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If you think the PTI government is doing badly, how can it improve?

Its very easy to say hang every traitor but what if all these traitors, electable get together and try to hang IK. Just like Bhutto time, our majority public will not do anything so why should IK risk his life. Its better for him to work along the military, security agencies and slowly kill this venom off but firstly let the public reject them, Our public still votes for the biggest chor, alot of people are claiming Mian is a chor but he's been our PM 3x, did we just realise, Zardari who everyone swears at is our ex President.

Why did our public vote for PPP after the killing of Benazir, they should have realised Asif Ali Zardari is in charge now. Let this sink in that our public knows who are sell outs and traitors but its every man for himself. Let the country burn. The day we realise that we cannot ever accept traitors, electables, wadeeras to rule over us, that day they will not get a single vote.

Improvement PTI can do is make every big city in to a province ie Gwadar province, Karachi province, Lahore province and elect governors, mayors to manage the province. Make a high court in each province, model police station, Model hospital, University etc. Let the people see the change. If its not possible then atleast let us see the change in the areas PTI has the majority. We want to see the change.
Awam won't reject PDM. Everybody wants to get into a goverment job and make billions in the process. Why would they ever want IK to fix the system.
Awam won't reject PDM. Everybody wants to get into a goverment job and make billions in the process. Why would they ever want IK to fix the system.

Its always best to learn politics at the grass root level, if we go to our local area and see what is happening. In my area most people vote the most richest and powerful politician, the person who can get the job done. It has nothing to do with being pure, the PTI is challenging everyone but their candidates are weak and aswell as those who no one would give salaam too and now they found their opportunity with the PTI, corrupt people join PTI too so similar as PPP and PML N.

The only difference is PTI enforcement of law is alot strict and they bring in new ideas because alot of youth support the party and so new ideas. IK idea of making the institutes stronger and let them chase the looters is good.
Its always best to learn politics at the grass root level, if we go to our local area and see what is happening. In my area most people vote the most richest and powerful politician, the person who can get the job done

Which is why the system needs to change. Abolish MPA/MNA and vote directly for president. Administrative issues setup for the locality should focus on the locality, not on useless parliament standoffs. AU's should generate their own revenue and not rely on federal for funding.
Seriously he was just a presiding officer. The real problem is Chief Election Commissioner that is on PDM's payroll.
Rot starts from the bottom. money has to go to CEC's mouth after allk to moun me dalna hai seedha.
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It will start improving as soon as Cartoon-e-Azam PM Imran Khan hands in his resignation and apologises to the nation for being the only incompetent Prime Minister in 70-years to allow India to annex Indian Occupied Kashmir.

After that, he can go to Hell.
It will start improving as soon as Cartoon-e-Azam PM Imran Khan hands in his resignation and apologises to the nation for being the only incompetent Prime Minister in 70-years to allow India to annex Indian Occupied Kashmir.
Patwari, India already occupied Kashmir since 1947. Annexing Kashmir is India's internal matter. Just like Pakistan annexed FATA despite Afghani protests.
I am surprised that there people who still " think" that PTi govt is doing badly -- Now how to improve the mess:

Capability, which Mr. Imran Khan lacks (e.g Buzdar)
even if he is capable, the system (which he is part of) will not let him deliver --our ruling elite (including the Generals) have destroyed the country for power/greed and would never let this system go.

So don't expect any good from the current system --- the system needs to go!
It's not the PTI party that is doing badly... It's the entrenched system that is doing badly!

One lone man, even a leader of a party, cannot change a system that is corrupt from the top to the bottom for ALL institutions!
1. Bring interest rates down to Zero.
2. Article 6 on those involved in changing Muslim oath in the previous government.
3. Focus entirely on "Directed Governance" through employing local bodies.

3 months into operation. call in general elections citing constitutional deadlock.

There is no way PTI can make that upcoming budget and still be popular.
If one needs dramatic improvements in system without doing any struggle - advise PMIK just to grant NRO to corrupts; everything will be fine - same numbers which reflects incapable government at center will start reflecting capabilities.
So far this thread just goes to show that PDF is full of rhetoric and no ideas. I think only 2 or 3 posted anything with any semblance of an actual problem and solution - the rest has been rhetoric thrown in with the usual media cell copy/paste nonsense.
I was reading another thread earlier on today and I noticed a boring pattern we are all to familiar with on this forum. Some people defending the government, other people criticizing it - but nobody listening or exchanging ideas. It's a wider societal problem, not just limited to Pakistan. It seems nowadays politics is about imposing your view on the other, instead of discussing.

So I'd like to ask the question; If you think the current government is not doing well, can you please describe the negative impacts you have felt and how you think the government should do things differently?

Also kindly state if you are a supporter of the government, or not.

Please tag anyone you come across who might have an opinion to present.
@Xone @krash @newb3e

I am not a supporter of any individual or any party, there are few individuals who I like or dislike, purely based on personality. I support anyone from any party who I feel has the right policies or approach for Pakistan.

I do feel Imran Khan has done a tremendous job, domestically and externally since coming to power. If we ignore the history and the performances of other parties, and the condition of the economy when he took over, then his performance is not up to mark, still not bad but not good either.

But, every comparison is made with reference to another, with that in mind, he has done a tremendous job. I can see how someone living in Pakistan may have a slightly harsher view because they felt the effect of the price rises and devaluation of the rupee. But, someone on a playing field will only see what's inside the field, someone outside gets a holistic view, but even my view is tainted because I do not experience daily issues first hand, so a fair conclusion would have to be based on a balance of two views of a person living within the country and someone outside the country. And, each view backed by valid arguments.

I won't cover the positives, because I sincerely believe there are plenty, amongst the most important is that I have never in the past 30 years of my adult life seen any government concentrate on exports based on industrial development, that's is a big mindset change, important for longterm.

So, I will cover the negatives or the areas where there have been shortfalls, but, even there one has to remember that he only has a minority government, plus an even larger minority in the senate. Plus, few other factors, but let's leave that for another discussion.

He has failed to introduce or implement structural changes, he should have had policies ready, police reform, local government, civil service are the core ones, then he could have claimed that because of lack of a majority he was not able to push them through. This has been his major shortcoming. Although I can see without a majority even presenting reforms can be hard, as most of the work is done before they are made public.

He has not been willing to communicate with the political class, I do not care how corrupt they are, there are constitutional bodies where you have to interact with them, you cannot hold on to corruption as an excuse, it is not going to end overnight, that does not mean you do not follow due process. He should have called an all parties conference when Modi/India introduced a new Kashmir policy, I hated him for not doing so. Put everything aside and talk matters of state, they are grown men so should be able to, there are no excuses. At times you have to sit together with your opponents no matter what, if you cannot, it is better you don't take up the responsibility of being my prime minister.

I do not like his anti-corruption crusade, he acts like nothing can happen until it is sorted, it will not be sorted overnight, corruption exists the world over. Follow the process but don't cry about it all the time, because that creates an image for the world, it sticks in their mind. Most countries in this world are corrupt, but if you only hear corruption and Pakistan in the same sentence all the time, people will think that only Pakistan is corrupt and no one else is, he needs to adopt a better approach.

His stubbornness to keep Usman Bhuzdar is beyond me, it is one of his most stupid decision and he has stuck with him, there are political realities, I do understand that, but he had a couple of opportunities to replace him, he didn't, that was wrong.

Except for the above, I do not see major shortcomings by the Imran government.
The positives are endless, they will have actual long-term benefits. But the above negatives are dangerous enough to overshadow his positives.
I was reading another thread earlier on today and I noticed a boring pattern we are all to familiar with on this forum. Some people defending the government, other people criticizing it - but nobody listening or exchanging ideas. It's a wider societal problem, not just limited to Pakistan. It seems nowadays politics is about imposing your view on the other, instead of discussing.

So I'd like to ask the question; If you think the current government is not doing well, can you please describe the negative impacts you have felt and how you think the government should do things differently?

Also kindly state if you are a supporter of the government, or not.

Please tag anyone you come across who might have an opinion to present.
@Xone @krash @newb3e
Should do everyone a favor and go home. Corruption is on it's absolute peak. No strategy against covid or for getting vaccine
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