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If Vietnam can beat China, so can India. This is not 1962.

One such joke happened in Indian ocean just few days back. Juk type 52D's engine failed in Indian ocean and great chinese engineere (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V) unable to fix it for weeks. It was a really a big joke. DO you know did it start or not or towed back to chinese coast. Next time when you send your Subs and warship to Indian ocean, sent some rescue vessels along with them so that great chinese navy's power can be demonstrated everywhere.

It was given to you. you can not take anything.

Yes, he was an idiot and not as great as MAO who killed 200 million chinese to enjoy his fantasy of 4 pest campaign still he is chinese hero. This shows which nation is full of Idiots.

Indians would rather see a dalat die than to let him drink at a Brahmin well. so don't give me crap about giving us a country. those people that died during independence was for nothing? you Indians have no shame
indians are trying to say that they are superior compared to vietnam
then Vietnam beat China in 1979, so India can beat China.:p:

indians are trying to say that they are superior compared to vietnam
then Vietnam beat China in 1979, so India can beat China.:p:

First of all in 1962 we had never projected ourselves as a tiger. We wanted to emerge as a peaceful nation with no military ambition and we used to spend least on military as our idiot prime minister naheru used to think that military is a useless expense. He wanted to have a very good relations with neighbors in good faith. So it is not only china which grabbed our land but much less powerful pakistan also did the same and he stopped the army in both the cases to retaliate with full force and take back the grabbed land. So it is not that china was much more powerful. Now as per your logic, china is much more powerful now. Ok, go atnd get the land where we have stopped you. Till date you have issues 100+ warning without any action. If you have guts, go and get it . who stops you?

That's not true. It's India started the forward policy and led to a war. This is eastablished the conclusion academically. You can read Maxwell's book. Mao once told his comrades that he thought for a few days and couldn't understand why Nehru would do this to China.
It was given to you. you can not take anything.

Indians don't have any aukadh to give something to anyone....let alone a country...

Azaadi cheen k li thi...Trophy bhi cheen li....Ab Kashmir ki baari hai

Your forefathers lost terribly to Mr. Jinnah.

And now as Pakistan is about to take her lost glory back, Indians won't be on Asian Limelight...

Your honeymoon is over...Get used to it
One such joke happened in Indian ocean just few days back. Juk type 52D's engine failed in Indian ocean and great chinese engineere (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V) unable to fix it for weeks. It was a really a big joke. DO you know did it start or not or towed back to chinese coast. Next time when you send your Subs and warship to Indian ocean, sent some rescue vessels along with them so that great chinese navy's power can be demonstrated everywhere.

It was given to you. you can not take anything.

Yes, he was an idiot and not as great as MAO who killed 200 million chinese to enjoy his fantasy of 4 pest campaign still he is chinese hero. This shows which nation is full of Idiots.

You are no better than Mao's era today anyway, with your billion slum dogs and Dalit. Enough said.
And yes, I almost forgot your most deadly weapon, the super suicidal Kilo subs, you can blow up our oil tankers with them..

J 20 is not stealth. Ithas no stuff qualified to be stealth. It has poor engine, HIGH RCS, Dumb weapn and Eelctrnics inferior to European and American 4th generation plane. Our airmarshal said that He is least bothered about J 20 and it is not stealth.
But I know the LCA is stealth.:omghaha:
J 20 is not stealth. Ithas no stuff qualified to be stealth. It has poor engine, HIGH RCS, Dumb weapn and Eelctrnics inferior to European and American 4th generation plane. Our airmarshal said that He is least bothered about J 20 and it is not stealth.
you know what your airmartial is worrying about? IAFs' ability to crash planes of every type.
Cao Bằng is North East Province of Vietnam. A lot of ethnic minorities live there.

China lost to Vietnam in 1979. Everybody in the world knows this.
That's funny since China went into Vietnam territory, destroyed your infrastructure, captured ammunition and weapons,
Not to mention you guys left Cambodia and had sanctions on your country for a decade after that. Btw, the war never ended in 1979 but in 1989. In fact you got further whipped up to 1989 as China's economy grew and her weapons got more sophisticated. Johnson reef was just an icing on the cake. You and your government never mention that. Even today the Vietnam government will not release any official Vietnamese
killed during war.
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That's funny since China went into Vietnam territory, destroyed your infrastructure, captured ammunition and weapons,
Not to mention you guys left Cambodia and had sanctions on your country for a decade after that. Btw, the war never ended in 1979 but in 1988. You and your government never mention that. You guys got more beating after 1979. As well even today the Vietnam government will not release any official Vietnamese death killed during war.

we know you Ignorant mind,
You blame everything for your poor prime minister, yes he is a idiot, I agree. A whole nation of idiots led by one idiot. Now the same.:lol:
Nehru was no idiot. RSS Hindus want a scapegoat.Nehru attacked China at the right moment when China had its worse famine in the 20th century. As well the US and USSR and China had a bad relationship. USSR threatened to nuke China. All the stars were aligned with the Indians and still the Indians got their *** whooped
Nehru was no idiot. RSS Hindus want a scapegoat.Nehru attacked China at the right moment when China had its worse famine in the 20th century. As well the US and USSR and China had a bad relationship. USSR threatened to nuke China. All the stars were aligned with the Indians and still the Indians got their *** whooped

Their Support in the 1962 war time is in the word not in the real time, but this time don't expect the same
Vietnam beated China in 1979?

why Vietnamese still hate Chinese so much nearly as Indians。。。

Chinese just ignore Vietnam as we do to India.we just beat them if they want.

actually.I like Vietnam and Vietnamese.they are great nation in Chinese civilization circle.we both made mistakes in 1970s.the proxy war is meanless.and we believe Vietnam could be best friend of Chinese.if they learn from Philipinos well.:azn:
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One such joke happened in Indian ocean just few days back. Juk type 52D's engine failed in Indian ocean and great chinese engineere (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V) unable to fix it for weeks. It was a really a big joke. DO you know did it start or not or towed back to chinese coast. Next time when you send your Subs and warship to Indian ocean, sent some rescue vessels along with them so that great chinese navy's power can be demonstrated everywhere.

It is rich from an Indian, considering the wonderful track record of Indian Navy. Your Kilo submarine managed to torpedo itself while sitting in the dock, and your navy yard couldn't even keep your freaking 3000t frigate up-straight on dry dock.

Chinese Navy may have its share of malfunctions, but Indian Navy is entirely different animal. Remember the story of an USNY observer on board of Indian Navy Delhi a few years back? That was hilarious!
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So funny when You refused to recognize the truth. I will give you the list of battle from the Sino Vietnam War.
This war happened in 3 major front.
_ Battle of Lang Son: 130000 Chinese against 13000 Vietnamese soldiers, the ratio 10:1 .they eventually captured Lang Son city. Although got heavy damage and couldnt cross too 20km into Vietnamese territories. Vietnamese force leaved the city and Chinese couldnt surround them and destroy and were being counter-attack when they retreated.
- Battle of Cao Bang: Like I said above, 120000-200000 Chinese against 10000-15000 Vietnamese soldiers, the ratio is 10 to 15:1 : Chinese captured Cao Bang, but It is only for symbolic meaning, because It cant become a threat to Vietnamese major city and cant defeat Vietnamese force in there.
- Battle of Lao Cai: 125000 Chinese against 20000 Vietnamese soldiers, the ratio 6:1. Chinese pyrrhic victory.
And 3 lower battle :
- Battle of Dong Dang: Chinese could claim they win in battle but paid an expensive cost.
- Battle of Cam Duong: Same as battle of Lao Cai.
- Battle of Mong Cai. The Vietnamese obviously win.
In all battle in the war, Except In Lang Son, Vietnam had 2 or 3 regular division, in other location it is only militia or the border guard.

The total number of troops activated on the Chinese side was 200,000 during that war. Only 100,000 saw actual combat while the other half was held in reserve. Besides, war is not about how many vs how many, but whether the laid out objective was achieved.
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