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Imran Khan, Bushra Bibi benefited from UK NCA £190m deal: Spotlight on Corruption

ok, post your company bill of payments.



You know I can't post my company's financial report, but i can dozens of other companies' financial reports, above are two examples
OK. Rs. 488 billion not Rs.450 billion.
My company paid Rs.1.1 billion after the decision, in installments.
Your company! Hahahahah FARMER

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View attachment 931806

You know I can't post my company's financial report, but i can dozens of other companies' financial reports, above are two examples
Muhahahahah faker farmer with fake company posting other companies example. You PMLN supporters are rotten to the core
I'm very saddened to see how ARY has changed its color under pressure. GEO stayed loyal to anti-IK & establishment forces of that time despite facing several bans and reporters' arrests. ARY turned out to be a bit(h.
I'd request everyone to promote a boycott of ARY online & on conventional TV as well.
Memons' god is money, I'm surprised they were pro-IK in the first place.

Waseem Badami was always controversial. This guy was removed from ARY at some point. Just like other paid journalists this guy also earns unlawful money.
And his stupid toupee is even more awful...

Former prime minister Imran Khan and his wife Bushra Bibi apparently benefited personally from the UK National Crime Agency (NCA) and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government’s £190 million dirty money deal, UK’s Spotlight on Corruption, an anti-corruption NGO, has claimed.

Organisation’s Executive Director Susan Hawley condemned the NCA for showing an appalling lack of judgment and transparency by agreeing to a dubious deal with Khan’s government.

She said it appears that the £190 million deal was the result of corrupt dealings with the UK NCA and the Pakistan government. The deal was struck between the UK NCA’s international anticorruption unit and Shahzad Akbar, the PTI government’s former accountability minister, who was authorised by Khan to finalise a deal with the UK authorities.

Speaking to Geo News, Susan Hawley said the NCA’s secret settlement with the Pakistani business tycoon showed an appalling lack of judgement and transparency by the agency.

She said: “The settlement which the NCA claimed was evidence of its success in tackling international corruption now appears to be the result of corrupt dealings. It was clearly brokered by the government in Pakistan at the time, and apparently benefited Khan and his wife personally.”

According to Susan Hawley, the settlement allowed the tycoon to declare his innocence and avoid liabilities within Pakistan thus giving him almost complete impunity. “It is the people of Pakistan who are the losers in this terrible saga, while the UK continues to be a playground for corrupt elites from Pakistan and other countries with no consequences,” Ms Hawley added.

The issue of £190 million came to light again as former PM Khan was arrested a few days ago over charges of corruption in what’s called the Al-Qadir Trust/UK NCA case and his arrest triggered violence and the subsequent events which have shaken the PTI.

The National Accountability Bureau (NAB) questioned both Khan and his wife Bushra Bibi last week about the same case, which is threatening the parliamentary political career of Khan.

Khan, along with his wife Bushra Bibi, and other PTI leaders including Shahzad Akbar and Zulfi Bukhari, are facing an inquiry related to a settlement between the PTI government and the business tycoon, which caused a loss of 190 million pounds to the national exchequer.

According to the accusations, Khan and his wife personally benefited when Rs50 billion (190 million pounds at that time) was transferred by the NCA to the Pakistani government as a condition of the deal with the tycoon.

Imran Khan and his wife got 458 kanals of land in Sohawa from the tycoon to establish Al Qadir University. During the PTI government, United Kingdom’s National Crime Agency (NCA) seized the tycoon’s assets worth 190 million.

The agency said the assets would be passed to the government of Pakistan and the settlement with the tycoon was “a civil matter, and does not represent a finding of guilt”.

Subsequently, then prime minister Khan get approval of the settlement with the UK crime agency from his cabinet on December 3, 2019, without disclosing the details of the confidential agreement and asking the cabinet that they should approve the deal because it was too sensitive.

It was decided that the money would be submitted to the Supreme Court on behalf of the tycoon and not to the State Bank of Pakistan.

Subsequently, Al-Qadir Trust was established in Islamabad a few weeks after the Imran-led government brokered and approved the agreement with the tycoon. PTI leaders Zulfi Bukhari, Babar Awan, Khan’s wife Bushra Bibi, and her close friend Farah Khan were appointed as members of the trust.

It was soon after the approval of the deal by Khan government that the tycoon transferred 458 canals of land to Bukhari, a close aide of the PTI chief, which he later transferred to the trust. Later, Bukhari and Awan opted out as the trustees. That trust is now registered in the name of Khan, Bushra Bibi and Farah Gogi.

The NAB officials were earlier probing the alleged misuse of powers in the process of recovery of “dirty money” received from the UK crime agency, but following the emergence of irrefutable evidence in the case, the inquiry against Imran, Bushra Bibi, Barrister Shahzad Akbar, and others was converted into the investigation.

The UK NCA said that the £190 million was given to the state of Pakistan and not to any PTI government or individual.
oh yes & the most innocent & pure with 0% off corruption political groups of Pakistan...
oh yes & the most innocent & pure with 0% off corruption political groups of Pakistan...
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I don't understand, Pakistan is such a poor country, and there are so many people who can't eat, shouldn't the most important thing for Pakistan is to develop the economy with all its strength? Why do Pakistanis care so much about corruption now? Isn't this miss the point? In Europe and the United States in the 19th century, and East Asian countries after World War II, the rapid economic development was accompanied by a lot of corruption. Especially when you attract a large amount of foreign investment, how can there be no corruption? But after these countries develop, they have more money and conditions to solve the corruption problem. What Pakistan needs most now is to develop the economy, increase GDP, and provide food for the poor in Pakistan. For the time being, ignore the corruption issue, and wait until the Pakistani economy develops to a certain level before solving the corruption issue! !
I don't understand, Pakistan is such a poor country, and there are so many people who can't eat, shouldn't the most important thing for Pakistan is to develop the economy with all its strength? Why do Pakistanis care so much about corruption now? Isn't this miss the point? In Europe and the United States in the 19th century, and East Asian countries after World War II, the rapid economic development was accompanied by a lot of corruption. Especially when you attract a large amount of foreign investment, how can there be no corruption? But after these countries develop, they have more money and conditions to solve the corruption problem. What Pakistan needs most now is to develop the economy, increase GDP, and provide food for the poor in Pakistan. For the time being, ignore the corruption issue, and wait until the Pakistani economy develops to a certain level before solving the corruption issue! !

Spot on!
I had often said in this forum that corruption or the military's role in the various 'development' schemes has not been Pakistan's major issue. It was the lack of political stability and obstacles in smooth transfers of power.

Imran Khan, from day one, went about governance in a wrong way by relentless and focused witch-hunting of his opponent about corruption. Total lies like how many billions of DOLLARS stashed in foreign banks by the Zardaris and Sharifs. Imran needed to do what Erdogan had done in 2003: Governance. Imran in 2018 was where Erdogan was in 2003: Both took power from the old, corrupt, discredited ruling elites but the paths they chose were different. Erdogan was smarter. Far smarter!
I don't understand, Pakistan is such a poor country, and there are so many people who can't eat, shouldn't the most important thing for Pakistan is to develop the economy with all its strength? Why do Pakistanis care so much about corruption now? Isn't this miss the point? In Europe and the United States in the 19th century, and East Asian countries after World War II, the rapid economic development was accompanied by a lot of corruption. Especially when you attract a large amount of foreign investment, how can there be no corruption? But after these countries develop, they have more money and conditions to solve the corruption problem. What Pakistan needs most now is to develop the economy, increase GDP, and provide food for the poor in Pakistan. For the time being, ignore the corruption issue, and wait until the Pakistani economy develops to a certain level before solving the corruption issue! !
There is no long term economic infrastructure. A country for ages live on adhocism, short term economic polices. They write the policy on paper announce on media and leave it in the drawer or submit with new IMF or World Bank loan applications.... but now worldwide economic turmoil, this will not work. Present regime scared away foreign investment. Total hold on imports to increase forex reserve to get the loan from IMF..................where Pakistan is heading ...no idea.
Both took power from the old, corrupt, discredited ruling elites but the paths they chose were different.

Eh? When did IK, or any puppet, past, present or future, has had, has or will have any power?
Eh? When did IK, or any puppet, past, present or future, has had, has or will have any power?

I think Imran had some powers as long as he didn't cross the Establishment's red lines. Which he did. As did Nawaz.
I think Imran had some powers as long as he didn't cross the Establishment's red lines. Which he did. As did Nawaz.

All puppets are given trinkets and toys to keep the people amused, never any real power.

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