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Imran Khan, a Traitor, defends terror suspects

I suggest reading the post that you are about to reply very carefully. Where did i say that Naxals or Maoists are striving for separatism??????? Infact, they want to get rid of the Ram Raj through a change in the social order which by all accounts is more dangerous to bharat then anyother separatist movement. Separatist movements on the other hand want to avoid the Ram Raj by seeking to get independence from the tyranny. The thing that they have in common is that they have taken up arms to achieve the objective so before you refer to Balochistan and its RAW sponsored phantom organization, it is prudent for you as ordinary hindustani to worry about what is real and present.

About the issue of "all Kashmiri separatist organizations operating from Pakistan", you are either blissfully ignorant of the reality or you are merely pretending as a daft. Here is one article (from your own bharat media as per the popular hindustani demand) which will help you in understanding what hindustan faces today.

Nearly 175 terror groups are active in India

Sunday, 13 April 2008

Mumbai, April 13: Manipur has the highest number of terror outfits, followed by Assam and Jammu and Kashmir, according to a list prepared by the union home ministry in consultation with state governments and intelligence agencies.

The home ministry is closely monitoring the activities of nearly 175 terror organisations spread across India and attempting to ascertain their links both within and outside the country. The list includes those suspected of, or indulging in terrorist, insurgent, extremist or fanatical activities. The majority of the outfits are centred in and active in the northeast, according to intelligence sources.

Manipur tops the list with a whopping 39 organisations, followed by Assam with 36 organisations that are under the scanner of the state and central intelligence agencies.

The next is the sensitive border state of Jammu and Kashmir with 32 such groups active, semi-active or dormant. In addition to these, there are at least four other independent groups that are not based in Kashmir but are coordinating or supporting terror groups in the state from across the border.

The surprise inclusion here is Dukhtaran-e-Millat, an all-women organisation that exerts community pressures to further social norms dictated by Islamic fundamental groups.

Most of the groups named in the list are engaged in secessionist activities, mostly armed and violent, either independently or with support from across the border, mostly in regions neighbouring Pakistan and China.

A matter of concern for law-enforcing authorities is that the list - which has been obtained by IANS - is not exhaustive and keeps growing, the sources said.

Thirty groups belong to Tripura, followed by four in Meghalaya, three in Nagaland, two in Mizoram and one in Arunachal Pradesh.

This makes a total of 115 groups in seven states in the sensitive northeast, including those bordering China.

Punjab, which witnessed heavy terrorism in the 1980s, has at least 12 active or potentially dangerous terror groups in the state.

Mumbai Anti-Terrorist Squad chief Hemant Karkare said there are around 8-10 frontline terror groups on which they keep tabs on a regular basis, but he declined to identify them.

'In addition, there are more than a couple of hundred other such groups of which we have knowledge. At times, new ones suddenly crop up, like the Hindu Garjana, which attacked communist party workers in Pune last fortnight. Then we do the needful investigations,' Karkare told IANS, but did not elaborate.

In addition to these state-level groups, the agencies are keeping tabs on the activities of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), Tamil Nadu Liberation Army, Tamil National Retrieval Troops, Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI - banned since September 2001), Deendar Anjuman, Asif Reza Commando Force, Kamatapur Liberation Organisation and the Ranvir Sena.

Even some Nepalis in India have their own struggle group - the Akhil Bharat Nepali Ekta Samaj - fighting for different causes.

Left-wing extremist groups that are under a close watch include the Communist Party of India-Maoist, Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist)-Janashakti and People's Guerrilla Army.

As far as Mumbai Police are concerned, they are quite pleased with the recent successful investigations that led to the nabbing of important terror operatives who were reportedly targeting sensitive installations and religious places in Mumbai.

These include terror suspects caught from Goa, Karnataka and from Thane district, bordering Mumbai, in Maharashtra.

Last Thursday, police nabbed two prominent SIMI activists from Mira Road (Thane), Irshad Salim Khan (37) and Israr Ahmed Abdul Hamid Tailor (38), who may be linked to the July 11, 2006, serial bomb explosions in Mumbai's suburban trains.


Read this article carefully..... it answers all your innocent points. One, all Kashmiri groups are not operating from Pakistan (as per the GOI report 4 from across the border and whopping 32 from inside).

Second, it answers your question regarding there being no tamil separatism (see the report, not only LTTE has its bases in hindustan but also two internal tamil organisations alos exist). :enjoy:

Yes, we can treat Balochistan as disputed issue provided bharat can get few resolutions of UNSC passed in its favor...... untill then bask yourself in the recently acquired knowledge about terror organisation in hindustan courtesy Prodigy17. :lol:

:lol: .. Yes, read it..cause it makes you feel good.

All the "terror groups" mentenoed above are actually modules that the terrorists are operating inside of India. These modules help the terrorists get logistics. Terrorists have always exploited the porous borders of India.
I don't think Imran Khan is a separatist, thus he is not a traitor to pakistan. He is simply saying that due to the unnecessary oppression, kidnappings, murders and persecution of Balochis along with economic discrimination against Balochis--that they were rebelling and taking up arms. I think he has a point, if you rip off someone and treat them unfairly then they will feel mistreated because they have been mistreated and will take up arms to fight for what was theirs to begin with.

The new civilian government is trying to right these wrongs which were orchestrated under Musharaff's disasterous government and is giving the Baloch the respect that they deserved as human beings and pakistanis. The real traitor was Agent Mushy, who planted the seeds of a civil war to split pakistan into pieces. Imran Khan is simply doing some damage control by showing solidarity with the fiercely proud and independent minded Baloch. I'd rather someone like Imran Khan work his magic and start the healing process and bring respect to Balochis so they don't separate rather than some CIA sponsored puppet attack Baloch and Pathan areas resulting in a civil war that destroys pakistan.
Now, about Balochinstan, it was never a part of India that was given to Pakistan, infact Balochinstan territory was invaded after Pakistani independence in 1948. If u call Kashmir disputed, then, there is no reason why we should'nt call Balochistan disputed too.

What a silly statement.

Balochistan was never belonging to India or anyone.

It formed one of the "core" states of Pakistan. Punjab didn't join until much later.

Balochistan was made one of the "core" states of Pakistan under the Instrument of Partition. Therefore it was all legal.

Kashmir was not, since it did not follow the Instrument of Partition, and therefore is disputed.
secondly BLA is internationally recognized a terrorist organization .

Internationally Banned ?

The only countries which have banned it are Pakistan and now us !

Internationally banned means the UN has banned it such as AQ, LET, JUD, IRA etc.

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If any politician did this in any other country; that is openly support/encourage/justify criminals and terrorists who believe in violence not only against fellow countrymen, but also against national institutions then the public would eat that politician alive. It is a sign of ideological weakness of the present Pakistani state that people like Imran Khan are able to get away with such disruptive Anti-Pakistani views.
The statement is pure disappointment.BLA stands for 'balouchistan liberation army'....doesn't it spell out their intentions? Besides wht is the guy Pakistani balouch doing with the iranian guy???
And if living below poverty line is a valid excuse to take up arms as said by imran khan....then the whole region should be no more than a gun touting war zone of poor people.What Balouchistan really needs is freedom from their ages old oppressive 'nawab' system...its them who stand in the way of the balouch ppl and their right to exist as progressive citizens of Pakistan.Just putting the blame of one and all on the military has becum a fav with our 'demorats'...anything wrong...blame it on the guys in the uniform,simple.
Its esp pathethic coming from imran at a time when he is preparing a 'long march' for the freedom of the judiciary.....justice by guns and justice by law in the same breath??? Double standards i'd say.
Internationally Banned ?

The only countries which have banned it are Pakistan and now us !

Internationally banned means the UN has banned it such as AQ, LET, JUD, IRA etc.

International means involving more than one country...if Britian has also banned the BLA apart from Pakistan (taking ur word),then omar is correct...BLA ia an internationally banned organisation.
The people who claim to speak for the Balochi people and their economic interests through sabotaging and violence and intimidation of the very projects and persons and equipment that is helping bring prosperity to their people...are nothing but medieval style ethnic fascists. Completely brutal, drug addicted, womanizing, conspiring, criminal, murdering and torturing chieftains. It is shameful to see a 'national' politician falling at this level to score a few points.
He told the court he would have been willing to use violence against the Pakistan government if he had been from the country’s poorest province of Baluchistan, where he said the army had killed and kidnapped citizens, made 75,000 homeless, rigged elections and controlled the courts.

And while we r at it...can anyone verify these claims?On the other hand,it is a well documented fact that the the various clans including esp the bughti and mari clans had been actively engaged in persecuting and banishing other local tribes which were not to their liking,usurping their lands and even holding them hostages.

And im so done with hearing that every 'election' is rigged in Pak by all except the party that holds the majority!If tomorrow TEI wins in Balouchistan it'll be regarded as the most fair elections in the history of Pakistan by imran.Hopes he matures up quickly as a politician...:fingers crossed:
93% of the people in Kashmir, according to a poll done by an Indian news agency, voted to separate from India. Ofcourse, it being an Indian report, it is not surprising that out of those 93%, a larger portion wanted independence than to join Pakistan. India believes that the Kashmiri land belongs to them, much the same way the Israelis think Jeruselum is rightfully theirs. Let me asure you this, the land of Kashmir belongs to the Kashmiris, and the Kashmiris alone. There cannot be peace in this region until India realises this.

A very good friend of mine, a Jammu Kashmiri, who studied in a boarding school in Delhi, absolutely hates Indian oppression in Kashmir and fiercely opposes their control. He is pro-Pakistan, but does not support the idea of Kashmir joining Pakistan beause he feels let down by the Pakistani leadership. He also thinks that there should be no military action in FATA and we should have stood up to the US after 9/11.

Nothing inside Pakistan right now is like Kashmir. Please get that straight.
When you stand up for the lowest citizen against the highest authority, that doesn't make you a traitor, that's the type of leader I would want in power. Think about it...he is addressing the underlying factors of such movements by dissecting the root causes...

He is not supporting the BLA or any similar movements, but he is criticizing the actions or lack thereof of the central government who has messed up in the past in many areas. What makes people take up arms against authorities? What can be done in the future to avoid escalating tensions and how can we dismantle such organizations by appealing to these underlying causes instead of wiping them out with force? Such actions only cause more divisions, and right now we don't need any more separatists. Why waste lives and ammunition when careful planning and revision of policies can do the job instead?

We can't keep blaming our problems on the CIA or Mossad or even RAW...because if these external intelligence agencies really do have this much power and influence within our borders, then again we must ask the authorities what the hell is going on and why they have allowed it to balloon into such problems. Imran Khan is right in essence, central figures have messed up in the past by giving our own citizens the stick and handing external forces carrots. Try to look at it from a less authoritative and elitist viewpoint, and coming from someone like Imran Khan, it is almost unheard of in any government to have this kind of understanding and courage.

If we keep labeling people traitors and demanding their heads, then Pakistan will continue to spiral downwards. Come on, the guy kicked so much a$$ on the pitch, let's give him our open-mindedness and stop jock riding the federal authorities on every issue, especially one of such significance as mutinous movements.

These two men on trial are part of the BLA, Baloch Liberation Army, who have killed and tortured innocent lives. They are not regular Baloch people.

Imran Khan is defending the BLA and saying he would do the SAME, meaning he would also do the same actions as the BLA.

Now Imran Khan, who is dreaming of being preident of Pakistan, is not only defending a terrorist group who want to break the country but said he would also join them.

What does that say about Imran Khan, hes a traitor and should be convicted of treason he is far worse than his rival Altaf Hussein.
I dont understand my fellow Pakistani people at all.

India commits massive human rights violation in their territory and no Indian talks negative about their government whereas Pakistanis even take the side of a terrorist group dreaming of breaking Pakistan over their own government whose trying to stop them.

Pakistanis lack in patriotism, Indians will kill each other but will never say anything against India.
The people who claim to speak for the Balochi people and their economic interests through sabotaging and violence and intimidation of the very projects and persons and equipment that is helping bring prosperity to their people...are nothing but medieval style ethnic fascists. Completely brutal, drug addicted, womanizing, conspiring, criminal, murdering and torturing chieftains. It is shameful to see a 'national' politician falling at this level to score a few points.

The actions of the tribal cheiftains are pretty similar to recorded history of the Pakistani Army womanizing lets not forget what happened in Bangladesh (though not in the same amount as people suggested), conspiring lets not forget the General Alvi debacle, criminal the conditions the tribesman that have left Bajaur are kept in during this winter even compared to German labour camps.

The point we all seem to miss is that we should have stopped the tribal cheifs a long time ago from partition onwards today the wound has gone too deep and the pain is being felt by the Baluchis on ground in Pakistan they are the ones dying in the cold they are the ones that have no future to look at or progress for themselves the actions they take are wrong but I feel they do so because of the lack of education they have and the only future they see themselves in is serving there tribal lords.

Lets not forget the missing people from all across Pakistan we need to realise that no government organization(including certain parts of the PA as well) is actually doing what is right for Pakistan or its citizens the new government has provided with nothing new except for things as pointless as the renaming of NWFP or condemning things although I think Imran Khan is wrong as well because the Baluchi people before representation need education so they can actually understand their rights and humanity and lets not also forget if a General of the Pakistan army would say in public that we will bomb them from places they won't even know what hit them then it wouldn't really lift the spirits of the people of Baluchistan and be exactly the same as any average "tribal cheiftain" that Kasrkin suggests.

I think Kasrkin should realise that we have no right to attack people who are a part of our own country however wrong they may be and we have had examples from other countries that violence will get us nowhere like Britain and the IRA.

We can call Imran Khan a traitor for actually suggesting that he feels affection for a certain people of our country what on earth are we getting at.
We can call Imran Khan a traitor for actually suggesting that he feels affection for a certain people of our country what on earth are we getting at.

Again the two men undergoing trial are from BLA, they are not regular Baloch people and our army are hunting down the BLA, a terrorist organization who even kill innocent Baloch people and BLA's ultimate goal is to break Pakistan.

If Imran Khan defended innocent Baloch people caught in the middle of the fight between BLA and Pakistani army it would be different but Imran defended the BLA and said he would do the SAME meaning join a terrorist organization whose ultimate goal is to break Pakistan.
Again the two men undergoing trial are from BLA, they are not regular Baloch people and our army are hunting down the BLA, a terrorist organization who even kill innocent Baloch people and BLA's ultimate goal is to break Pakistan.

If Imran Khan defended innocent Baloch people caught in the middle of the fight between BLA and Pakistani army it would be different but Imran defended the BLA and said he would do the SAME meaning join a terrorist organization whose ultimate goal is to break Pakistan.

I think Imran Khan suggests that what else would the people from Baluchistan do if the leader of their nation and the leader of their army would threaten them to be bombed to hell. As a neutral I ask you what would your first response be as a Baluchi?

We need to understand why the BLA is their in the first place what is its purpose and why is it getting stronger and fix those things.

Why did we want liberation from India under the British rule may be the very same reasons that the people of Baluchistan want liberation from us.
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