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Imran Khan ‘convinced’ Kayani on phased pullout from FATA

In my opinion taliban want a space for themeselves in tribal areas through these talks, they probably want to shift their focus on afganistan for post-2014 war.....afghan taliban were convincing them to shift their focus from pakistan to afghanistan.
How many of you want to give some territory to taliban in FATA in exchange for some peace?
If admitting past mistakes solves problems, Then we would have Kashmir, balochistan would be providing us lots of minerals instead of a torched ziarat residency,There would be zero extremism in Pakistan and our economy would be blossoming.. and I would be a Helicopter pilot flying relief missions across central asia. But that doesn't seem to work for most people. Admitting past mistakes does not mean you make new ones by using them as an excuse.

Agreeing to negotiate with Terrorists is different from negotiating with disenchanted tribesmen. Just recently one pro government militant commander was beheaded today.. will you offer the same consolation to his family? that they should be ready to hug and marry their daughters into the militant ranks?

ill reply to this later cuz i have to go now :P laters bye :wave:
Yet army is in the mood of pulling out from FATA , how disappointed are you?
Army's conveys and check posts are ambushed and raided on daily basis in FATA and you want army cantts there? Wazirs have told me that faujis in miranshah dont come out of FC fort of fear, what good will be cantontments therd?

10 years is a long period to face terrorists from around the world and still NOT resorting to committing suicides.

FATA is part of Pakistan, Army can do a lot and it had done a lot before even during this WoT .

faujis are not superhuman, they have right to protect themselves.

Anyway you can depend on heard this and that phrase I am talking from practical experience, that just wait for some peace and these cantonments are need of the hour.
How can Imran khan convince kyani, i mean what is he? he holds no important position
How can Imran khan convince kyani, i mean what is he? he holds no important position

That is not the question you should ask. The question is, why should Imran Khan need to convince Kayani in the first place? What is Kayani's position according to his job description? He is supposed to serve the people of Pakistan and is hence bound to obey the parliament of which Imran Khan is a member.

The very fact that he needs to convince Kayani shows that there is no "Tabdeeli" or "Naya Pakistan" in place.
First, because the Army leadership does not still consider Civilian leadership as competent enough(Which is partially correct but arrogant and completely obtrusive as well)
Second, because even Imran Khan has realized that his vision of Naya Pakistan is not a 5 year game and not one he can play...he simply has to work on Purana Pakistan, naya bathroom.
Post 2014, no drone strikes to rely on

American drones will continue well past 2014; there's no doubt about that.

As for talking to TTP, there's no point. We can talk to people AFTER they agree to put down their arms but, as long as they are committed to killing Pakistanis, there is nothing to talk about.

As for their demands to impose Sharia, unfortunately we have to deal with it the hard way: by educating people away from the more extreme interpretations.
10 years is a long period to face terrorists from around the world and still NOT resorting to committing suicides.

FATA is part of Pakistan, Army can do a lot and it had done a lot before even during this WoT .

faujis are not superhuman, they have right to protect themselves.

Anyway you can depend on heard this and that phrase I am talking from practical experience, that just wait for some peace and these cantonments are need of the hour.
Abolishing colonial FCR and bringing tribals into mainstream Pakistan is need of hour, not building army cantts there. Neither political agents nor army colonels have the right to rule over tribals.
We do not know yet what is going to come in next 12 months, civil war in afghanistan is closing in once allied forces leave.

& you think every thing will be fine once, allied forces leave afghanistan?
check the histroy plz, what happened there once soviet russia left afghanistan?
kiyani dont want do anything also, cause he is just also leaving his job, too?
all kiyani wants peacefull exit from the uniform?
but all IK,S idea,s will going to sunk, once theses terrorists starts fighting within themslves, its the same before the elections he was the PM in waiting sweeping whole pakistan?
IK is just a beautyfull dreamer, thats all!
by taking out troops from fata, is signal that pakistani state is ready to accept anyone holding a gun, to its dam head & its not going bring peace anyway, prepare more body bags!
Abolishing colonial FCR and bringing tribals into mainstream Pakistan is need of hour, not building army cantts there. Neither political agents nor army colonels have the right to rule over tribals.

& thn tribals also dont hve any right to impose stupid, bacha bazi on educated pakistani citizens living in cvilized cities of pakistan?
they dont hve any dam right to dictate , educated pakistanis to grow breads, & make pakistani womens wear the burqa,s ?
they dont hve any right, to impose thier uneducated islam on normal, pakistanis who they kill like carrots every day?
How can Imran khan convince kyani, i mean what is he? he holds no important position

Whatever, the reality is IK has no other option but to support this latest APC stint leaded by PMLN, he has to keep his usual rhetoric down for some time now, his interlocators only advice at the moment. so just for face saving for his bonker idiot fans….he made all this fuss to meet in person with Kayani and PM for special treatment….and his idiotic fans are fully content with the outcome as expected…..as some haven falls after that episode……pathetic.
& thn tribals also dont hve any right to impose stupid, bacha bazi on educated pakistani citizens living in cvilized cities of pakistan?
they dont hve any dam right to dictate , educated pakistanis to grow breads, & make pakistani womens wear the burqa,s ?
they dont hve any right, to impose thier uneducated islam on normal, pakistanis who they kill like carrots every day?
Here comes the fake niazi pathan.
this story is ambiguous

the decision to start operation in FATA was not a political gains/ loss but purely military, to take on the elements that were defined as enemy of the state and the threat to region/ world peace. the inaction presented far bigger threat and loss than the Qomi ghairat and sovereignty (with the TTP dismisses anyway)

with this in mind, pray tell what qualification did Imran Khan had to convince that withdrawing from the FATA was a good thing to do? whenever army gave way the TTP consolidated, punished the locals, slaughtered the Maliks and eliminated the leadership of tribal hierarchy. the state backed tribal militias stood no chance against the petro-dollar funded TTP who give Pak military run for its money. as per the SSG major who has led assaults against TTP, they have faced the TTP always using AP rounds, and are always equipped with the state of the art assault gear and are hardly surprised whenever attacked.

TTP will bring the front line to the suburbs of Peshawar and Hayatabad if you give way. the only gain here I see is political and some praise from the population living safely overseas and other settled areas of Pakistan. the say of the tribal area people doesnt really matter here because either they are with the TTP (or are sadly history or IDP).

having said that, I would welcome any dialogue with moderate elements (who are only defending themselves) or can be persuaded to berak way. but I dont think its easy.
the only way out of TTP fold is death. if the TTP doesnt get them, then the CIA drones get them. Naik Mohammad remember anyone?

its a childish notion that the people of tribal areas have picked up arms because of drones, they pass through the beheaded corpses of our soldiers hung in the bazars as if they are animals. has anyone seen the TTP fatwas for their favourite targets? how they advocate rape and murder?

this is a war of attrition and our only chance to fight them is to use their tactics on them, through targeted operations but its easier said than done. there are routes to and from Afghanistan and to the rest of the settled Pakistan, if they are not manned then the current chaos will only get worse.
this story is ambiguous

the decision to start operation in FATA was not a political gains/ loss but purely military, to take on the elements that were defined as enemy of the state and the threat to region/ world peace. the inaction presented far bigger threat and loss than the Qomi ghairat and sovereignty (with the TTP dismisses anyway)

with this in mind, pray tell what qualification did Imran Khan had to convince that withdrawing from the FATA was a good thing to do? whenever army gave way the TTP consolidated, punished the locals, slaughtered the Maliks and eliminated the leadership of tribal hierarchy. the state backed tribal militias stood no chance against the petro-dollar funded TTP who give Pak military run for its money. as per the SSG major who has led assaults against TTP, they have faced the TTP always using AP rounds, and are always equipped with the state of the art assault gear and are hardly surprised whenever attacked.

TTP will bring the front line to the suburbs of Peshawar and Hayatabad if you give way. the only gain here I see is political and some praise from the population living safely overseas and other settled areas of Pakistan. the say of the tribal area people doesnt really matter here because either they are with the TTP (or are sadly history or IDP).

having said that, I would welcome any dialogue with moderate elements (who are only defending themselves) or can be persuaded to berak way. but I dont think its easy.
the only way out of TTP fold is death. if the TTP doesnt get them, then the CIA drones get them. Naik Mohammad remember anyone?

its a childish notion that the people of tribal areas have picked up arms because of drones, they pass through the beheaded corpses of our soldiers hung in the bazars as if they are animals. has anyone seen the TTP fatwas for their favourite targets? how they advocate rape and murder?

this is a war of attrition and our only chance to fight them is to use their tactics on them, through targeted operations but its easier said than done. there are routes to and from Afghanistan and to the rest of the settled Pakistan, if they are not manned then the current chaos will only get worse.

Irfan sir,

AP round in 7.62 x 39, (which i assume is in question) here is actually the most inexpensive rounds, their origin are from mainly china, the armor piercing is not from hardened steel sting around which the round is build but just a piece of steel wire inside the lead encased with steel. These steel core ammo which is dubbed AP are extremely in expensive and norinco exported/exports billions of these rounds to conflict areas in africa and thus are easily available elsewhere too.

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