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Imran and Reham fomally agree on Divorce.

This psycho imran khan is a huge mess...this guy acts and behave like 12 year old...if he ever becomes PM Pakistan ..I promise I will give up on Pakistan....!
If corrupt nawaz & zardari can become P.M why can't he. He is still better than others.
your are allowed to shit here in this forum but don't get personal and try to replay to the post not to the poster/user.
Well you didn't mind when your good friend was quoting rubbish off topic.
Are you an administrator here? What makes you decide what is allowed and what is not? Post your opinion and I will post mine. Period.
Well you didn't mind when your good friend was quoting rubbish off topic.
Are you an administrator here? What makes you decide what is allowed and what is not? Post your opinion and I will post mine. Period.
there are some rules and regulation here in this forum...
if you or your friend is offended by a user's post than best thing is to report it or say them to not to do so but in manners..
i'm not a administrator..
@Horus @waz @Slav Defence
Time for shahbaz sharif to move in.... and do what he doe s best ( and frequently)
She achieved what she came for, now she is famous, everyone knows her, every channel will be running and offering her job with highest perks, an Anchor no one knew 1 year ago is talk of the town today .. Well Played Reham Khan Well Played...

And as I said before ( and got shouted at by PTI fanboys ) she is a gold digger and was the single biggest mistake of Imran Khans political career, He will pay for it for a log log time.
Check out the video posted earlier at page#1.Every politician wanted to make such ''beautiful mistakes''.
Reham can dance beautifully,she is bold and smart,enough to attract burger boys and girls who want to see ''Naya Pakistan''.
However,what desi politicians have offered us so far as well?They looted us and gave us nothing except humiliation and insult across the globe.
However,when I see Reham Khan,dancing in the arms of some gora and with really bold dressing,which is definitely normal in their society,I do think as if these people would lead us?
Whom should I trust?Imran Khan?Nawaz?Zardari?Altaf Hussain?
It is better for me for not to use my right...and I will not use my right unless I don't come across a man who truly represents Pakistan.

In my humble opinion, if two people cannot live together it is better to separate. This fact is recognized in Islam as well as in the civil in law. Nevertheless, divorce is painful process and Imran as well as Rehaam have gone through two divorces; I feel sorry for the couple.

In my view one should neither gloat over it nor use it as juicy news item worth hours of TV time.

People reading my posts will know that I am no fan of Imran / Taliban Khan. Nevertheless in my view, unless it is a real scandal such as either partner having an illicit affair; I am of the view that private life should not be dragged into public.
I don't agree with Imran Khan as a politician on most of the things. I always liked his role charitable in cause. Yet, I am sad on this setback in his personal life.

Check out the video posted earlier at page#1.Every politician wanted to make such ''beautiful mistakes''.
Reham can dance beautifully,she is bold and smart,enough to attract burger boys and girls who want to see ''Naya Pakistan''.
However,what desi politicians have offered us so far as well?They looted us and gave us nothing except humiliation and insult across the globe.
However,when I see Reham Khan,dancing in the arms of some gora and with really bold dressing,which is definitely normal in their society,I do think as if these people would lead us?
Whom should I trust?Imran Khan?Nawaz?Zardari?Altaf Hussain?
It is better for me for not to use my right...and I will not use my right unless I don't come across a man who truly represents Pakistan.


It is her personal life or Imran decision to marry her. Was not Quaid lived his life in a way which Pakistani muslims cannot think to live ? Who are we to comment on their personal life ?
I don't agree with Imran Khan as a politician on most of the things. I always liked his role charitable in cause. Yet, I am sad on this setback in his personal life.

It is her personal life or Imran decision to marry her. Was not Quaid lived his life in a way which Pakistani muslims cannot think to live ? Who are we to comment on their personal life ?
Pakistani muslims can't even imagine to think that a shia ''kaafir'' could work for benefit of Pakistan,my friend.Pakistani couldn't even imagine that Abdus Salam,an agha khani could actually work with physics.You mistook my context.
Whereas Jinnah sir and Khan sahab are two different personalities and cannot be compared.Jinnah sir was farsighted,man of upright character.He used to pay for every penny for his personal spending. He was sincere.
Are you comparing a man who hide his TB throughout his entire life for the cause of Pakistan and died while spitting blood with a man who lives a lavish life style and is juvenile politician?seriously?..and Jinnah who was a very mature political player as well?

Edit: I have every right to speak up anything I find disturbing about those who seek my vote,I want at least, a sincere man to be a leader and they come to me,promising to act in a gentle way.

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