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Imaging Questioners

This is a historic picture, first aircraft in PAF markings to take part in Pakistan Independence Day celebrations drom Drigh Road on the eve of 14 Aug. 1947.

Name the aircraft and no cheating please! ::smokin:


It is Hawker Tempest Aircraft

more details could be found here Hawker Tempest - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As far as Royal PAF is concerned he RPAF began with 2,332 personnel, a fleet of 24 Tempest II fighter-bombers, 16 Hawker Typhoon fighters (also called Tempest I) with other aircrafts.

One of the most iconic fighters of the 20th century. Can anyone identify this bird?
hello? its been over 24 hrs, and no has identified the aircrafts. Guess I'll give hints

The first is a little tricky. This aircraft is a cold war icon which was mass-produced and is still in service with many nations.

The second one is now retired from service and was designed for a navy.

if no one answers in the next 24 hours, i'll post the answers
Sorry, I forgot to check the thread :s

The first picture looks like a Mig-21, the second one is definately a F-8 Crusader. It served well with US Navy in the sexties and seventies.
Sorry, I forgot to check the thread :s

The first picture looks like a Mig-21, the second one is definately a F-8 Crusader. It served well with US Navy in the sexties and seventies.

Correct Neo! The first one is a MiG-21 or a J-7 painted in US colours.

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