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If you've ever wondered why there is unrest in Balochistan...

Those are some interesting challenges. Would you say the sardars have the same hold in the cities?

Apart from Quetta City and surroundings there is not much difference in type of politicians being elected. Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali had a huge role in election of PTI MNA Mir Khan Muhammad Jamali. Only Oddity was Qasim Khan Suri who defeated Nawzada Lashkari Raisani which was major win against a prominent sardar in city of Quetta otherwise i didnt see anything out of ordinary. Every one else was either a sardar or had blessing of one.
I also wrote a story about sardars of Balochistan in a different thread today. I didnt go in much detail about them as i was writing on military matters in Balochistan predominantly relating to the OGDC and FC unfortunate incident but yes i heard the same about sardars too.

People blame Military establishment and state but as a matter of fact even they cant do much in Baluchistan. Most people are actually content with current form of system and all the resistance you see is to sustain the current status quo. When someone tries to take line of state he gets killed. You just cant rescue a fish from water.
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Baluchistan's problem is not govt of Pakistan but their own blood sucking sardars.
Apart from Quetta City and surroundings there is not much difference in type of politicians being elected. Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali had a huge role in election of PTI MNA Mir Khan Muhammad Jamali. Only Oddity was Qasim Khan Suri who defeated Nawzada Lashkari Raisani which was major win against a prominent sardar in city of Quetta otherwise i didnt see anything out of ordinary. Every one else was either a sardar or had blessing of one.

People blame Military establishment and state but as a matter of fact even they cant do much in Baluchistan. Most people are actually content with current form of system and all the resistance you see is to sustain the current status quo. When someone tries to take line of state he gets killed. You just cant rescue a fish from water.

How about desolving the 5 provinces based on ethnicity and having 100's of districts directly under the control of the federal government, but for something like this to take place we need an authatorian government, Democracy is too mild and weak to solve this problem, easily exploited.
How about desolving the 5 provinces based on ethnicity and having 100's of districts directly under the control of the federal government, but for something like this to take place we need an authatorian government, Democracy is too mild and weak to solve this problem, easily exploited.
Democracy implemented in true essence would revolutionize our country. What we have here is sham democracy full of corrupt elites. If we want a true democracy we need to fix some issues

1-No one be allowed to elected PM for more than 2 terms
2-Limit number of family member allowed MPA and MNA tickets. We have population of 220 million and not short of people to allow such a pillage to few elites. I say maximum number of people allowed per family to run for elections be 2.
3- Every MNA and MPA be allowed to contest for only maximum 3 or 4 terms.
4- In federation power need to be devolved and parliament restricted to only law making. No more funding in the hands of MNA and MPA.

There are lots of way to improve our system but establishment wants this status quo where they have a wider say and influence in the system. They raised scums like Nawaz, Zardari, Altaf hussain and biggest harami of our time Fazlu Diesel raised by our establishment.
Perfect solution would be to have a silicon valley in Balochistan. We can't have casinoes like Vegas. So tech is best option for Balochistan and Waziristan.
Can state that handful of mercenaries are reflection of whole Balochistan , largest area Province of Pakistan.
A few handful rented mercenaries by RAW don't reflect realities in Balochistan

Has Balochistan , grown slower then rest of Pakistan = "Yes" but due to small population demographics and having close to no infrastructure

The anwswer is very simple
a) More economic benefits
b) More resource share i.e Water , an infrastructure projects (water / agricultural)

  • Subsidized Education & Sponsorship (Scholarships)

Projects Under CEPEC benefit Balochistan greatly
I love it when my Pakistani brothers discuss Baloch issues without Baloch perspective. Baloch peoples main enemy is not sardars but ignorance. And how to fight with ignorance is with education, trust me I saw the people standing against sardars when they got an education.
Sardari system has many faults, but it also gives protection and political stability to the people of the region. Otherwise, I am sure no one would have given a f*ck to the ignorant and poor Baloch people if there was no sardari system. and another thing is the economic perspective, nothing grows in Balochistan, there is no industry nothing, so what do you think how Baloch should change their socioeconomic status? it's simple, give them jobs, train them and once they see a bright future no one gives a single f*ck to the sardars. And look at Gwadar what benefit did Gwadar gave to the Baloch people a big zero. If you want to make Gwadar a success story, give road access throughout Balochistan to the Gwadar city and protect their right, limit property investment from other parts of Pakistan, make it mandatory to have work permits to the people from other regions to work in Gwadar, once Baloch sees their economic benefit in the city they will protect it like Hindu protect their cow.
Baloch people need respect, education, and political and social security, then you can expect to see the change in the situation. So, if you want to change the sardari system, then give them an alternative system which protects their rights and give them political and social security.
The mountainous terrain of Balochistan region has made development of projects difficult in past
However the flat plain regions are now seeing economic activity (i.e Gwadar)

Things are moving in right direction
You cant work in the area without giving extorsion money to these sardars/Nawabs. To expect them to allow development is a hefty task on its own. All oil and gas exploration companies give them at least 10 million per month to local sardars. My father used to work in oil fields used to say that they employed 50 percent baloch in manpower but none of them worked even a single day. They used to threaten them by saying if you told them to work sardar would kill them. Entire mindset of these people need to change for any social or developmental work to take any effect. I do agree that people need to engaged in productive activities rather than feeding them pure cash. Agricultural revolution is almost impossible as all the land is owned by sardars so again no benefit for common baloch. I worked with UNDP when i was in Pakistan we provided so many houses with solar panels but despite condition to not sell them nearly 70% of households sold their solar systems within one month. I mean where will you start to teach these people to change them.

Change is required but kind of change required here will come after 2-3 decade if we put our heads together today. It is a exhausting process one of the reason i left Pakistan again.
So how do you expect a camel riding Baloch from Turbat to compete a LUMS educated burger bacha to secure a job? This is their area and their rule. And don't tell me there is merit in Punjab, I am a Baloch from Punjab and I know how Punjabis protect Punjabis and secure the jobs through so-called open merit. To get a job I have to compete from students from LUMS to NUST when the institutes in my area rank lower than the lowest ranking institute in Lahore, you don't know how difficult it is for a Baloch to start a business in Punjab you face racism and discouragement. So don't give a fu*cking opinion regarding Balochistan and Baloch people when you don't know sh*t.
So how do you expect a camel riding Baloch from Turbat to compete a LUMS educated burger bacha to secure a job? This is their area and their rule. And don't tell me there is merit in Punjab, I am a Baloch from Punjab and I know how Punjabis protect Punjabis and secure the jobs through so-called open merit. To get a job I have to compete from students from LUMS to NUST when the institutes in my area rank lower than the lowest ranking institute in Lahore, you don't know how difficult it is for a Baloch to start a business in Punjab you face racism and discouragement. So don't give a fu*cking opinion regarding Balochistan and Baloch people when you don't know sh*t.

My family lived in one of the most remote places of Pakistan and my father used to earn 8000RS when i was just 4 years old. When i used to go to school i had difficult time buying pencil and there were times when i used one until it was the size of my thumb nails. We didnt have money to hire tanga at that time so my grandmother used to walk me 5 km to school every day. My faimly worked hard and i worked hard to get scholar ships. I used to study by using

From that place now i graduated from one of the top unis of UK and finally did my masters from Australia. I didnt make lame asss excuses despite being a punjabi. I never got any special treatment for being a punjabi as a matter of fact saw some ruthless discrimination at the hands of fellow Pakistanis. So first of all dont give me all this bullshit about unequal opportunities bcz in real life opportunities don't come to you on a silver platter. If you dont have guts to make your own opportunities then dont blame others for your miseries. I never tell others this part of my life but for a piece of shit like who accused me of being clueless i had to give you a slap on your face. So please shut the fuuck up.
Its the same case in Sind, people are mentally enslaved by waderas and sardars, Sardar says dont send your kids to school and people wont. Sardars and waderas are responsible for the miserable life of their people not govt of Pakistan.
a at that time so my grandmother used to walk me 5 km to scho
My family lived in one of the most remote places of Pakistan and my father used to earn 8000RS when i was just 4 years old. When i used to go to school i had difficult time buying pencil and there were times when i used one until it was the size of my thumb nails. We didnt have money to hire tanga at that time so my grandmother used to walk me 5 km to school every day. My faimly worked hard and i worked hard to get scholar ships. I used to study by using

From that place now i graduated from one of the top unis of UK and finally did my masters from Australia. I didnt make lame asss excuses despite being a punjabi. I never got any special treatment for being a punjabi as a matter of fact saw some ruthless discrimination at the hands of fellow Pakistanis. So first of all dont give me all this bullshit about unequal opportunities bcz in real life opportunities don't come to you on a silver platter. If you dont have guts to make your own opportunities then dont blame others for your miseries. I never tell others this part of my life but for a piece of shit like who accused me of being clueless i had to give you a slap on your face. So please shut the fuuck up.
first of all, congratulation to you for having such a successful life. you avail the opportunity because there was a school in your area, you avail the opportunity because you have a college in your area, you avail the opportunity because there is the university which provides you with a scholarship to go abroad, there are many such stories in my area as well Alhumdullia I am one them, we get same stories all the time but the issue is such cases are exceptional and such people are rear so what about the other 99.99% people? what should we told them that you are lazy or you didn't work hard or you people are dumb or you people didn't avail the opportunity which doesn't even exist? there are some people whose IQ is more than the combined IQ of your family but they couldn't get education due to lack of educational infrastructure. so the problem is the difference in environment, knowledge and infrastructure, the gap is huge between north and south in our country so don't give me the b*llshit that all is well just because you live in your Lala land you haven't seen those areas nor you have an iota of a clue regarding the difficulties faced by these people.
Baloch people need a major city. Quetta is mainly Pashtuns and the North is an extension of KPK. The govt. should make an 70% quota for permanent Baloch residents in Gwadar. This would connect them more with Pakistan.
Its the same case in Sind, people are mentally enslaved by waderas and sardars, Sardar says dont send your kids to school and people wont. Sardars and waderas are responsible for the miserable life of their people not govt of Pakistan.

But videos of Sardar and Wadera Life get more hits and likes than videos highlighting the plight of Pakistanis under the different Dogra and Dahir Raj.

They just blanket ban any voices raised against it and continue to feed the system by naraz qabail logic
You cant work in the area without giving extorsion money to these sardars/Nawabs. To expect them to allow development is a hefty task on its own. All oil and gas exploration companies give them at least 10 million per month to local sardars. My father used to work in oil fields used to say that they employed 50 percent baloch in manpower but none of them worked even a single day. They used to threaten them by saying if you told them to work sardar would kill them. Entire mindset of these people need to change for any social or developmental work to take any effect. I do agree that people need to engaged in productive activities rather than feeding them pure cash. Agricultural revolution is almost impossible as all the land is owned by sardars so again no benefit for common baloch. I worked with UNDP when i was in Pakistan we provided so many houses with solar panels but despite condition to not sell them nearly 70% of households sold their solar systems within one month. I mean where will you start to teach these people to change them.

Change is required but kind of change required here will come after 2-3 decade if we put our heads together today. It is a exhausting process one of the reason i left Pakistan again.

Some of my family are retired civil servant and used to work in balochistan province and have similar stories to tell including sardars bribing civil servants to not open schools, hospitals, police stations etc.

Baloch people make up something like 5% of pakistans population and should really have the highest living standards especially when they have been given gas royalties for years. No one can explain where the gas royalties have gone, the sardars children are all sent to top schools in pakistan and abroad but they have denied basic education for their own people.

The main reason for the insurgency is because many of the sardars don't want the status quo to change. Anyone who wants to invest in balochistan has to deal with the corrupt sardars this is what the Chinese are finding out now when trying to recruit qualified people to work in gwadar.

Gwadar won't be a success if the sardars aren't dealt with, if the military or state tries to do that then you saw what happened last time vis a vie bugti. Unless people are willing to acknowledge basic ground realities nothing will change in balochistan simply blaming the military and state is not only simplistic but also fails to acknowledge the root problems.

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