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IK has got the priorities wrong! Looks like a chaotic comedy show.

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He is a lowlife and has no fun in his life. That’s why he joined PDF, a fantastic forum with smart, educated, pure, funny, charismatic Pakistani people. A Indians forum will not have the same type of people.

Contrastly, the Indian forums are dead, with dull, boring, autistic, ret*rded, uneducated, foolish people.
this is what happens from stunted growth of mind when yr malnourished.

We know how to take care of our problems and our PM already highlighted so it means we know and he also described the strategy to deal with it.

You should focus on issue in your country mate. And you have far more problems. Get out of this denial and troll mode and focus on real issues.
this is what happens from stunted growth of mind when yr malnourished.

Wah wah! Tasty Nihari!!
I didnt listen to his speech just because of my dislike of him
I would like to thank the OP for making me read all the points
and I must say, it has touched my heart
specially the last part
if IK is able to implement all these points, In Shaa Allah
I will be willing to put multiple votes for PTI in my name :D
But believe me he discussed about you and even showed your picture when you were two years old with a red label.
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Good to see our PM is so famous that even foriegn entities are watching its speeches. I must admit, we must be doing something right that is why every one is so concerned about IK and his policies. While NS was in power, no one ever bothered talking about his policies, this makes it evident we are INSHALLAH on right track.

Why are you tagging me?

I listened to our PM speech

I donot think IK has priorities wrong, and its Pakistanis internal matter to prioritise what is wrong and right. So better go tell ur impotent Modi ji, to do something about RSS, and toilets, before I burst open on you like a crackhead.
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