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IHS Janes | Pakistan & Saudi Arabia in talks over JF-17, Al-Khalid sales.

Pakistan Army in KSA?

What is there going on?

And for what do you need Al-Khalid MBT's, when you have and can afford state of the art tanks?
Pakistan Army in KSA?

What is there going on?

And for what do you need Al-Khalid MBT's, when you have and can afford state of the art tanks?

It's probably only for the SANG. Many reasons. Diversification, mutual cooperation, possible local production etc. Usually such deals are also followed by other deals. Let us see what happens. Could also just be empty politically words but somehow I doubt it this time around.
Saudi Arabia can easily get advanced MBT's around the world with TOT...
I think this is a strategic deal with no importance to the technicalities...

True but SANG is in no need of state of the art battle tanks. If this enhances mutual cooperation, strengthens local production etc. then I don't see anything wrong with it. Also if it can help a long-standing and very close ally as Pakistan then it is a win-win situation aside from leading to other deals.
Pakistan Army in KSA?

What is there going on?

And for what do you need Al-Khalid MBT's, when you have and can afford state of the art tanks?


Pakistan first produced.

* MBT-2000
* Al-Khalid
* Al Khalid 1

Al Khalid II is the 4th upgrade in this program. AK was tested by the KSA and it passed the tests in desert mobility and firepower.

100 rounds were fired during mobility tests at variable speeds which all hit their target with an accuracy of 99%. It also passed the night fighting tests.

AK-1 was built according to Saudi demands, AK-II is an upgrade, it will beat the T-90S in all major aspects.

Janes is a trustworthy source. Fingers crossed.
noooooooo, dont sel them please, if you want to sell them, sell them 100% more expensive maybe?
It's probably only for the SANG. Many reasons. Diversification, mutual cooperation, possible local production etc. Usually such deals are also followed by other deals. Let us see what happens. Could also just be empty politically words but somehow I doubt it this time around.

Yes, I think this time may be deal finalized because KSA is changing its foreign policy (Iran & USA) and 2 delegation visit in the a month ( Foreign Minister & Deputy Def. Minister)..... Another point is that KSA want Pakistan to be a part of GCC Force which they have plan and most of the GCC Military Officers are trained from Pakistan Institutions......
True but SANG is in no need of state of the art battle tanks. If this enhances mutual cooperation, strengthens local production etc. then I don't see anything wrong with it. Also if it can help a long-standing and very close ally as Pakistan then it is a win-win situation aside from leading to other deals.

Al Khalid is a superior tank to even Russian T-90s etc.

Take a look at this thread

Al-Khalid I compared with Merkava IV of Israel


Al Khalid-I matches Merkava IV is almost every field. The only difference is Merkava's superior armor due to heavy weight.

If KSA goes with the deal, they'll be getting Al Khalid-II which would be even better than Al Khalid-I..ps KSA would be able to use it against enemies and there will be no "kill switches" or other hazards.

PS, Al Khalid-II will be a 'mysterious' weapon system to say Israel. If a conflict erupts with Israel, Saudi weapons of American origins will be pretty useless..since Americans will give all the source-codes, all the 'weaknesses' of design, and pretty much everything to Israel to reduce the effectiveness of Saudi weapons. Just like France did with Argentina during its conflict with Britain. They made french-origin weapon of Argentina useless against British forces and brits just rolled over Argentina.

With Al Khalid-IIs and JF-17s...you won't face this problem at all ps Israelis won't know much about this platforms either.

It'd be a good mix of KSA forces.
Go and abuse a few Indians on other threads. :)

No Brother, He told me to provide source of information, I copied that URL as my source of information but I was not posting as I am new member at this forum and PDF do not allow me for this :-)

Pakistan first produced.

* MBT-2000
* Al-Khalid
* Al Khalid 1

Al Khalid II is the 4th upgrade in this program. AK was tested by the KSA and it passed the tests in desert mobility and firepower.

100 rounds were fired during mobility tests at variable speeds which all hit their target with an accuracy of 99%. It also passed the night fighting tests.

AK-1 was built according to Saudi demands, AK-II is an upgrade, it will beat the T-90S in all major aspects.

Janes is a trustworthy source. Fingers crossed.

T-90?, ohh stop, your Al-Khalid are equal to upgraded T-72's.
Yes, I think this time may be deal finalized because KSA is changing its foreign policy (Iran & USA) and 2 delegation visit in the a month ( Foreign Minister & Deputy Def. Minister)..... Another point is that KSA want Pakistan to be a part of GCC Force which they have plan and most of the GCC Military Officers are trained from Pakistan Institutions......

I don't know if we are changing our foreign policy per se to be truth with you. USA is still a major partner and ally as are the European states, especially France. But at the same time we have tremendous relations with most Arab countries, India, China, Pakistan, Indonesia etc. and those cooperations are only expanding.

I have never heard about Pakistan becoming a GCC member state but becoming a observer state or ally would be a good thing for both parties. I mean the territorial waters of Pakistan that are bordering the Arabian Sea are nearly bordering Oman next by as well which is a GCC member state so strategically speaking it could happen.

I don't know about that. All I know is that they are trained across the world. West and Pakistan and other areas. At home as well.


SANG is part of the Saudi Arabian armed forces but they have their own communications and chain of command although they are becoming absorbed with the RSAAF.

Overall I agree. But I have to say that an Israeli-Saudi Arabian conflict is not realistic right now. In fact I don't think that any of the regional players will engage in a conflict with Israel as long as they are on American/Western welfare and protection. It would not be wise.
T-90?, ohh stop, your Al-Khalid are equal to upgraded T-72's.

Dear retarded Afghan,

Here, in previous discussions, senior Russian members themselves accepted Al Khalid 1 to be superior to T-90s...

That is why india bought highly "upgraded" T-90s to counter Al Khalids...not the basic T-90s which were inferior to Al Khalid.

Now go cry while we fed you Afghans on our soil and give you jobs.


SANG is part of the Saudi Arabian armed forces but they have their own communications and chain of command although they are becoming absorbed with the RSAAF.

Overall I agree. But I have to say that an Israeli-Saudi Arabian conflict is not realistic right now. In fact I don't think that any of the regional players will engage in a conflict with Israel as long as they are on American/Western welfare and protection. It would not be wise.

Yes offcourse I know. There are very few chances. But my main point was that how diversification is a good thing for Saudis and how Pakistan can help KSA in this regard.
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