third we all know who corrupted the judiciary and media like when Rafique Tarar was given brief cases to bribe judges against justice Sajjad Ali Shah. As a reward to his service, he was made president. The famous attack on SC by N league goons.
"Historically, the PML-N remains infamous for targeting the judiciary and launching nefarious campaigns against independent judges, who act in line with the law and the constitution. The PML-N is also notorious for trying to win over the judges through bribes, intimidation and even blackmail."
"Ardeshir Cowasjee – a prominent analyst of his time – writes in an article (Laughing at ourselves, published in Dawn) that Justice (Retd) Rafiq Ahmad Tarar was dispatched to Quetta by Nawaz Sharif in a special flight, which landed at night. The security man on duty was reported to have noted in his log: “Instructions have been received from Islamabad that the details of the special flight carrying the visiting dignitary, Senator Rafiq Ahmad Tarar, must be kept confidential and not reported.” The same man (Tarar) was accused by a former President of Pakistan (Farooq Ahmed Laghari) of “taking briefcase of money” to bribe other judges in this famous 1997 case. Tarar was rewarded for his services and made President of Pakistan by the PML-N government in 1999".

During IK led government...

Meanwhile PML-N/PDM led government....

This is called RESPECT





During IK led government...

Meanwhile PML-N/PDM led government....

This is called RESPECT






Nobody respects showbaaz... Not even PMLN
Jeez man, as an Indian I try not to get involved on most stuff here, especially political. But I have to say two things:

One, I doubt there is near anything as damaging that India can do today to Pakistan, or even has done in the past except maybe 1971, as their one people/ establishment has done these last few months and year or so.

Two, this may sound dismissive or patronising but it isn’t. Without going into long arguments, to me Pakistan never really had a popular freedom movement, like India (as we call it today) had. Hence Pakistan never developed a cadre of political leaders or institutions post independence. But I feel that perhaps this current popular and democracy first struggle against an ostensibly brutal, dictatorial regime is perhaps Pakistan’s freedom struggle here at last? Maybe that’s naive and fanciful, but at least this generation and those following will value the price of freedom as democracy more because you are fighting for it. And remember.

Peace out.
Aik mulk hai, usay kitna chodo gay kay chodtay hi jao chodtay hi jao, chor do jan ab.

What a farce this is.

Sir jee aap aaj jagay hain? :P

Ah Pakistan, where sentences should be announced based on public desires as opposed to law and justice!

How ironic it is that those who write poems on law and justice when someone from the opposition is placed behind bars will shred the notion of honesty and justice when their leader is found guilty by the very same courts.

What people want here is what they desire and not what law and justice is all about so I suggest people on this forum take off the masks of duplicity and hypocrisy and start posting that it is their desire that Imran Khan be set loose immediately and made king of Pakistan. Damn be justice!

Alright, so please tell me oh dear enlightened one, what was the crime for which IK was exactly sentenced for and convicted? Please tell.

Actually nevermind, I don't know why I even expect any logic from people around here.

Just say that you hate Imran Khan or PTI or whatever, that you wish to see him behind bars for no reason but contempt, and you want him dead.

But please, ham sab ko, aur apnay aap ko itna chuttu mat banao by masquerading that this was all legal and perfectly according to the law. This is from DAWN:

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Haramzaday fauj

This is between IK and Judiciary. Please don't drag Pakistani Army into this for your politics.

Rule of Law has prevailed!
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