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IMF asks govt to reopen CPEC deals

We all know China doesn't want the west nose in to their business, they don't want to share Cpec deals with IMF etc as its none of IMF and west business.

This will prove once for all the traitors of Pakistan. I dont believe Pakistan will agree but if they do then everyone needs to understand its not about PTI v PDM, its Pakistan v Traitors.

Bech dala mulk aur CPEC!

Twaday Mian te thoo twadi Maryam te thoo!
Evil and wily Europeans on behalf of their masters Yankees want to sow the seeds of mistrust and antagonism between the two trusted strategic partners of Pakistan and China. These evil European white bigots deserve to be punished in the aftermath of Ukraine war.
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We all know China doesn't want the west nose in to their business, they don't want to share Cpec deals with IMF etc as its none of IMF and west business.

China can get the attention of lumber 1 real fast by recalling the J-10 and suspending JF-17 production.

In the long run China already knows it is better off working with Afghanistan and Iran.
China can get the attention of lumber 1 real fast by recalling the J-10 and suspending JF-17 production.

In the long run China already knows it is better off working with Afghanistan and Iran.

Add the Subs, Frigates, and other critical technology. Agree Afghanistan and Iran have honour, if they benefit from China trade then they will not be asking Usa permission.
China can get the attention of lumber 1 real fast by recalling the J-10 and suspending JF-17 production.

In the long run China already knows it is better off working with Afghanistan and Iran.

I have said it before and will say it again, Pakistan is a liability to China, a dead horse the Chinese have to push. It should just save itself from this country and look else where for relations, with this *** retarded Army leadership we have in place.
Instead of giving relief to their stooges, the Americans are demanding more and more 😂. What a shame for our stupid establishment. Or maybe they already knew and are traitors.
When is Gen Bajwa expected to leave the COAS seat? This year or next year?

Also how long till GE?
When is Gen Bajwa expected to leave the COAS seat? This year or next year?

Also how long till GE?
It doesn’t matter bcaz he will name a successor who will happily lick usa arse forever. All of them are compromised so it doesn’t matter who is new coas…..they all usa slaves…..

I’m surprised China hasn’t wound up entire cpec and moved it to Afg or Iran……it would be faster and less corruption too

Why is China silent and not closing shop here despite knowing about these traitors??
TBH, this isn't that illogical.

We have been leaking money in capacity payments and surcharges for years now to these power projects, and that is the reason we cannot bring the circular debt down.
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