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If Vietnam can beat China, so can India. This is not 1962.

Control airspace is one of the important things in modern war, agree but not all.
This battle is one example when the US controlled all things in the sky but the US must abandon a major combat base because of enemy pressure. Of course, You accept the heavy damage than the enemy. It also depends on the Indian-Chinese border terrain.

I don't consider Vietnam War is modern war. Technology advancement in weaponry since then is so great to make it looks like ancient war. US learnt a lot for that war and almost rebuilt its military force. Today, US can achieve any military goal without “abandon” anything. Politic is another story. China studied this technical advancement very thoroughly and follows US very closely.
No, historically that waterfall didnot belong to Vietnam wholefully!
According to Qing - France Border Treaty, more than half of that waterfall belonged to China. After the Vietnam - China Border Treaty 1999, the current status quo of the area is that each country controls half of the “waterfall area”, with the main waterfall belongs to Vietnam. There are also several agreements between both countries to exploit the area in term of tourism.
Vietnamese source
Thanks for the link, interesting read.
So you are saying China just took what are rightfully theirs and nothing more.
Shows how China is fair to their neighbors and that's why China is able to conclude border agreements with all 14 land neighbors except for imperialistic and land grabbing bully India.
India forcefully annexed many princely states since independence 1947.
China and Vietnam should do more such cooperation for the benefit of both countries.
Despite some historic differences with China, Vietnam is better off to be neighbor of China instead of India.
let few baboons here jump up and down grunting for to be killed for a few more days, a slow death of the preys without the knowing of when and from where the predators are coming is an entertainment.

If they want 2.5 war, they will get 2.5 war.
View attachment 414158

A recent article by a PLA general staff has summed up pretty well about China's position and strategy.










































































最好笑咖哩味的人以為大陸會向東浪出 兵
I highly doubt the situation will escalate, India has played this to their advantage. And going by Chinese conciliatory tone post Doval meeting, they'd be announcing steps to step back from this. Not entirely sure if this will change the way China looks at India, but guessing that India won this round.
There is no guarantee that India can defeat China in a war because Vietnam managed to (in 1979). I would not subscribe to this kind of logic because every conflict have its set of dynamics and chances of victory rest upon an interplay of several factors such as level of preparation, disparity in military capability, training of troops, political will and strategy.

Conversely, India should not be underestimated as an adversary. Outcome of a confrontation may vary from region to region and Indians might be better prepared and/or more determined today then they were in 1962. However, China is likely to do its homework.
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I highly doubt the situation will escalate, India has played this to their advantage. And going by Chinese conciliatory tone post Doval meeting, they'd be announcing steps to step back from this. Not entirely sure if this will change the way China looks at India, but guessing that India won this round.
Please check Xinhua online. Don't read Indian websites alone, there is no mention of Doval at all. I can assure you China will not back down from India withdrawing first. So don't go so fast on saying India won this round, this is not a game at all.
I guess there will no war and no peace between India and China, until Xi fate is decided by CCP for his next term.
That's right. Having brains is what some of our neighbours are lacking of here.

And these having-balls guys are always making me LOL, everytime.

Holy SH!T no wonder the Hindus here claim they have balls. Now i'm really starting to panic if China has to deal with these mighty warriors. The US won't be a match for these hypa soldiers either, Yankees might even look like pussies after watching that video. :blink:
And maybe this fellow is trying to prove he is the having-balls?

Back on topic as on China having balls or not, Let's see who is going to withdraw and whether the road is continued to be built or not. The new road links to the existing road work around nathula pass (all white lines on China's side), which makes our Indian neighbour unsettled.

There is no guarantee that India can defeat China in a war because Vietnam managed to (in 1979). I would not subscribe to this kind of logic because every conflict have its set of dynamics and chances of victory rest upon an interplay of several factors such as level of preparation, disparity in military capability, training of troops, political will and strategy.

Conversely, India should not be underestimated as an adversary. Outcome of a confrontation may vary from region to region and Indians might be better prepared and/or more determined today then they were in 1962. However, China is likely to do its homework.
I don't understand why many people keep repeating this myth that Vietnam defeat China in 1979.
I contend that Vietnam acquit themselves very well but definitely did not defeat China.
Or else why they would allow China to scorch earth destroy their land and even ceded An Nam Gate and parts of Ban Gioc Waterfall to China after the war. Isn't it an illogical thing to do for a victorious Vietnam.
Do not keep repeating such nonsense, similar to how the Indians portray China as the aggressors in 1962 for many decades by the Western Powers controlled media propaganda.
Vietnamese are East Asians with Confucian values, so its laughable that the Indians want to compare themselves with the Vietnamese.

Below is link from Vietnam on aftermath of border war with China.
" To date, neither Hanoi nor Beijing has disclosed the exact details of the border agreement or a new official map. In a single interview with state media, a Vietnamese deputy foreign minister responsible for the negotiations downplayed Vietnam’s loss of major cultural landmarks, including the Ai Nam gate and the Ban Gioc waterfall.

He rejected accusations on blogs and overseas websites that his government ceded territory by arguing that the government managed to keep most of the Tuc Lam River bank - despite the fact that according to historical maps the entire area had once belonged to Vietnam.
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I don't understand why many people keep repeating this myth that Vietnam defeat China in 1979.
I contend that Vietnam acquit themselves very well but definitely did not defeat China.
Or else why they would allow China to scorch earth destroy their land and even ceded An Nam Gate and parts of Ban Gioc Waterfall to China after the war. Isn't it an illogical thing to do for a victorious Vietnam.
Do not keep repeating such nonsense, similar to how the Indians portray China as the aggressors in 1962 for many decades by the Western Powers controlled media propaganda.
Vietnamese are East Asians with Confucian values, so its laughable that the Indians want to compare themselves with the Vietnamese.

Below is link from Vietnam on aftermath of border war with China.
" To date, neither Hanoi nor Beijing has disclosed the exact details of the border agreement or a new official map. In a single interview with state media, a Vietnamese deputy foreign minister responsible for the negotiations downplayed Vietnam’s loss of major cultural landmarks, including the Ai Nam gate and the Ban Gioc waterfall.

He rejected accusations on blogs and overseas websites that his government ceded territory by arguing that the government managed to keep most of the Tuc Lam River bank - despite the fact that according to historical maps the entire area had once belonged to Vietnam.
Sigh, If You are Vietnamese and give the link Viettan to mock Vietnamese government, so people will laugh at you because Viettan.org is an organization was backed up by CIA to against Vietnam government. Their information almost is not exact and fake. You better should learn and find the exact information because I'm a Vietnamese and I understand the issues more than a foreign like you. You can search for the Battle of Lao Son ( 1509 hill) to get more knowledge How Vietnamese react to Vietnamese territory was occupied by Chinese. If you don't know the incident you can ask one Chinese in PDF( His avatar was Chinese propaganda for this ) @Dungeness
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Sigh, If You are Vietnamese and give the link Viettan to mock Vietnamese government, so people will laugh at you because Viettan.org is an organization was backed up by CIA to against Vietnam government. Their information almost is not exact and fake. You better should learn and find the exact information because I'm a Vietnamese and I understand the issues more than a foreign like you. You can search for the Battle of Lao Son ( 1509 hill) to get more knowledge How Vietnamese react to Vietnamese territory was occupied by Chinese. If you don't know the incident you can ask one Chinese in PDF( His avatar was Chinese propaganda for this incident) @Dungeness
The Viets are good and persistent fighters but how exactly did Vietnam defeat China remains a mystery since we retreated before the main Viet army came back. The goal of the war was never about occupying Vietnam, it was to show Vietnam China could invade Vietnam easily, and they did exactly that. It was also to proof that Soviets will not help Vietnam. However, we lost the strategic goal of forcing Vietnam to wothdraw from Cambodia. We did however managed to capture Vietnamnese islands, etc. Overall, I would say it's a partial victory for China since our casualties were much lower than Vietnamnese casualties and the damage inflicted on Vietnam was severe, on the contrary, China did not suffer much damage on their side.
Than neither it is 72 and when did Vietnam even think of beating China
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