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If you think the PTI government is doing badly, how can it improve?

Actually, Is is not my business but since it is a open form then I wanted to add my person opinion.

I believed that Imran Khan is a not corrupted person and he is wanted to do something for better Pakistan.

But, He taken the wrong direction by focusing only on opposition parties. Actually, His work culture does not work in Indian subcontinent.

He could have focused more on internal public issues and other challenges in Pakistan. Also, should have work on Economy to Improve and for foreign Investments. And, more focus on common public issues compare to opposition parties.

He needs to just forget about Nawaj and bhutto families for the timing. If he will do the good government in coming years then No one wants corrupted people in the central.

Final thought as per present scenario - He is a good person and not corrupted but he is not good as a leader. Other word is " Incompetence" as a Leader and PM.
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Its like you were reading my mind.........................100% agreed

I like to add a few more things

1. All shop keepers need to have registration certificate which should be clearly visible with their TAX number associated.
2. Restaurants also need to get an annual certificate of inspection from the food safety authority.
3. Upgrade existing administrative Divisions to Provisional status.
4. Abolish existing Provinces
5. All Schools and General Hospitals should be under the new Provinces Government
6. All Universities and Specialist Hospitals should be under the Federal Government
7. All Taxes should be collected by the Provinces and each Province will give 50% of its collected revenue to the Federal Government and spend 50% on itself.
8. Create a Department of Islamic Affairs headed by the Grand Mufti of Pakistan, this department would own and maintain all the masjids in the country. It will also allocate an Imam for it. No one else should be able to build a Masjid, if there is a need for one in a particular area then they need to request the Department for it. The Department would also be the only one to run religious schools that will create future Imams. This is the only way to stop all the fake mullahs and the different sects that keep popping up.

Good ideas but harder to achieve without a proper system.
  • Empower local body system, metropolitan, district government, etc.
  • All businesses include retail shops within a district must register with District Government office which will issue them registration number and TAX ID number. This Registration must be visible at the place of business
  • .
1. Bring interest rates down to Zero.
2. Article 6 on those involved in changing Muslim oath in the previous government.
3. Focus entirely on "Directed Governance" through employing local bodies.

3 months into operation. call in general elections citing constitutional deadlock.

There is no way PTI can make that upcoming budget and still be popular.

opposition doesn’t have any solution....they will create more problems for Pakistan.
opposition doesn’t have any solution....they will create more problems for Pakistan.
opposition have a defined role in any government. they are entitled to oppose anything political within the confines of the constitution.

The only truth about the selected slogan is that this Government solely caters for her funders and stakeholders exclusively while others shared the plunder equally among themselves.

PTi is just not an organized enough mob. Simply put.
Actually, Is is not my business but since it is a open form then I wanted to add my person opinion.

I believed that Imran Khan is a not corrupted person and he is wanted to do something for better Pakistan.

But, He taken the wrong direction by focusing only on opposition parties. Actually, His work culture does not work in Indian subcontinent.

He could have focused more on internal public issues and other challenges in Pakistan. Also, should have work on Economy to Improve and for foreign Investments. And, more focus on common public issues compare to opposition parties.

He needs to just forget about Nawaj and bhutto families for the timing. If he will do the good government in coming years then No one wants corrupted people in the central.

Final thought as per present scenario - He is a good person and not corrupted but he is not as a good leader. Other word is " Incompetence" as a Leader and PM.
Nawaz and Bhutto cronies permeate the system. They have invested in by remaining in power for the last 30 years. Without removing them IK cannot bring about change.

Either they remain, or Pakistan remains. In the words of Nawaz Sharif, Pakistan and India not so different we can merge into India.
Nawaz and Bhutto cronies permeate the system. They have invested in by remaining in power for the last 30 years. Without removing them IK cannot bring about change.

Either they remain, or Pakistan remains. In the words of Nawaz Sharif, Pakistan and India not so different we can merge into India.

Just to add becuse I think other way.

I have seen Atal Bihari during 1999-2004, he was a good person. He was not a corrupt leader and also was not having any personal interests in the Indian politics.

He also tried to do something better for India and took the bold decision's. It was good for India and Indian economy but he forgot about common people in India. during his tenure the economy had registered a 10.6 per cent growth and politically, it was a time of stability.

But the Narrative was "BJP was doing for corporates and ‘ aam aadmi’ would get no benefit from any of these schemes". It was the main reason for losing the support from the common people of India.
So, coming to Imran Khan. Nawaz and Bhutto should not have problems If he can do the good governance and work on general issues of common people. If common people will be happy and satisfied then there will not be any value of Bhutto and Sharif families..
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Imran Khan should have made Atif Aslam CM Punjab.

Yeah should have made orange trains in every city of Punjab to change this perception.

Lahore is not responsibility of provincial govt but local baldia of Lahore.
Let me tell you this. This BS won't fly with me.

Learn to address an argument with logic and understand that there is no excuse for bad governance. Usman Buzdar is REPONSIBLE for bad governance in Lahore, period.

Baldia of Lahore, my foot.
so what this has to do with performance? What shahbaz did which buzdar couldn't?

Okay, these were the same situation in PMLN when shahbaz sharif there also. Garbage, smoke, pollution. What pmln did to grow trees? you complain about transport come in karachi and see you will come to know what public bike, cars means on road lol. Okay lets say he's not doing the job but why media was after him just Ik made him like after very same day decision media start crying over him and same media was fine with model town incident? something is not right here.

Buzdar also took action against land mafias while shahbaz couldn't.

lahore orange train didn't it improve anything within lahore as for public transport after spending around $2 billion on it?
In times of Shahbaz Sharif, Lahore looked cleaner, Traffic Police was doing its job, Tourism services improved, and transportation services recovered to name a few.

Model Town incident and Land Mafias were a reminder that PTI be given a chance in Punjab, but this province got good-for-nothing Usman Buzdar instead and situation worsened in Lahore consequently. Managing infrastructure is one of the key areas of good governance where results are visible and felt across the board. It is not wise to underperform in this area.

As for Land Mafias, let me tell you something. Property dealing remains mired in corruption, conflict, unaccounted for streams of wealth (black money), and numerous projects are not beneficial to masses but only to elites who have many crores to spare and invest in elitist schemes. It is just that these issues are not receiving much coverage in Media circles.

Now tell me how is your view beneficial to PTI in Punjab? People are supposed to praise Buzdar for his lack of performance? WE expected better.

Good things that are apparent are due to efforts of the CENTER (Federal Government) in large part.
So, coming to Imran Khan. Nawaz and Bhutto should not have problems If he can do the good governance and work on general issues of common people. If common people will be happy and satisfied then there will not be any value of Bhutto and Sharif families..
Again, you're missing the point. The main problems with Pakistan are bloated institutions that have been fed party workers for the past 30 years in return for votes. This includes Judiciary, Bureaucracy, Media, hell even the Establishment. You have a section of society that believes getting a job in government and minting money is a god given right.

How can IK fix the system without fixing the rot inside first?
I see some good discussion has started taking place;

1. Change Buzdar. Appoint someone who has the strength and vision to run a province with 1.5 trillion budget.
2. Make new provinces. Power should not be concentrated in only 4 places.
3. Accountability should be across the board. If their is corruption of any sort amongst his own ranks, he should deal with it ruthlessly. For e.g. why no accountability for Peshawar BRT? How dare Vawda lied in his nomination papers and still was allowed to became a senator? Walk the talk.
4. One way or another, bring down prices of everyday items especially food items. If a poor man is able to feed his family, it will do wonders.
5. Practical results should be visible for so-called accountability. Convictions should start happening for all these cases in NAB. It has become a mere joke.
6. Police reforms should be done in Punjab and Balochistan. If he can do it in KPK why not here.
7. Stop giving speeches about how corrupt Nawaz and Zardari were and how much they looted the country. By now even the aliens have heard him. It's getting repetitive and not reflecting good on him. Start acting like a PM not a cry-baby.
8. Full focus should be on CPEC. Ask china to bring industry here. Power is already surplus. SEZs have already been setup. Shouldn't waste a second more.
9. Ask his mouth pieces to start acting maturely. No need to reply to every BS coming from opposition. Take the high road. It will be appreciated more.
10. All government institutions and process should be computerized and linked with each other i.e. eGovernment should be introduced on emergency basis. Every govt. department must be interconnected. A big chunk of the problems he is currently facing will be solved by this initiative. No more paper based processes.

1. He defintely has the power to do this. You never seem to hear from Buzdar, I also watched an interview where the PM accepted that Buzdars family were doing choti-moti corruption. Why is he sticking with him? Initially there was all this talk of JKT vs SMQ but now Tareen is out of the picture and Qureshi is the FM, he can easily appoint a third party into this post. But who?

2. Needs a 2 thirds majority to do that right?

3. 100% agree with this.

4. I've always suggested state owned farms with full vertical integration right into utility stores. Have a private company manage it all, but all the produce is owned by the state until the point the consumer buys it. Focus on key products which the mafias mess with.

5. You can blame the courts, flimsy prosecution cases and NAB for that. it's out of the states hands.

6. 100% agree. He started and there was this fiasco about opposition to the man he put in place. He should have stood firm then. He lost that battle very early on.

7. Disagree - the mantra needs to be repeated, but as @Raj-Hindustani pointed out it needs to be backed up by work. When he's talking about the opposition he needs to talk twice as much about his parties achievements. He should talk about what they didn't do and what he has done, rather than just about the corruption.

8. Agree, Even more important than that is to encourage domestic industries to start manufacturing and improving the standards of goods to export quality. Perhaps give e-commerce advice to manufacturers wiling to improve their standards to international quality. I bought a very cheap laptop stand from Amazon yesterday. Chinese company, Chinese branding (albeit in English), arrived the next day as I have Amazon Prime, it was cheap, it's very effective and it was perfectly manufactured. Nothing felt cheap, nothing looked lower grade. I didn't care what brand it was - i needed a laptop stand, not a car. Pakistani's need to be making this sort of stuff. It's very easy to make.

9. I think his media strategy has been wrong. Previous govts paid Geo/Dawn etc to paint a positive picture. This govt ought to do the same, but just to a lesser extent. Also govt makes all these policies but fails to spread the information properly. How do you get a sehat insaaf card? Where can you use it? Who knows. What is the new single curriculum? Where can we see copies of it? These success stories should be plastered everywhere. As for responding to opposition, it is required, but again focus needs to be on govt achievements, rather than the easy open goal of opposition failures.

10. Agree, he needs to go full speed ahead with e-governance. It needs to be everywhere possible, it makes the average persons interactions with govt easier. Also they should consider privatizing govt customer services. Why does the person answering the phones about my parking ticket need to be a govt official? Privitatise the non-essential stuff, the stuff not related directly to national security and pay firms contracts based on hitting KPI's.

Let us consider situation in Lahore as a measure of Buzdar's governance. Why there is so much dust and pollution in this city? Why waste disposal is not up to the task? Why so many street lights are OFF in night? Why bad roads are not being repaired? Why Public transportation services are not improving? Why so many cars and bikes on the roads? Why Police is not curbing traffic violations? Why unemployment persist? Why banking sector is not public friendly? Want me to continue?

This man is utter failure. PM Imran Khan will do himself a favor by replacing Usman Buzdar in Punjab. Pick a true professional in his place for the needful.

This is the sort of thing we need highlighting in this thread. The actual problems.

Because all local govts of Punjab were dissolved in 2019. It's not the job of provincial govt to run local govts.

Lack of local govt elections is responsible for current mess in Punjab and KPK. Had elections happened in 2020 as was intended, things would be different today.

Pardon my ignorance but...

1. Why was local govt disolved
2. When will it be re-established, if ever?
3. If it is not re-established, who is responsible for it's jobs.
4. How has got allowed this vacuum of duties.
5. wasn't PTI all about supporting local govt?


Muslims are not one nation when dealing with each other. All those denominations, sects, and heresies are always at each other's throats. Pakistan is now relatively calm only due to state institutions. What you ask would require mass murder and tyranny. All tyrannical systems eventually fall.

Kind of off the topic, but TBH apart from in matlabi mullah land, these splits don't matter. Also the diagram is in-accurate, you cannot be a sufi and not be a sunni or a shia, it's not separate. I won't comment on the shia side of the diagram due to lack of knowledge, but the sunni side is not showing different groups, as much as it is showing different options.

For example, Shia and Sunni is today reduced to a difference which identifies which sub-set of Fiqh's you are a follower of. There is no political divide it can be associated with anymore. It's a historical reference.

Next, Hanafi, Hanbali etc is all different imams teaching the same Islam with slight differences, for example - what time asar is, are prawns mukhroo or halal, do you hold your hands on your stomache or your chest during prayer. All of the groups tolerate the difference of the other and consider them valid opinions, just not the ones they consider there to be the most evidence for. Deobandi/Barelvi are just followers of different teachers who taught Sunni islam, of Hanafi fiqh. There are differences, but mainly because molvi need to earn a living.

Finally sufi on that chart is not something different to what is stated above. Sufism is the practice of tassawuf (spirituality) typically under the guidance of a teacher. It is a voluntary part of Islam, it does not replace the shariah or fiqh or anything like that. Consider it an add-on.
I see some good discussion has started taking place;

1. He defintely has the power to do this. You never seem to hear from Buzdar, I also watched an interview where the PM accepted that Buzdars family were doing choti-moti corruption. Why is he sticking with him? Initially there was all this talk of JKT vs SMQ but now Tareen is out of the picture and Qureshi is the FM, he can easily appoint a third party into this post. But who?

2. Needs a 2 thirds majority to do that right?

3. 100% agree with this.

4. I've always suggested state owned farms with full vertical integration right into utility stores. Have a private company manage it all, but all the produce is owned by the state until the point the consumer buys it. Focus on key products which the mafias mess with.

5. You can blame the courts, flimsy prosecution cases and NAB for that. it's out of the states hands.

6. 100% agree. He started and there was this fiasco about opposition to the man he put in place. He should have stood firm then. He lost that battle very early on.

7. Disagree - the mantra needs to be repeated, but as @Raj-Hindustani pointed out it needs to be backed up by work. When he's talking about the opposition he needs to talk twice as much about his parties achievements. He should talk about what they didn't do and what he has done, rather than just about the corruption.

8. Agree, Even more important than that is to encourage domestic industries to start manufacturing and improving the standards of goods to export quality. Perhaps give e-commerce advice to manufacturers wiling to improve their standards to international quality. I bought a very cheap laptop stand from Amazon yesterday. Chinese company, Chinese branding (albeit in English), arrived the next day as I have Amazon Prime, it was cheap, it's very effective and it was perfectly manufactured. Nothing felt cheap, nothing looked lower grade. I didn't care what brand it was - i needed a laptop stand, not a car. Pakistani's need to be making this sort of stuff. It's very easy to make.

9. I think his media strategy has been wrong. Previous govts paid Geo/Dawn etc to paint a positive picture. This govt ought to do the same, but just to a lesser extent. Also govt makes all these policies but fails to spread the information properly. How do you get a sehat insaaf card? Where can you use it? Who knows. What is the new single curriculum? Where can we see copies of it? These success stories should be plastered everywhere. As for responding to opposition, it is required, but again focus needs to be on govt achievements, rather than the easy open goal of opposition failures.

10. Agree, he needs to go full speed ahead with e-governance. It needs to be everywhere possible, it makes the average persons interactions with govt easier. Also they should consider privatizing govt customer services. Why does the person answering the phones about my parking ticket need to be a govt official? Privitatise the non-essential stuff, the stuff not related directly to national security and pay firms contracts based on hitting KPI's.

This is the sort of thing we need highlighting in this thread. The actual problems.

Pardon my ignorance but...

1. Why was local govt disolved
2. When will it be re-established, if ever?
3. If it is not re-established, who is responsible for it's jobs.
4. How has got allowed this vacuum of duties.
5. wasn't PTI all about supporting local govt?

Kind of off the topic, but TBH apart from in matlabi mullah land, these splits don't matter. Also the diagram is in-accurate, you cannot be a sufi and not be a sunni or a shia, it's not separate. I won't comment on the shia side of the diagram due to lack of knowledge, but the sunni side is not showing different groups, as much as it is showing different options.

For example, Shia and Sunni is today reduced to a difference which identifies which sub-set of Fiqh's you are a follower of. There is no political divide it can be associated with anymore. It's a historical reference.

Next, Hanafi, Hanbali etc is all different imams teaching the same Islam with slight differences, for example - what time asar is, are prawns mukhroo or halal, do you hold your hands on your stomache or your chest during prayer. All of the groups tolerate the difference of the other and consider them valid opinions, just not the ones they consider there to be the most evidence for. Deobandi/Barelvi are just followers of different teachers who taught Sunni islam, of Hanafi fiqh. There are differences, but mainly because molvi need to earn a living.

Finally sufi on that chart is not something different to what is stated above. Sufism is the practice of tassawuf (spirituality) typically under the guidance of a teacher. It is a voluntary part of Islam, it does not replace the shariah or fiqh or anything like that. Consider it an add-on.
I just took it from wikipedia. I used it because it got the point across that Pakistan is not a uniform population no matter how you slice it. Stability in Pakistan can only come though letting people live with their own identity while unifying them with a national identity. National identity should strive to glue differing parts, not try to replace everything in its wake. Otherwise, these fault lines will be exploited, and are being exploited.
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U know what I am not here to prove anything
You are open to have your own opinion and I don’t care
Answer the question or leave it
Jahangir tareen kay paisey aur loog khareedna halal aur baki sab ka haram?

for me is sei bara munafiq koi aur nahi hai
NS and zardari is another level but ye bhi kaam nahi hai

if you need a proof then salai machine wali bhool gai hai shaiyd app ko?

Oh you need video lol masomeyaat tu app per khatam hai
Balochistan gov kaisey bani thi? Aur last senate election main kaya howa tha sab bhool gaya hai bhai ko?
Chalo koi nahi
Paisey mulk sei bahir gai ya nahi ye tu time batai ga

Sorry but it doesnt work like that, cuz when you accuse somebody then you have to back your claims with evidences or else, dont even bother.

And as for tareen, where have I defended him (show me)? More to the point, who started all this mess and corrupt practices? It was begharat Nawaz and Zaleel Zardari and not Tereen. Therefore, the whole argument is these corrupt practices need to stop. Before PML-N and PPP were also in favor or open ballot but then latter then stepped back, why? Do you have a valid answer?

You are raised two points, A) Munafaqat B) IK is a thief, however, nether you know what "Munafaqat" is, nor you or anybody can prove Khan a thief.

Now you can carry on with your whining with full liberty, because of course you're entitled of your opinion, whether its right or wrong, thats a complete different story.
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Pardon my ignorance but...

1. Why was local govt disolved
2. When will it be re-established, if ever?
3. If it is not re-established, who is responsible for it's jobs.
4. How has got allowed this vacuum of duties.
5. wasn't PTI all about supporting local govt?
Pti dissolved local govts in KPK and Punjab to bring major reforms. New local govt elections were due last year but deferred due to coronavirus pandemic
Pti dissolved local govts in KPK and Punjab to bring major reforms. New local govt elections were due last year but deferred due to coronavirus pandemic

Thanks. I think they made a mistake by not appointing an interim body in charge though.
I just took it from wikipedia. I used it because it got the point across that Pakistan is not a uniform population no matter how you slice it. Stability in Pakistan can only come though letting people live with their own identity while unifying them with a national identity. National identity should strive to glue differing parts, not try to replace everything in its wake. Otherwise, these fault lines will be exploited, and are being exploited.

I think just live and let live will do. This idea of a national identity based around geography/history is a red-herring in my opinion. Like you said it should strive to glue different parts together, ie give a sense of collective. You can't just click and have that - people need to feel that, this takes time to build.
Like Russian revolutions, Pakistan's enemies in PDM champions of horse-trading should be dealt with an iron fist. People like Zardari and Nawaz should be dragged on the streets only then Pakistan can move on the road to progress. The thugs with deep pockets and their supporters have ruined the name of the country.
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