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If you've ever wondered why there is unrest in Balochistan...


Mar 14, 2017
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United Kingdom
I urge you to go onto YouTube and watch the latest videos from Quetta posted on the Village Food Secrets channel.

The channel is about food and the creator Mubashar Siddique is in Quetta on holiday. He's showing videos of food, but the poverty in the background is surprising. The train station was awful.

In an area so under developed its no wonder people can be turned against the state. After all the state has neglected them. Even the provincial capital is under developed.

InshaAllah CPEC and Gwadar will change that.
I urge you to go onto YouTube and watch the latest videos from Quetta posted on the Village Food Secrets channel.

The channel is about food and the creator Mubashar Siddique is in Quetta on holiday. He's showing videos of food, but the poverty in the background is surprising. The train station was awful.

In an area so under developed its no wonder people can be turned against the state. After all the state has neglected them. Even the provincial capital is under developed.

InshaAllah CPEC and Gwadar will change that.

No project, especially ones initiated by non-Pakistanis can change the situation in Pakistan. It is up to Pakistanis, to realize this simple solution to a complex problem.

Anyone with anti-Pakistani feeling will have ammo when they compare Quetta with Islamabad, Karachi or Lahore.....why give them that?

Clean up the city, create jobs, do more.
Achakzai, Raisani, Mengals etc and other looters looted and both political/military governments let them do that. then complaint..
Amount of people living in Balochistan doesn't matter. Insurgencies aren't made based on population. They're based on ideas. You give ammo to the idea by not caring enough and insulting them.
Well said... but heres the thing even if resources are pulled from other areas in Balochistan those who do propaganda will find a way.. Govt should divide all provinces and then start the work...
Well said... but heres the thing even if resources are pulled from other areas in Balochistan those who do propaganda will find a way.. Govt should divide all provinces and then start the work...

Fools don't even realize the potential of Balochistan and its people. India sure does and so do others, which is why they'll do anything to stop or slow down the integration process. It is up to the Pakistani leadership and awaam to rise above the petty self made divisions and work as one.
Connecting Balochistan's wide areas is key. Alhamdulilah insurgency has been defeated. What is needed is to institute land reforms and finish the feudal nonsense once and for all.

Feudalism is not only criminal, it is also anti-Islamic. Hazrat Umar RA first reform was in ditching hereditary land ownership.
Connecting Balochistan's wide areas is key. Alhamdulilah insurgency has been defeated. What is needed is to institute land reforms and finish the feudal nonsense once and for all.

Feudalism is not only criminal, it is also anti-Islamic. Hazrat Umar RA first reform was in ditching hereditary land ownership.
army inc is the largest land homder in Pakistan and for this reason alone we wont ever have land reforms in Pakistan!
These videos don't get YouTube views hits.

Share the Sardar life videos. They represent the true Balochistan.
I urge you to go onto YouTube and watch the latest videos from Quetta posted on the Village Food Secrets channel.

The channel is about food and the creator Mubashar Siddique is in Quetta on holiday. He's showing videos of food, but the poverty in the background is surprising. The train station was awful.

In an area so under developed its no wonder people can be turned against the state. After all the state has neglected them. Even the provincial capital is under developed.

InshaAllah CPEC and Gwadar will change that.

Totally agree! I recommend a channel that shows the beauty of Balochistan (Balochistan: Land of Beauty) and it shows such beautiful places in the province it blows me away. However the infrastructure is just not there, to get to these places the roads are dirt roads, the streets are busted, etc...Sad to see such a beautiful place in such a state, hope to see it develop in upcoming years.
Misery of Baluchistan lies mostly with Baloch Sardars. With respect to population size there is no lack of resources but they don't get translated into development at lower levels. Most projects of public interest once completed are left to rott due to unavailability of staff. Same faces jump ships and are in every govt. Tribal nature of the Baluchistan is adding to their miseries. Then there were leaders like Nawaz and Zardari who didnt bother to give an extra penny to Baluchistan during their tenure and focused on Punjab and sindh where they could loot and plunder more percentage of money. Nawaz nearly destroyed federation by his Punjab centric spending's. Even in Punjab he ignored Saraiki belt and even spent budget dedicated to south Punjab in one city of Lahore.
Misery of Baluchistan lies mostly with Baloch Sardars. With respect to population size there is no lack of resources but they don't get translated into development at lower levels. Most projects of public interest once completed are left to rott due to unavailability of staff. Same faces jump ships and are in every govt. Tribal nature of the Baluchistan is adding to their miseries. Then there were leaders like Nawaz and Zardari who didnt bother to give an extra penny to Baluchistan during their tenure and focused on Punjab and sindh where they could loot and plunder more percentage of money. Nawaz nearly destroyed federation by his Punjab centric spending's. Even in Punjab he ignored Saraiki belt and even spent budget dedicated to south Punjab in one city of Lahore.
responsibility lies with State of Pakistan to make sure resources are spent on people and development and not used to buy loyalities of sardar!
responsibility lies with State of Pakistan to make sure resources are spent on people and development and not used to buy loyalities of sardar!
Try separating sardars and people and you will get your answer. Last time we tried that with bhugti and had to suffer a 2 decade long unrest which is still going on. Unless there is a realization amongst people of Baluchistan that these sardars are not their benefactors nothing will change. State cant do anything when people themselves are mental slaves.
Try separating sardars and people and you will get your answer. Last time we tried that with bhugti and had to suffer a 2 decade long unrest which is still going on. Unless there is a realization amongst people of Baluchistan that these sardars are not their benefactors nothing will change. State cant do anything when people themselves are mental slaves.

Should try a different approach and I myself believe killing bugti wasn't the answer...

Learn from the Chinese on this one, you like to call yourselves iron brothers after all.......look at what the Chinese are doing to Uyghurs.....someone said lets kill them, another said no, make them work, they'll earn money, then they'll decide if they want to separate or keep themselves within China.

Obviously, capital was invested into Xinjiang by the Chinese state. And the Chinese are ahead of integrating Balochistan into China rather than Pakistan, how shameful (last I heard they tried teaching Chinese to Baloch kids lol).

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