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Impressions of Vietnam

I have been to most places in your photo.
Plus some beach cities in the centre.
i have no issue with pho, and people really welcomed me, especially the girls at hotel, nice chat. But they were under strict "guidance" under their mother...
The only issue was the infra including road and railway....and the horrible experiences at the border check.
I also had great conversation with the railway staff on the unification train.
They even bought me free pho and sea food at one big station, Da Nang (in Chinese Xian Gang).
Hanoi has much more Confucius influence than Saigon, it is familiar, but too Chinese....
Saigon to me is quite different, very french style, very southeastern asian.
Hanoi is not really southeastern asian to me.
@Edison Chen
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Me? less than 1 kilometer from that. in an edge of the Old Quarter.
By the way, high rise buildings are rare in Old quarter because they don't allow those.

as I know 6-7 stories are maximum
I'm in Doi Can Street, But it isn't my house, I'm not Hanoian, i hire a house to study in Hanoi, maybe i will come to HCM, It has more chances than Hn
The financial tower?

Nha Trang?
No, Ta Hien Street
The financial tower?

Nha Trang?

It's very nice that you've visited so many places. How many days you stayed in Vietnam?
I skipped those ancient cities....too Chinese ancient style to me, so skipped all of them.

It's very nice that you've visited so many places. How many days you stayed in Vietnam?
My purpose was do a non-airplane road/railway trip in SEA, Vietnam-Cambodia-Laos.
All together over two weeks.
I took my parent, very cheap trip compared to traveling in China....enjoyable!
I have been to most places in your photo.
Plus some beach cities in the centre.
i have no issue with pho, and people really welcomed me, especially the girls at hotel, nice chat. But they were under strict "guidance" under their mother...
The only issue was the infra including road and railway....and the horrible experiences at the border check.
I also had great conversation with the railway staff on the unification train.
They even bought me free pho and sea food in one big station.
Hanoi has much more Confucius influence than Saigon.
To me, it is familiar, but too Chinese....
Saigon to much is quite different.
@Edison Chen

Haha, Vietnamese are really warm welcome, they all can speak at least a little bit Chinese, although not fluently. Whenever I check in the hotel, they always bring me a cup of ice cold juice and wet wipes, even in very small hotels. Those hotel staff, they are very nice, much better than Chinese hotel waiters.
I skipped those ancient cities....too Chinese ancient style to me, so skipped all of them.

My purpose was do a non-airplane road/railway trip in SEA, Vietnam-Cambodia-Laos.
All together over two weeks.
I took my parent, very cheap trip compared to traveling in China....enjoyable!

I myself did not have such a trip in Vietnam. Air plane is the most favor way to travel in Southeast Asia, except Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar
Haha, Vietnamese are really warm welcome, they all can speak at least a little bit Chinese, although not fluently. Whenever I check in the hotel, they always bring me a cup of ice cold juice and wet wipes, even in very small hotels. Those hotel staff, they are very nice, much better than Chinese hotel waiters.
yeah, I only spent $20 per night for me and my parent near that big church in hanoi.
Guesthouse in Nha Trang was super cheap, including huge breakfast.
I don't like that hotel area for foreigners in Saigon..also very cheap, but not a very safe place.
In Hanoi, we spent a whole day in the Chinese districts, visited the Chinese-style church where the south viet president spent his last moment before his arrest and some ancestral temples.
I was content with all the cheap stuff there, but i think pho was overpriced with little beef.
Then we took a coach to Cambodia.

@Edison Chen
We also tried the motorbike tour in HCM.

A college boy and girl took me and my wife on their ride. They are very warm and nice to us, my wife can't speal good English, so the girl said that she's very sorry that she can't talk to her in Chinese, she learnt Chinese from the songs and movies. She loves China mainland and will visist China maybe oneday.

When we came across their workmates, the other tour guides - mostly college students, these young boys and girls shaked hands with us and sang Chinerse songs to us when they know we come from China. Oh my god, I love these Vietnam young people, they are so sweet.
We also tried the motorbike tour in HCM.

A college boy and girl took me and my wife on their ride. They are very warm and nice to us, my wife can't speal good English, so the girl said that she's very sorry that she can't talk to her in Chinese, she learnt Chinese from the songs and movies. She loves China mainland and will visist China maybe oneday.
I left my email to the railway staff of unification train.
The head of the staff is a great fan of Chinese railway, he spent a couple of years of training decades ago in China.
I told him if he returned to China for a visit, I could take him to try the new railways if he visited my place.
But he did a terrible stuff, he wanna sell my ticket to another guy( i took off the train midway, couldn't tolerate any more, so there was a lag behind available). He gave me a piece of paper with his signature and some words, saying that staff at the station would let us out with that paper...I refused.

I myself did not have such a trip in Vietnam. Air plane is the most favor way to travel in Southeast Asia, except Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar
trains were congested...not unpopular
Depend on Edison next stop.


Seafood in Nha Trang.

I left my email to the railway staff of unification train.
The head of the staff is a great fan of Chinese railway, he spent a couple of years of training decades ago in China.
I told him if he returned to China for a visit, I could take him to try the new railways if he visited my place.
But he did a terrible stuff, he wanna sell my ticket to another guy( i took off the train midway, couldn't tolerate any more, so there was a lag behind available). He gave me a piece of paper with his signature and some words, saying that staff at the station would let us out with that paper...I refused.

trains were congested...not unpopular

Hahah interesting. You did the right thing, who can guarantee you can just walk out of the ticket check without any question?




Hanoi is more like traditional vietnam than westernized saigon. In hanoi you must try CHA CA LA VONG, in old quaters.

Agree. I saw CHA CA LA VONG on tripadvisor, I was going there but my schedule is full, we have limited time in Hanoi.
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