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I'm disenchanted with India: Zardari

third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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Disenchanted with India ? The feeling is mutual.

He is disenchanted with with India. While his nation , his Govt & his army is disenchanted with him...we all live in a disenchanted world.

I'm disenchanted with India: Zardari | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

Published: May 30, 2010

NEW YORK - President Asif Ali Zardari has said that he is “disenchanted” with India’s stance towards Pakistan and raised the question who is financing the Afghan Taliban and the Pakistani Taliban.
In an interview with Newsweek, he said “We haven’t got any closer to knowing that.”
The President said that his government was stable and faced no threat.

“I expected the largest democracy in the world to behave much more maturely,” the President said, referring to India as he responded to a question about progress on Pakistan’s request for extradition of Ajmal Kasab, the sole surviving gunman from the 2008 Mumbai attacks.

“This new-age terror has created a phenomenon where a few people can take entire states to war,” he went on to say. “The fact that these people happen to belong to Pakistan or India or Bangladesh is immaterial. They are non-state actors and the states should behave like states”.

Since President Zardari has consistently taken a soft line on India, his criticism of the Indian policy led the Newsweek correspondent to ask him whether he had become a hawk on Pakistan’s eastern neighbour. “I’m a liberal by nature and democrat by principles. War is never an option, as far as I’m concerned”.

Zardari voiced full confidence in the stability of Pakistan’s present democratic set-up, saying neither the government nor the Parliament was in any danger.

“The 18th Amendment [to the Constitution] is a reflection of the great maturity, I feel, democratic forces in Pakistan have achieved,” he said when asked whether the government was in danger of falling. “I think all the political forces sitting today in Parliament have reinvented ourselves.”

President Zardari said that US-Pakistan cooperation was satisfactory. There was no US pressure on Pakistan against pursuing economic relations with Iran. “We are looking forward to trading with all our neighbours. Nobody can put pressure on Pakistan for anything. We do what is in Pakistan’s interest,” he added.

On calls for military action in North Waziristan, the President said Pakistan would follow its own game plan. “We are fighting to save Pakistan,” he added.

About Faisal Shahzad, the suspect in the failed Times Square bombing, he underlined the fact that the Pakistan-born man was a US citizen. “There is no cure for badness. But the cooperation with the US is good.”

About his diplomatic successes, Zardari said, “I think we’ve created an appetite in the world to look at the case of Pakistan from our eyes. Hence the locally evolved IMF package extended aid to Pakistan, and new strategic dialogue with the US made possible. It is because we’ve managed to, I think, have these diplomatic successes. We’ve created a new vision of Pakistan as far as other countries are concerned”. But, he said, the press still remained cynical.
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“I expected the largest democracy in the world to behave much more maturely,” the President said, referring to India as he responded to a question about progress on Pakistan’s request for extradition of Ajmal Kasab, the sole surviving gunman from the 2008 Mumbai attacks.

“This new-age terror has created a phenomenon where a few people can take entire states to war,” he went on to say. “The fact that these people happen to belong to Pakistan or India or Bangladesh is immaterial. They are non-state actors and the states should behave like states”.

About his diplomatic successes, Zardari said, “I think we’ve created an appetite in the world to look at the case of Pakistan from our eyes. Hence the locally evolved IMF package extended aid to Pakistan, and new strategic dialogue with the US made possible. It is because we’ve managed to, I think, have these diplomatic successes. We’ve created a new vision of Pakistan as far as other countries are concerned”. But, he said, the press still remained cynical.

Seriously is Zardari a President material in a time when Pakistan needs a visionary to get them out of the mess.

His statements at times are clearly indicating the confusion within. Hope sense prevails and Pakistan boot him out in the elections to come.
Are bhaia the logic is simple. You dont screw up with us we wont do it with you.. When we accept Pakistan as a nation that means we want its existence not the hostilities. But when your politics thrive on hate India mode what can we do.......
About Faisal Shahzad, the suspect in the failed Times Square bombing, he underlined the fact that the Pakistan-born man was a US citizen. “There is no cure for badness. But the cooperation with the US is good.”

But isn't it funny, that Badness only and only happens in Pakistan!!!!

Fix the issue of terrorism (Mr. Zardari) or there are more badness issues in future where answers will not be so simple!!!
But isn't it funny, that Badness only and only happens in Pakistan!!!!

Fix the issue of terrorism (Mr. Zardari) or there are more badness issues in future where answers will not be so simple!!!

He cant do it. He like all non Military leaders is on borrowed time and survives only coz he is relevant to Uncle Sam & is pliable.
Being disenchanged with Pakistan does not change the fact that Pakistan has almost 300 nuclear warheads. :azn:

So What? Pakistan should come out of pipe dream of nuking everything that comes down their way.

Nukes are not the solution for everything. you have nukes good for you but that does not mean that all your problems are solved. Being powerful is good but obsessed with power leads to downfall and history is full of it. :rolleyes:
Being disenchanged with Pakistan does not change the fact that Pakistan has almost 300 nuclear warheads. :azn:

Where is the connection between the topic & the post above.

Pk today is virtually out of control, how many suicide attacks or attacks internally by 'non state actors' on Ahmadis or similar situations have the nukes been able to stop ?

USSR had countless Nukes, did they help in preventing fragmentation of the nation ?
Where is the connection between the topic & the post above.

Pk today is virtually out of control, how many suicide attacks or attacks internally by 'non state actors' on Ahmadis or similar situations have the nukes been able to stop ?

USSR had countless Nukes, did they help in preventing fragmentation of the nation ?

When India stops supporting these terrorist acts then Pak will not be so out of control. Eh?

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What kind of idiot are you(Zardari). You are already well known infamously as Mr.10% in Pakistan, and you are making it worst by passing inconsiderate anti Indian remarks like this just to gain public support. Its people like you Zardari who hinders Pakistan and India friendship progress. I am ashamed that you have to be the President!

And by calling India immature, you are calling the kettle black, with the same remarks you threw. Be a little bit more civilized, and stop embarrassing Pakistan's name on the world stage, we are already looked down enough!
in the current turnmoil in paksitan the best way to hide their shortcomings is to blame everything on India. the continuous India bashing and hate for india has matured now to reap the fruits. if you want people to support you just recite the mantra India for every evil.

Sir, I beg to differ.

Both sides are the same in this aspect. India also used to blame Pakistan when the 2007 Samojhta Bombings occur. But I am not here to point fingers, but to make us both Pakistan and India to realise that this is due to our hype media and government that we have this hate towards each other. If we can think deeply, and be more friendly towards each other, none of this would have happen!
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Sir, I beg to differ.

Both sides are the same in this aspect. India also used to blame Pakistan when the 2007 Samojhta Bombings occur. But I am not here to point fingers, but to make us both Pakistan and India to realise that this is due to our hype media and government that we have this hate towards each other. If we can think deeply, and be more friendly towards each other, none of this would have happen!

i agree with you over the media and the government statements. but at the same time the Pakistan has gone over the edge by including the same in the academics. India is portrayed as the demon.

See the rule is simple every pakistani is my half blood brother but my brother needs to understand he should stop spilling my other half blood. I know the feeling is mutual about it. but at the same time the geo politics of the region requiries pakistan to change its stance from "kashmir first" to "pakistan first." with the big US over the head pakistan needs whole of asia in its support.
Sir, I beg to differ.

Both sides are the same in this aspect. India also used to blame Pakistan when the 2007 Samojhta Bombings occur. But I am not here to point fingers, but to make us both Pakistan and India to realise that this is due to our hype media and government that we have this hate towards each other. If we can think deeply, and be more friendly towards each other, none of this would have happen!

I really love your in the middle:

It's not easy to see things in the middle, rather than looking down on them from above or up at them from below, or from left to right or right to left: try it, you'll see that everything changes. -- Deleuze and Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus

My question to you is What would have not Happen? What did you mean by that?
Zardari showed his maturity when he went live on BBC world claiming Ajmal Kasab is not pakistani!

Now he 's disenchanted because we are not sending Ajmal to Pakistan, but of course, the real masterminds go free in Pakistan and will never be brought to justice.

Bottomline - BS meant for domestic consumption, selling what sells best, just meeting domestic demand, yatha raja tatha praja etc etc...

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