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Imran Khan humiliates saudi king, walks away and doesnt wait for kings response

Kia chootia qaum hai yeh waisay. khuda hai yeh saud? ********
If making fellow Pakistanis aware of the truth about the saudi ruling class is starting a rebellion, then your understanding of what I posted is seriously lacking. They (saudis) were installed by the British Empire in the begining of 19th century. The same way regimes were installed by Zionist West (America & Britain) in Egypt, Iraq, Qatar, Jazeerat-ul-Arab (true name of Arabia), Emirates, Oman, Bahrain, Kuwait and Turkey.

That is not my job to do, nor is it the job of any Muslim, unless and until Muslims truly unite as the Ummah of Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam. Today Muslims are more divided, self-indulgent and lost, than being one cohesive unit.

Oh really?! Are you referring to "Riba"? And do you propose we do that, when 90% of the Pakistanis do not even understand the basic definition of "Riba"?

I can't stop anyone from doing anything, that is the basic principle of "free will." All I can do is share the truth about things which I have come to learn myself by studying and analysing history, from the lens of my faith, the Noble Quran and the teachings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihi Wassalam.

It is in the constitution of Pakistan that GoP will take measures to remove Riba from the country and is a duty to it as well.
So why not ask the gormint to do that or you do not believe in democracy now?
Same king has invested $20 billion in your country.

I think otherwise. Respect and proper attention is something people desire as much as food.

To not give even the time for someone to respond to you, or greet goodbye, that too in front of everyone is most definitely embarassement.

Think of it this way. If someone is speaking to you, but then he makes weird hand gestures, doesn't even let you finish, and leaves off suddenly without even saying goodbye. I think it's very rude. These are basic norms, and everyday life ethics.

And they do matter, to say they don't matter is surprising.

$20 Billion :rofl: bhai chars tay ni ya chahri kidray. Yay investment wala lolly pop wo har PM ko daitay hein daina dhaila nae inhoon nay tumein. Thank china a million times that they invested when these people just gave you lip service every time. They won't invest a dime in Pakistan just remember that for future reference. They gave Pakistan charity in return of favours so get out of your self contained delusion. Last time the gave us deposit to boost our forex reserves they got services of Raheel sharif in return. Before that they traded services of shuja pasha in UAE for deferred oil payments. Considering how they manipulated our political system for decades and gifted us people like Molana Diesel and several like him i cant think of a swear worst enough to suit these terrorist breeders. They gifted Islamic world with the curse of Wahabi/Salafist Ideology. You might have love for these people not me even if they invest 100 billion.
So he is justifying the term ‘Imm’ the dim...!

Pakistan needs career politicians and should not make do with such people.
This is none of your business... while you have the most idiot
Why Google 'thinks' Narendra Modi is among the 'World's Most Stupid Prime Ministers'?
and walked off brazenly as the interpreter was still translating for the King.
How about Irani reporters tell us what was being translated? If IK took a stand for Pakistan I am damn proud he walked out!
its all good! dont need to kiss ***. He greeted and walked away in respect, his swagger is what people love. "i dont give a rats *** to what people might think"
Exactly and look at all the juvenile idiots here claiming we are embarrassed?! Kids stop eating media's words...1 day you will wake up as brainless zombies!
It is in the constitution of Pakistan that GoP will take measures to remove Riba from the country and is a duty to it as well.
So why not ask the gormint to do that or you do not believe in democracy now?

There are already knowledgeable experts advising PTI government regarding this. People need to remember, that Riba based economy has proliferated and become powerfull since the Bretten Woods Agreement, post WW2. To untangle from Riba will need to be done methodically and will not happen overnight. So long as the will power is there, of the government AND the people of Pakistan, they will achieve this. But like I said, this will NOT happen at the snap of a finger, but it can be achieved. Once it is, Pakistan would have demonstrated to the Islamic World, that Riba can be undone.
Not a single............... Was given.
Grow up people things like these happen all the time. Nobody cares. Pakistan and Saudi Arabia enjoy close relations and those cheerleading this as some sort of insult and as a result of which some sort of downgrading of relations will soon realize after July that's its not.
Iranians are cheerleading it but they have no idea about the depth of our relations
he just dont have slave mentality and masAllah if we have shown same seriousness about other issue like corruption,education,health ,police which matter we dont have to go through tough time like we have now days..
I don't think it was really basic ethics either, to leave even before translator has finished, and the king has given some response, and to not even greet goodbye. I think you don't need to have experience to that. Even a child knows better.
First of all there's no audio, Secondly, are you sure it was his last meeting and they did not meet again? How do you know the interpreter has not finished or IK did not excuse himself for leaving for example to attend to the call of nature etc?
$20 Billion :rofl: bhai chars tay ni ya chahri kidray. Yay investment wala lolly pop wo har PM ko daitay hein daina dhaila nae inhoon nay tumein. Thank china a million times that they invested when these people just gave you lip service every time. They won't invest a dime in Pakistan just remember that for future reference. They gave Pakistan charity in return of favours so get out of your self contained delusion. Last time the gave us deposit to boost our forex reserves they got services of Raheel sharif in return. Before that they traded services of shuja pasha in UAE for deferred oil payments. Considering how they manipulated our political system for decades and gifted us people like Molana Diesel and several like him i cant think of a swear worst enough to suit these terrorist breeders. They gifted Islamic world with the curse of Wahabi/Salafist Ideology. You might have love for these people not me even if they invest 100 billion.

Ok. Then very simple. Don't take their investment. Secondly, what favors? We haven't deployed to Yemen yet.

First of all there's no audio, Secondly, are you sure it was his last meeting and they did not meet again? How do you know the interpreter has not finished or IK did not excuse himself for leaving for example to attend to the call of nature etc?

In the video, you can see the translator is talking, and the king is still listening.
If Saudis did the same to Pakistanis, we would not consider it an insult.

Among brothers, if they choose to be, these little things should be glossed over.

If they cancel meetings and take it to the next level, it is their own loss.

Stop the double standards. KSA are human beings like everyone else, and should not be afforded any more respect than any other leader.
Ok. Then very simple. Don't take their investment. Secondly, what favors? We haven't deployed to Yemen yet.

In the video, you can see the translator is talking, and the king is still listening.
Do you know that interpreter translates it after the person has spoken.
Salman bin Aziz is NOT some saint, or some representative of God, or God HIMSELF. If anything, Salman bin Aziz and the Saudi regime are a bunch of thugs, liars, imposters and cowards.

You should return their money
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