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Imran Khan, a Traitor, defends terror suspects

These Indians talk a storm and yet are the cause of all terrorism in the continent, let me tell you why? they forcibly took Hyderabad, junagarh and Kashmir, Stole our share of equipment by delivering it from Punjab and looted. And than try to deliver with bad faith from sea and ship went down what crock.

Used brave and trustworthy unsuspecting Sikh to kill innocent Muslims coming to Pakistan, did not rest their used concocted stories to hold riots against Muslims and those responsible for these riots are still thumbing at the so called democracy, same thing was done to Sikhs and those responsible for their massacre are still thumbing at at the so called greatest Democracy of the world.

If you are such a big Democracy, why than you are shy of holding free and fair plebiscite in Kashmir.

It is a shame that India is getting Israel involved into the affairs of sub-continent and make Israel its best friend and yet at the same time shows sympathy to Palestinian cause, which side are you Indian on, you are playing a game of double face, I hope Palestinians will one know you who you really are.

India had no right to interfere in Pakistani affairs in 70s, but like a bad neighbor it had to,

My advise to Indians is to start behaving like a good neighbor, stop bringing Israel in to help you, stop killing Innocent people like you did at the time of the visit of president Clinton when in one village in Kashmir your Army killed Sikh males by trickery so that Clinton will not ask about Kashmir. What shame killed all innocent sikh males in a village in Kashmir to not to listen to the voices of truth and fairness, just to bully and used dirty tactics to achieve the goal, Goal achieved by dirty trick is very dirty if I may say so.

Samjhota train was another trick played by you Army so that there is no peace between neighbors, what dirty trick. thsoe responsible are still at large like others. What a shame.

I can go on and on, but let us see what you Indians have say for now.
These Indians talk a storm and yet are the cause of all terrorism in the continent, let me tell you why? they forcibly took Hyderabad, junagarh and Kashmir, Stole our share of equipment by delivering it from Punjab and looted. And than try to deliver with bad faith from sea and ship went down what crock.

Used brave and trustworthy unsuspecting Sikh to kill innocent Muslims coming to Pakistan, did not rest their used concocted stories to hold riots against Muslims and those responsible for these riots are still thumbing at the so called democracy, same thing was done to Sikhs and those responsible for their massacre are still thumbing at at the so called greatest Democracy of the world.

If you are such a big Democracy, why than you are shy of holding free and fair plebiscite in Kashmir.

It is a shame that India is getting Israel involved into the affairs of sub-continent and make Israel its best friend and yet at the same time shows sympathy to Palestinian cause, which side are you Indian on, you are playing a game of double face, I hope Palestinians will one know you who you really are.

India had no right to interfere in Pakistani affairs in 70s, but like a bad neighbor it had to,

My advise to Indians is to start behaving like a good neighbor, stop bringing Israel in to help you, stop killing Innocent people like you did at the time of the visit of president Clinton when in one village in Kashmir your Army killed Sikh males by trickery so that Clinton will not ask about Kashmir. What shame killed all innocent sikh males in a village in Kashmir to not to listen to the voices of truth and fairness, just to bully and used dirty tactics to achieve the goal, Goal achieved by dirty trick is very dirty if I may say so.

Samjhota train was another trick played by you Army so that there is no peace between neighbors, what dirty trick. thsoe responsible are still at large like others. What a shame.

I can go on and on, but let us see what you Indians have say for now.

They definately have a big hand in BLA.
Pakistan politicians list

-Hamid Gul as president
-Zaid hamid,Osama Bin Laden n Batiiualllah Masood as Defence minister
-Imran Khan as prime minister

you will see a military superpower

If Osama Bin Laden and Baitullah Mehsud really cared about the Muslim world they would hand themselves in to save Muslims. If I was Osama Bin Laden I would hand myself to America ASAP so this war can end and Muslims can live in peace.

No country can be a power if these two goons are running the show.
Omar since when I am or Pakistan is responsible for Osama or baitullah, we are trying to control the situation by force if necessary, not like India bring in Israel, bring in U.S.A bring in the whole world and cry cry cry like a little spoiled child of the world.

They must stop calling themselves the biggest Democracy, they do all sorts of terrorism and get away with it. I don't believe India is a Democracy, only likes to fool those who are naive.

We as Muslim must ask why there is war in Chechnya, and why U.N. is unable to do something about it.

Why there is injustice in Bosnia and U.N, is not able to do anything about it.

Why India gets away with it and continues to commit atrocities in Kashmir.

Why in Palestine there is oppression of poor Palestinians and U.N. cannot do anything about it. even today U.N. is unable to ring in Israel in Gaza and Israel attacks U.N. compounds. How come.

The truth is starting to trickle out as Mr. miliband has spoken out about KASHMIR and I hope it will continue and all the problems are solved by truthful actions. Actions based on decency, honesty and facts and not concoctions by some lying bullying and unreasonable countries.
How many of you guys have been to Baluchistan? How many of you have seen the poverty and misery of people there? I am not defending their militancy, but if I were living like that, I would be equally furious with the 'goverment of pakistan' and anyone with money and a slick tongue can make me take up arms.
This is careless of you.

What would you do if you're living in the poorest of the areas in Baluchistan and your kids is killed in one of the 'pakistan military' actions and you do not get any justice from anywhere? You do not have much to live for. Any someone comes along and offers you money and arms to take 'revenge'. I don't know about you, but I would!

Again, 'no democratic option left' is the key.

No offense but at this time we need UNITY. Topics like these can be discussed any other time. We should create groups of intellectual minds (Think Tanks) who may work on Internet for the cause of Muslims Unity. Because "Qatray Qatray say darya banta hia". Lets join our hands to Protect Umah and Islam.

Many Regards
Please stop pulling stories out of a hat.

If no democratic option is left then they should prepare for more sacrifices. Accepting bribes form whoever who comes along and offers them to you isn't an excuse to legitimize a non-existent struggle. Anyways your response has nothing to do with what I replied to, which was the erroneous comparison of BLA with Palestinians, as disgusting as it sounds.

Again, I am not defending what these people are doing in Baluchistan. I am just saying that we need to address the root of the problems and not go on killing in the name of 'war on terror'.

I am comparing Baluchis and Palestinians only on the point that "there is no democratic option left".

There are people in Baluchistan who spend years wearing the same clothes cuz they cannot afford to buy more. Quetta, the capital of the province where we get most our our natural gas, has only 3 CNG stations. And you go on shelling the villages!

I am just saying that people of Baluchistan have legitimate concerns about how the province is treated in policy matters and we need to address them.
I found an interesting piece about Imran Khan. Poor guy is very inapt. I still dont believe that he is a traitor, however, he certainly lacks judgement and common sense.

Between imperialism and extremism

Friday, January 16, 2009
by Ayesha Ijaz Khan

On the one hand, Pakistan is the subject of a vicious and malicious international smear campaign, emanating from Washington and Delhi alike. On the other hand, internally we face out-of-control militant and misogynist groups whose aim is to terrorize their own population to a point such that no state institution can check their ever growing power and brutality. Unfortunately, in spite of the gravity of the situation, neither government representatives nor the opposition leaders are able to argue the case for Pakistan effectively in international media, and nor are they able to implement cohesive and effective policy with respect to troubled areas like Swat where the local population is overwhelmed by the cruelty it faces.

There is a belief in some quarters, and indeed has been perpetuated by certain writers within Pakistan, that "India is not the enemy; terror is." Wrong. On the other hand, there are those who claim that all of Pakistan's troubles can be fixed if Pakistan were to distance itself from the American "war on terror." Wrong again! The truth is somewhere in between these two extremes.

Pakistan finds itself in the unenviable position of having to formulate policy such that it is at once anti-imperialist and anti-extremist. This is not an easy thing to do. In fact, it is extremely difficult. It is like fighting a war on two fronts. But it is the only way forward if Pakistan is to survive the mounting crises.

Internationally, there is a consistent onslaught of editorials and opinion pieces written by western writers in the likes of the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal and by Indian writers in publications such as Asia Times casting aspersions on the security of Pakistan's nuclear weapons, the ability of its civilian government to rein in the dubious intelligence agencies, economic mismanagement and the growing recruits of extremist forces, often making the case that Pakistan is not fit to handle its own affairs and should in fact be placed in "an international receivership."

One would think that in light of such offensive attacks in the world media, Pakistan's government would task its diplomats and ambassadors to write counter-pieces. No such luck. Instead, since Musharraf's time, we have had to suffer the embarrassment of our President writing self-important op-eds for American newspapers. Zardari is following in Musharraf's footsteps, but such pieces inevitably argue for an individual or a party, and not the country. As if that is not bad enough, a fumbling, mumbling and repetitive Zardari on shows like "Larry King Live" on CNN does nothing to counter the very serious allegations that are made against Pakistan.

This obsession with appearances on foreign media and vying for relations with foreign writers is not limited to Zardari however. It has also equally, and more disturbingly, become the way of our high-ranking military officers. General Ahmed Shuja Pasha's recent interview to Der Speigel has been critiqued most accurately by analysts within Pakistan. Ironically it too was simplistically titled, "Terror is our enemy; not India." Clearly, the General is not trained in media relations and perhaps should not be agreeing to such interviews. They do not help Pakistan's case.

A few weeks ago, it was revealed that Major-General Faisal Alvi had shared key information with writer Cary Schofield. Tragic as the General's death was, what was he thinking? Is key information on the Pakistan Army to be shared with foreign writers? I would have no problem if he had, for instance, shared it with our very own Ansar Abassi or some other Pakistani investigative journalist or writer, but to offer such sensitive information to a foreign writer is beyond my comprehension.

That not all publicity is good publicity is a fact perhaps lost on our military and civilian elites. And thus the latest casualty of the Indian propaganda campaign was Mr. Imran Khan. Appearing on Barkha Dutt's show, "We the People," Mr. Khan answered the first question posed to him rather well, identifying the lapse in security at the Taj Hotel during the Mumbai attacks, but shortly thereafter his responses descended into chaos. "We have no government. We don't know who is in charge. It is a complete hodgepodge here," Mr. Khan told Barkha. Her ensuing smile said it all.

"Thank you very much Mr. Imran Khan," she beamed. He had just given her guests the ammunition to make the case for "India's Pakistan Problem," as the topic of the show was called. Did Mr. Khan not realize that he was on Indian television and not on Aaj Tv or Geo Tv. That his response must answer to the discussion that is ongoing in India, which incidentally, was arguing for extreme economic and military sanctions for Pakistan on just the grounds that Mr. Khan presented, i.e., that Pakistan is anarchic and nobody is really in charge of a nuclear-armed extremist country.

If Mr. Khan is unequipped in matters of foreign policy, then perhaps it would be better for him to decline such interviews to NDTV in future. Alternatively, he should send the newly-recruited Shireen Mazari out to bat for him in such instances, as I am sure she would have done a far better job of challenging the Indian misinformation. Similarly, the government and military men should not agree to interviews without at least a serious debriefing from some of Pakistan's seasoned foreign office veterans, the likes of Mr. Riaz Khokhar or Mr. Tareq Fatemi.

On the other side of the equation, cries of help from our fellow traumatized citizens in Swat are entirely unheeded. With the inaccessibility of the media in the area, most Pakistanis are unaware of the dire situation in Pakistan's most picturesque of valleys. The emails I receive from Swat are deeply depressing and resentful of both the military and civilian administration. The myriad of letters pouring into this newspaper from the people of Swat and the recent insightful pieces by Hamid Mir and Nasim Zehra underscore the fact that what is going on in Swat is unique and does not fit into the standard explanation that this is merely a response to American drone attacks and intervention.

There have been no American attacks in Swat. And even if there had been, how does turning against your own population counteract the malicious designs of the Americans? It was terribly disappointing for me to hear Mr. Ayaz Amir on "Siyasi Log," as he attempted to draw an analogy between the Islamic Salvation Front in Algeria and what is going on in Swat. The ISF was voted into power by the Algerians. The people of Swat, on the other hand, are being held hostage by this armed monstrosity, and are pleading for help and emancipation from this heinous force.

It was even more disappointing to hear Samia Raheel Qazi of the Jamaat-e-Islami argue on "Live with Talat" that men who are torching girls' schools are not Muslims. After all, how can a Muslim do such a thing? There are one billion Muslims. Is Ms. Qazi suggesting that none of them are criminals? Several months ago, a newspaper report revealed that the imam of a mosque in Gowalmandi (Lahore) had raped a girl of ten. Is Ms. Qazi suggesting that he too was not Muslim? What will we possibly gain by being in such denial? Isn't it far better to accept the bitter truth that there is a force of Muslims in our country who have transgressed all bounds and perverted the religion such that it is closer to "jahilya" than it is to Islam and thus this "fitna" must be dealt with severely.

But when ironically Haji Adeel of the secular ANP claims that most people in Swat want "nifase sharia," one must ask him why then would they vote for his party? And can Haji Adeel give some explanation as to what this vague term means? Can he guarantee that it will not result in the end of female education? Will he guarantee that it will not mean mutilation of dead bodies? Or is he just too scared to say otherwise?

With the notable exception of Senator Mandokhel of the Pakhtunkhwa Milli Awami Party no politician appearing on television has told the people the truth about the aspirations and troubles of the people in Swat.

The writer is a London-based lawyer turned political commentator. Website: Ayesha Ijaz Khan

Between imperialism and extremism
well according to this article not only imran khan, gen shuja pasha and mr president too lack media handling....so why only blaming imran khan....?? I know it will take time for him to learn these tactics...
well according to this article not only imran khan, gen shuja pasha and mr president too lack media handling....so why only blaming imran khan....?? I know it will take time for him to learn these tactics...

Because while General Pasha and even Zardari are trying to get Pakistan out of this mess, Imran Khan is just exploiting it and making it worse. General Pasha was probably misquoted, but Imran Khan does it all the time with a very sinister self serving purpose. Imran Khan is a good talker, and he can do a lot of good with the influence he has…but he only talks in the negative for Pakistan, our Army and our prospects for the future. While he himself has nothing to show in terms of credentials and nor does he suggest remotely realistic solutions.
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I am not a Pakistani, But Imran Khan is a Better human being and Politician than many so called Politicians in India or for that matter the whole of Asia. He is a Great Person. Lets not call him a traitor. God Speed.
I am not a Pakistani, But Imran Khan is a Better human being and Politician than many so called Politicians in India or for that matter the whole of Asia. He is a Great Person. Lets not call him a traitor. God Speed.

Dude we do respect him for his great work in the field of sports for pakistan but its a serious matter.

He is claiming that armed forces of Pakistan are killing innocent ppl in Balochistan. Facts are different:-

1. It has a vast area being largest province of Pakistan but with a very low population figure.

2. Sardari system has pushed ppl to a very low and deep poverty level coupled with low education standards.

3. It was serving as a safe drug route as it has got a long border with afganistan.

4. foreign powres vested their interests in this region to stop development as it importent for Pakistan to obtain and further benefit itself from the natural resourses of the province.

5. To eliminate tne current sardari system and tribal fights( ref; severe fights between bugti ans marri tribes) militry operation was introduced.

6. All those claiming to be innocent were fighting againt he Armed forces in one way or the other.

Keeping above mentioned facts in view, you can judge yourself that encouraging anyone to pick up arms against the state would further detoriate the situation or will imprave it.
Pakistan Army's action in Baluchistan was in the same pretext as USA's invasion of Iraq. You want to eliminate 'terrorism', address the cause rather than go on and murder, abduct and torture people!
Imran khan is not a traitor but somehow stupid and unaware of the real situation traitors = Zardri+benazir, Nawaz sharif.

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