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Imran Khan Says Country Is Under ‘Undeclared Martial Law’

I've heard people say "marasla" and "amreeki sazish" was just a chooran sold by Imran.
But, could they (gov) not sue Imran because his statements could affect Pakistan's relations with America.
I am genuinely asking wether or not Imran could be sued for this, because if he could be, pti would fall.
From: Wall Street Journal

Khan, effectively under house arrest, says democratic progress is in jeopardy as country teeters on brink of default​

Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan—effectively held under house arrest by the army-backed government—said his country was under an “undeclared martial law.”

In a telephone interview from his police-ringed home in the eastern Pakistani city of Lahore, Khan said, “All the movement toward democracy—that is under threat,” and added: “This could roll back everything.”

Democracy in Pakistan has had a stop-start journey, punctuated by four periods of direct military rule. The country has had its longest run of elected governments since Gen. Pervez Musharraf relinquished power in 2008, but the shift to civilian authority has proven hard to sustain.
Political turmoil has worsened the country’s precarious economic situation. Inflation is running at over 35%. Foreign reserves are dwindling. The government, teetering on the edge of default, is trying to persuade the International Monetary Fund and ally China to come to the rescue.

Khan, a former cricket star, was ousted after a parliamentary no-confidence vote in 2022 that he says was engineered by the opposition and military. Since then, as Pakistan’s economy has struggled, his popularity among voters has soared and he has become a vocal critic of the army’s role in politics.

Authorities arrested Khan on corruption charges earlier this month, setting off at-times violent protests that took aim at the armed forces. The authorities have since arrested thousands of Mr. Khan’s supporters, including dozens of senior members of his party, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf.

Some are facing trials in military courts, others are to be tried by special terrorism courts. Khan himself was released from custody after a Supreme Court ruling but has been confined to his home for weeks.

The government says it is weighing banning Khan’s party, saying violence by his supporters had crossed a red line. May 9 protests in some cases turned into riots, with military compounds ransacked and set on fire and monuments to fallen soldiers defaced.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, who succeeded Khan after he was ousted, on Friday compared the crowd’s actions to the storming of Capitol Hill in 2021 by supporters of former President Donald Trump, saying that punishing rioters was equally justified in Pakistan.

The government has prohibited protests and moved to restrict access to social media. Regional elections due earlier this year have yet to be held. And it is unclear whether a national vote, due by October, will go ahead.

“It seems their mind is made up. They’ve decided I can’t be allowed to come to power,” Khan said. “They will either jail me or they’ll try to eliminate me.”

He has called for talks with the authorities to reach a political agreement including a date to hold new elections.

Khan survived an assassination attempt in November, which left him with three bullet wounds in the leg. He blames the military and the government for the shooting, which they deny. The government says a gunman apprehended at the scene is a religious fanatic who acted alone.

Prosecutors have leveled a series of charges against Khan, including allegations of murder and corruption. He denies any wrongdoing.

Khan says his internet connection is being frequently cut. His call with The Wall Street Journal was also disrupted. Television channels say they are not showing his speeches, delivered over YouTube, under pressure from the authorities.

When in office, Khan initially emphasized that his government worked in coordination with the country’s powerful military, arguably Pakistan’s strongest institution. The military admits to interfering in politics in the past but now says it is neutral.

But Khan eventually fell out with the then army chief in a tussle. He says it was because he refused to drop corruption cases against opposition politicians.

Since Khan’s ouster, he has waged an unprecedented and unrelenting lambasting of the military. His supporters, previously known as the most pro-military of the major political parties, also embraced his new criticism.

Public-opinion polls consistently show that Khan is Pakistan’s most popular politician.

Khan initially also blamed the U.S. for his removal from power, saying Washington pushed the Pakistan army to dismiss him. He is now appealing to Washington and other Western governments to call out what he says are human-rights abuses in Pakistan.

“It’s important that those who preach democracy, human rights and rule of law make their voices heard,” Khan said.

Washington, which had denied any link to Khan’s removal, says that Pakistani politics is a matter for the Pakistani people.

Pakistan’s interior minister, Rana Sanaullah Khan, said Friday that more than 10,000 people had been arrested in connection with the pro-Khan protests on May 9, including nearly 4,000 who are facing terrorism charges.

He said so far 33 suspects had been handed over to be tried in military courts. Of those not facing terrorism charges, he said most had been released on bail.

“We are not being unjust. This is what the law demands in these circumstances,” said the interior minister.

Khan’s party alleges that family members of party activists are being picked up to force them to surrender to the authorities or turn on their leader. The interior minister said that harassment of female family members isn’t permitted and, if that is taking place, it is wrong.

Privately, government officials say they aren’t in charge of the drive against Khan’s party.

This week, Khan’s senior party figures started broadcasting statements saying they were quitting, including a former human-rights minister and some of Khan’s other staunchest backers, after a spell in jail.

Khan has called them “forced divorces.”

On Friday, that steady drumbeat turned into an avalanche of resignations from the party. News conferences took place across the country, with party members condemning violence earlier this month and announcing they were quitting. There were so many such press appearances that channels were at times showing two at the same time on a split screen.

Murad Raas, a former provincial education minister, with tears in his eyes, said Friday that “I never thought this day would come.”

Meanwhile raids continued to find more members of the party who went into hiding this month. Hammad Azhar, a former finance minister, said when security officials burst into his home Friday, only his mother was there.

Early Saturday, the exit rush was joined by Ali Zaidi, a close friend of Khan who had served as a cabinet minister. Just days earlier, Zaidi had appeared to veer off script when briefly released from jail, telling a hastily arranged roadside press conference that he would have to be shot in the head to get him out of the party.

He was taken away by waiting police. He said Saturday that he had taken the difficult decision to leave politics altogether, ending a video message from an undisclosed location, with “long live the Pakistan army.”

Waqar Gillani contributed to this article.

Corrections & Amplifications
Murad Raas is a former provincial education minister. An earlier version of this article incorrectly identified him as Murad Saeed.
Also, supporters of the Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan party were marching in a previous photo. A photo caption in the article incorrectly identified them as supporters of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf.

@Maula Jatt @PakSarZameen47 @Menace2Society @Pakstallion @Vapnope @Areesh @DESERT FIGHTER @Desert Fox 1 @N.Siddiqui @Norwegian @TNT @Imad.Khan @Dalit @ziaulislam @EternalMortal @lastofthepatriots @WarKa DaNG @Warking @Talwar e Pakistan @WinterFangs @kingQamaR @Menace2Society @Indus Pakistan @Ghazwa-e-Hind @Norwegian @PakFactor @akramishaqkhan @Zornix @pakpride00090 @Abid123 @Goritoes @SecularNationalist @PakistaniandProud @PAKISTANFOREVER @Dual Wielder @Great Janjua @ahaider97 @PakFactor @Sayfullah @SaadH @villageidiot @Olympus81 @Mobius 1 @General Dong @Genghis khan1 @alphapak @RealNapster @Kharral @Mobius 1@Goenitz @Muhammad Saftain Anjum @AA_ @Mobius 1 @Great Janjua @The Accountant @PakSword @villageidiot@Kharral @SaadH @Goenitz @PakFactor @Tamerlane @ARMalik @Khan_21 @Yousafzai_M @NaqsheYaar @NooriNuth @SaadH @Kharral @AA_ @SaadH @Tamerlane @villageidiot @waz @PakSword @Mugen @Tamerlane @PakAlp @HerbertPervert @Path-Finder @Tamerlane @Drexluddin Khan Spiveyzai @AlKardai @waz @Areesh @hatehs @Path-Finder @HerbertPervert @Dr. Strangelove
He was warned but fell into the trap , he is such a poor chess player, his team are incompetent, good at talking but nothing else.
He was warned but fell into the trap , he is such a poor chess player, his team are incompetent, good at talking but nothing else.
Yes, his team had some very incompetent people like SMQ, Ch Fawad, Asad Umar etc etc ..
Do you have comprehension issues, you stated Immi instigated riots, that was your claim. Now prove it.
I fully comprehend. You say that it’s alleged that IK instigated so not proven. Ok. Then if not him who did it? Allegedly army? So that’s also alleged so they also may not have done it. I don’t se any other who could have done it. Therefore it did not happen if either the army or IK did not do it.
No really

Khan has genuine support .. your imported gov had only staged elections
He didn't before but now he does thanks to stupidity of Pakistan establishment's poor handlings.
He didn't before but now he does thanks to stupidity of Pakistan establishment's poor handlings.


2018 elections were rigged by the army so that khan would not get 2/3 majority. I knew this from my military sources back then and this was confirmed by major adil Raja in a recent interview

Watch and learn how this was done

Bajwa did this to help nawaz from the get go.
I fully comprehend. You say that it’s alleged that IK instigated so not proven. Ok. Then if not him who did it? Allegedly army? So that’s also alleged so they also may not have done it. I don’t se any other who could have done it. Therefore it did not happen if either the army or IK did not do it.
So you can't prove it. OK good now you know why I said stop posting crap there's too much of it being posted as it is.
So you can't prove it. OK good now you know why I said stop posting crap there's too much of it being posted as it is.
then there is no discussion here. You don’t trust your own Govt news I can’t help it. Next time stop saying Modi is responsible for 2002 Gujarat riots. It’s the people of Godhra.
I love how some PDFians still sucking up to PA like their names are in some list to get Free house in DHA lol
Or save the ones they already have. Whiskey can rape and evict as he pleases.
I've heard people say "marasla" and "amreeki sazish" was just a chooran sold by Imran.
But, could they (gov) not sue Imran because his statements could affect Pakistan's relations with America.
I am genuinely asking wether or not Imran could be sued for this, because if he could be, pti would fall.

Kidroon anday o tusi log
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