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If you think the PTI government is doing badly, how can it improve?


Mar 14, 2017
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United Kingdom
I was reading another thread earlier on today and I noticed a boring pattern we are all to familiar with on this forum. Some people defending the government, other people criticizing it - but nobody listening or exchanging ideas. It's a wider societal problem, not just limited to Pakistan. It seems nowadays politics is about imposing your view on the other, instead of discussing.

So I'd like to ask the question; If you think the current government is not doing well, can you please describe the negative impacts you have felt and how you think the government should do things differently?

Also kindly state if you are a supporter of the government, or not.

Please tag anyone you come across who might have an opinion to present.
@Xone @krash @newb3e
Most important: Hang all traitors in all pillars of the state

Abolish parliament and electables, make Town halls effective
No MPA, MNA to get funds (redundant anyway after parliament dissolution).
Create at least 50 Administrative units in Pakistan and dissolve all Provinces

Power with President directly
Abolishment of 18th Amendment to empower the Federation
Electronic Voting (ballot paper can coexist) and allow voting from overseas
Sell all companies, government just needs to be a regulator
Abolish bank notes above 500 and establish a digital payment economy for Pakistan

So much to do. Do you want me to create a citizens request website for Pakistan so we can pool our ideas?
Most important: Hang all traitors in all pillars of the state

Abolish parliament and electables, make Town halls effective
No MPA, MNA to get funds (redundant anyway after parliament dissolution).
Create at least 50 Administrative units in Pakistan and dissolve all Provinces

Power with President directly
Abolishment of 18th Amendment to empower the Federation
Electronic Voting (ballot paper can coexist) and allow voting from overseas
Sell all companies, government just needs to be a regulator
Abolish bank notes above 500 and establish a digital payment economy for Pakistan

So much to do. Do you want me to create a citizens request website for Pakistan so we can pool our ideas?

lol - i think he has one of those.

Unfortunately I think some of your approach is ineffective. IK doesn't have the power of a military dictator to be able to do a lot of these things. How often can we even hang a murderer in our country without years of dancing around in courts.

Some of these things could and definitely should happen. Like local government, devolution of power to city governments. He's talked big about it but not done anything about it. Also digitization of currency, overseas voting, privitsation of state owned enterprises - all very very doable.

I was thinking about more practical things, and also things that impact people's daily lives. For example does anyone stop buying fuel, or cut back on groceries? Is it harder to find a job than it was before?
Bhai dekho Pakistan was developing when PMLN was in power and development is also happening now, I've seen new sewage lines being laid out mostly all over karachi. One is being laid out in front of my house. What we wanted from IK was to make it a corruption free Pakistan. To Bring back the looted wealth of people. And also the security institutions should not be "ON THE SAME PAGE" but they should be on the very next page as the govt controls the security institutions and not the other way around. He failed to do every single thing which we hoped.
pakistan is politically unstable country sir . as soon as elections results announced losser start chanting cheating dhandhli and then we became unstable as before elections . its been now 74 years we have never see a PM compleated his/her terms . 5 years are enough if they work but they are busy is dirty politics alll the time . no one admit i loss in election no one sit and let gov work . since i opened my eyes i see pakistan is in NAZUK SURATE HAAL . ITS UNCIVILIZED UNDEMOCRATIC SOCIETY . people follow blindly their lords and have no sense how much they are suffering because of instability .
lol - i think he has one of those.

Unfortunately I think some of your approach is ineffective. IK doesn't have the power of a military dictator to be able to do a lot of these things. How often can we even hang a murderer in our country without years of dancing around in courts.

Some of these things could and definitely should happen. Like local government, devolution of power to city governments. He's talked big about it but not done anything about it. Also digitization of currency, overseas voting, privitsation of state owned enterprises - all very very doable.

I was thinking about more practical things, and also things that impact people's daily lives. For example does anyone stop buying fuel, or cut back on groceries? Is it harder to find a job than it was before?
Obviously. For any change to be enacted, it is needed to be owned by all stakeholders of the state. Having said that, due to the very nature of business in Pakistan where every institution is creeping with maggots, it is hard to bring about change simply because IK came to power. You'd probably need to steamroll the courts, and get rid of the constitution and probably create a new one because to put it straight, the old one is SHITE and caters to the elite snobs who live in marble houses.
Bhai dekho Pakistan was developing when PMLN was in power and development is also happening now, I've seen new sewage lines being laid out mostly all over karachi. One is being laid out in front of my house. What we wanted from IK was to make it a corruption free Pakistan. To Bring back the looted wealth of people. And also the security institutions should not be "ON THE SAME PAGE" but they should be on the very next page as the govt controls the security institutions and not the other way around. He failed to do every single thing which we hoped.

You'd have to hang at the very least every patwari for this to occur. After that some MNA's/MPA's in PTI too. Are you ready?
Practically things that can be done.
1. Remove buzdar.
2. Change or amend the constitution.
3. Local body must be installed or if not possible give funds to MNA and MPA to do development works.
4. Talk less do more.
5. Stop talking bullshit.
6. Remove Mehmood Khan.
7. Make Karachi an autonomous region without any influence of PPP then follow the same in Gwadar.
8. Make South Punjab a province because he can't win North Punjab so if he has to give powers to noon league in North then make it happen as we all know punjabis specially North and Central one can die for shareefs.
9. Stop towing every military line.
10. Price control of commodities is need of Time.
If IK can't do these simple things then dissolve the assembly and tell people that he lost against all Mafia against Military Mafia against court Mafia against media Mafia against political Mafia against economical Mafia and we will accept him as the graceful leader.
But if he sticks with power and can't do these these things and just completing his term then f..ck off and suc..k jemima or pinki *** and enjoy London bitch.es and pubs.
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local body and empower people,grass roor development investment on people a long process will rid our spcietyof all the evils!
You'd have to hang at the very least every patwari for this to occur. After that some MNA's/MPA's in PTI too. Are you ready?
No person Is bigger then this country. Thats what i wanted from IK. Hang every single person be it patwari or jilayay. Hang them all even the people in establishment who protect these scums.
No person Is bigger then this country. Thats what i wanted from IK. Hang every single person be it patwari or jilayay. Hang them all even the people in establishment who protect these scums.
Start a petition for it? Maybe change.org?
Its very easy to say hang every traitor but what if all these traitors, electable get together and try to hang IK. Just like Bhutto time, our majority public will not do anything so why should IK risk his life. Its better for him to work along the military, security agencies and slowly kill this venom off but firstly let the public reject them, Our public still votes for the biggest chor, alot of people are claiming Mian is a chor but he's been our PM 3x, did we just realise, Zardari who everyone swears at is our ex President.

Why did our public vote for PPP after the killing of Benazir, they should have realised Asif Ali Zardari is in charge now. Let this sink in that our public knows who are sell outs and traitors but its every man for himself. Let the country burn. The day we realise that we cannot ever accept traitors, electables, wadeeras to rule over us, that day they will not get a single vote.

Improvement PTI can do is make every big city in to a province ie Gwadar province, Karachi province, Lahore province and elect governors, mayors to manage the province. Make a high court in each province, model police station, Model hospital, University etc. Let the people see the change. If its not possible then atleast let us see the change in the areas PTI has the majority. We want to see the change. This is something PTI can do as they are in the government.
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