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If you think the PTI government is doing badly, how can it improve?

What could have Buzdar done differently? Everyone knows PM house runs Punjab or Governer house.

Its easy to sacrifice lambs like Buzdar. Otherwise Awan and Rashid speak for PTi merit
Let us consider situation in Lahore as a measure of Buzdar's governance. Why there is so much dust and pollution in this city? Why waste disposal is not up to the task? Why so many street lights are OFF in night? Why bad roads are not being repaired? Why Public transportation services are not improving? Why so many cars and bikes on the roads? Why Police is not curbing traffic violations? Why unemployment persist? Why banking sector is not public friendly? Want me to continue?

This man is utter failure. PM Imran Khan will do himself a favor by replacing Usman Buzdar in Punjab. Pick a true professional in his place for the needful.
Let us consider situation in Lahore as a measure of Buzdar's governance. Why there is so much dust and pollution in this city? Why waste disposal is not up to the task? Why so many street lights are OFF in night? Why bad roads are not being repaired? Why Public transportation services are not improving? Why so many cars and bikes on the roads? Why Police is not curbing traffic violations? Why unemployment persist? Why banking sector is not public friendly? Want me to continue?

This man is utter failure. PM Imran Khan will do himself a favor by replacing Usman Buzdar in Punjab. Pick a true professional in his place for the needful.

So one person is responsible for this all and results will come by changing a lame duck CM?
Usman Buzdar is not popular in Punjab
Imran Khan should have made Atif Aslam CM Punjab.
he have done little to change this perception.
Yeah should have made orange trains in every city of Punjab to change this perception.
Let us consider situation in Lahore as a measure of Buzdar's governance.
Lahore is not responsibility of provincial govt but local baldia of Lahore.
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Why there is so much dust and pollution in this city? Why waste disposal is not up to the task? Why so many street lights are OFF in night? Why bad roads are not being repaired? Why Public transportation services are not improving? Why so many cars and bikes on the roads? Why Police is not curbing traffic violations? Why unemployment persist? Why banking sector is not public friendly? Want me to continue?
Because all local govts of Punjab were dissolved in 2019. It's not the job of provincial govt to run local govts.
So one person is responsible for this all and results will come by changing a lame duck CM?
Lack of local govt elections is responsible for current mess in Punjab and KPK. Had elections happened in 2020 as was intended, things would be different today.
how do we get that? does Imran need a 2/3 majority or is a simple majority enough?
He needs not only 2/3 majority but absolute majority

2/3 will help me amend the consitution

Absolute majority is only way hw can change constitution

So far 70% people hate him as 70% educated people are afraid that they wont be able to do corruption
Imran Khan should have made Atif Aslam CM Punjab.

Yeah should have made orange trains in every city of Punjab to change this perception.

Lahore is not responsibility of provincial govt but local baldia of Lahore.
Problem is local baldia dont want impose taxes

Cities cant survive without local tax collection to run sanitory and major things

Uptill now lahore was run by poor people of ranjanpur who paid tax on wheat and died at home as there is no hospital nearby
execute a percentage each of politicians, judiciary, bureaucrats, molvis and high ranking Police chiefs and put the rest on notice

no bloodless revolution has ever worked
Are you joking or actually retarded
PTI can't do diddly squat as long as there is a hung parliament. They need an absolute majority for meaningful reforms.
Pakistan needs to adopt Chinese single party system model.

PTI is the only party that should be allowed to rule Pakistan.
China is, for the most part, a uniform population. The minorities aren't big enough to pose a challenge to the "chinese civilization". This is why the single party system can work there.
Single party system could never work in the subcontinent. It is a hodge-podge of cultures, religions, languages and ethnicities.
Problem is local baldia dont want impose taxes

Cities cant survive without local tax collection to run sanitory and major things
New local govt system by Punjab and KPK govt is changing all that.
China is, for the most part, a uniform population. The minorities aren't big enough to pose a challenge to the "chinese civilization". This is why the single party system can work there.
Single party system could never work in the subcontinent. It is a hodge-podge of cultures, religions, languages and ethnicities.

That's just an excuse. Where there is a will there is a way.

No. Chinese are not homogenous people. They planned and made it that way.

The Southern Chinese are different from the Northern Chinese who are different from Inner Mongolia who are different from Tibetans who are different from Uyghurs.

Pakistan just needs to ban all languages and force everyone to learn and use Urdu only. This is how Chinese have made their citizens learn the standardized mandarin.
That's just an excuse. Where there is a will there is a way.

No. Chinese are not homogenous people. They planned and made it that way.

The Southern Chinese are different from the Northern Chinese who are different from Inner Mongolia who are different from Tibetans who are different from Uyghurs.

Pakistan just needs to ban all languages and force everyone to learn and use Urdu only. This is how Chinese have made their citizens learn the standardized mandarin.
I'll believe it when the communist party is overthrown. As for Pakistan, what you are suggesting is not possible. India and Pakistan can't seem to get their people to follow traffic rules, forget mass reengineering of demographics. There is no such thing as Indian culture or Pakistani culture. Both countries are a collection of cultures, religions, ethnicities, and languages. In my opinion, to achieve stability, let people have their identities under the wider identity of the nation.
I'll believe it when the communist party is overthrown. As for Pakistan, what you are suggesting is not possible. India and Pakistan can't seem to get their people to follow traffic rules, forget mass reengineering of demographics. There is no such thing as Indian culture or Pakistani culture. Both countries are a collection of cultures, religions, ethnicities, and languages. In my opinion, to achieve stability, let people have their identities under the wider identity of the nation.

Don't compare and equate Muslims to Hindus.

Unlike Hindus, Muslims are one nation. The only thing we need to do is to get rid of the languages.

Just adopt and use Urdu. Ban all other languages.
Most important: Hang all traitors in all pillars of the state

Abolish parliament and electables, make Town halls effective
No MPA, MNA to get funds (redundant anyway after parliament dissolution).
Create at least 50 Administrative units in Pakistan and dissolve all Provinces

Power with President directly
Abolishment of 18th Amendment to empower the Federation
Electronic Voting (ballot paper can coexist) and allow voting from overseas
Sell all companies, government just needs to be a regulator
Abolish bank notes above 500 and establish a digital payment economy for Pakistan

So much to do. Do you want me to create a citizens request website for Pakistan so we can pool our ideas?

Its like you were reading my mind.........................100% agreed

I like to add a few more things

1. All shop keepers need to have registration certificate which should be clearly visible with their TAX number associated.
2. Restaurants also need to get an annual certificate of inspection from the food safety authority.
3. Upgrade existing administrative Divisions to Provisional status.
4. Abolish existing Provinces
5. All Schools and General Hospitals should be under the new Provinces Government
6. All Universities and Specialist Hospitals should be under the Federal Government
7. All Taxes should be collected by the Provinces and each Province will give 50% of its collected revenue to the Federal Government and spend 50% on itself.
8. Create a Department of Islamic Affairs headed by the Grand Mufti of Pakistan, this department would own and maintain all the masjids in the country. It will also allocate an Imam for it. No one else should be able to build a Masjid, if there is a need for one in a particular area then they need to request the Department for it. The Department would also be the only one to run religious schools that will create future Imams. This is the only way to stop all the fake mullahs and the different sects that keep popping up.
Don't compare and equate Muslims to Hindus.

Unlike Hindus, Muslims are one nation. The only thing we need to do is to get rid of the languages.

Just adopt and use Urdu. Ban all other languages.

Muslims are not one nation when dealing with each other. All those denominations, sects, and heresies are always at each other's throats. Pakistan is now relatively calm only due to state institutions. What you ask would require mass murder and tyranny. All tyrannical systems eventually fall.
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