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If there is a war between China - Viet Nam in SCS

Đảo Bạch Long Vỹ;3250079 said:
gpit troll, China is rising, and it can take America's 1st place in the future if America do nothing to stop it.
I don't think US gov are all idiots who can't see that obvious threat. :coffee:

When gpit troll comes, we had better make him troll himself. Non-chinese friends, I suggest not to reply him. Don't feed the troll. So this is my last comment about gpit.

In the eyes of the United States, Vietnam and China are both communist countries.

Please spend money on us the US to teach us how to love communism.

BTW, I personally don't hate French style communism, but Stalin style communism. I think Chinese communism is not bad in performance in last couple of decades, but Vietnamese communism is a joke recently and is definitely an enemy of the USA.

LOL! A joker that bled himself to fight away USA and is now trying to bleed himself again, this time with China, to lure USA back. You are right we are not idiots.
In the eyes of the United States, Vietnam and China are both communist countries.

Please spend money on us the US to teach us how to love communism.

BTW, I personally don't hate French style communism, but Stalin style communism. I think Chinese communism is not bad in performance in last couple of decades, but Vietnamese communism is a joke recently and is definitely an enemy of the USA.

LOL! A joker that bled himself to fight away USA and is now trying to bleed himself again, this time with China, to lure USA back. You are right we are not idiots.

With U.S policies and to control Communist that will use Communist to against it. The fact is, China - Viet Nam are both on this matter and China is on its way to take U.S place if U.S just standing by. Plus, the debt of U.S from China it seems not able to pay and how to get rid of the paying without filling bankcrupcy?

Free Navigation Route is always the leverage U.S going to has, and China is the one whose just claims up to 80% of entire SCS. Which is not acceptable by any nations. So, what U.S going to loose for its future intervene in SCS? What Viet Nam going to loose which is still demand claims for the Islands?
I am busy with my projects and otherwise keep myself updated with Olympics… LOL! Sure you guys are not interested in Olympics as you guys suck in sports, worse than N. Korea.

But just let our Vietnamese friends here know some culture of the United States of America. A typical one is: there is no free lunch in this country. What can you sell to us the US to get the help?

Let’s try to guess some:
1) To devastate China or otherwise destroy China? No, no, no. It is for sure that a thriving (but not strong) China is in the interest of USA. This has been reiterated more than 100 times by our government. In fact, US companies make enormous more money out from China than from Vietnam.

2) Sell or give us free SCS crude oil under your control? Heck, the US can do the same with China with much less risk, should China control SCS.

3) Lend a parking lot to US navy? LOL! We really have to consider if PRC would tolerate the poking or otherwise provocation.

To the best interest of USA, an ideal Vietnam is a Vietnam hostile to China, a Vietnam that keeps annoying China, creating a bad situation for China, bogging down (ie, containing) China in one or more places, but without seriously dragging in the US.

Remember, your Vietnam is a communist country. Dreaming the citizens of USA bleeding for communism? :lol: You got to be kidding!

Seriously, before courting USA, better change your color first.

The more both of you exert pressure on each other, the more the US will gain in power and less fast in declining.

The same United States would throw the likes of You Manchus and Hans under the Chinese Concentration Camp during the period of War with USA. Ask Nipponese Yanks!

Nothing is Free Lunch!
In fact this is always I against: the land occupation.

Vietnamese land should not be occupied, but its high asset value weaponry, such as warships and air planes and missiles should be removed.

If they are recklessly hostile, they deserve perpetual poverty.
Not decisive enough. I'd rather make the world a better place by imposing a "permanent" solution on this problem. ;)
How do you write with an accent:cheesy:
With high ching Ignorance quotient

We will attack by land, and crush Viets underneath our tank treads. You will beg us to grab those islands so we stop burning you with napalm.

Top Type 99 MBT
Middle Type 99A MBT
Bottom new light tank (for airlift, sealift and expeditionary forces)


Type 99A MBT


new light tank

JUST like tiananmen massacre :tdown:
Not decisive enough. I'd rather make the world a better place by imposing a "permanent" solution on this problem. ;)

So, you meant that China will using for full scale of war with Viet Nam? (included land, sea, air)

Do you already know China also has serious problems with other countries around its? (Japan, Korea, India) Will China takes big risk to runs full scales with Viet Nam and left the rest of blank points open?

Do you think the other nations will waste the chances, from China gives to finishing whatever those nations needed to be done?
I am busy with my projects and otherwise keep myself updated with Olympics… LOL! Sure you guys are not interested in Olympics as you guys suck in sports, worse than N. Korea.

But just let our Vietnamese friends here know some culture of the United States of America. A typical one is: there is no free lunch in this country. What can you sell to us the US to get the help?

Let’s try to guess some:
1) To devastate China or otherwise destroy China? No, no, no. It is for sure that a thriving (but not strong) China is in the interest of USA. This has been reiterated more than 100 times by our government. In fact, US companies make enormous more money out from China than from Vietnam.

2) Sell or give us free SCS crude oil under your control? Heck, the US can do the same with China with much less risk, should China control SCS.

3) Lend a parking lot to US navy? LOL! We really have to consider if PRC would tolerate the poking or otherwise provocation.

To the best interest of USA, an ideal Vietnam is a Vietnam hostile to China, a Vietnam that keeps annoying China, creating a bad situation for China, bogging down (ie, containing) China in one or more places, but without seriously dragging in the US.

Remember, your Vietnam is a communist country. Dreaming the citizens of USA bleeding for communism? :lol: You got to be kidding!

Seriously, before courting USA, better change your color first.

The more both of you exert pressure on each other, the more the US will gain in power and less fast in declining.

Ha ha, To counter to unstable mentality, agressive Chinese sea pirates today, we have to prepared for worst. First we have to do every thing by ourself same as in the past against Franca and US. Don't permit to trust 100% in any partners.
It's better when we have more Friends, less enemy.
When US Navy come, say ready to do humanitarian aids for Vietnamese people in disaster situation with good will and voluntarily. OK man, come on !

Here is free lunch


Bonus some photos from US Navy's in Vietnam.





I would like to interject that the United States puts a great emphasis in the importance of maintaining the freedom of navigation in the waters of the south china sea (other wise known as the east sea by the vietnamese or the west philippine sea by the philippines), it is integral to American national interest to prevent any despondent inhibition in the navigation of our maritime assets. Some $5 Trillion worth in American trade traverses through the said area and falls within the jurisdiction and realm of control (ROC) by the United States Pacific Command. I am confident that there will be no aggressiveness committed by the Chinese as to instigate an American response. I can guarantee you that when the 5th and 7th Fleets are activated to respond to any potential threats to American interests in the region, the quarrels will be mitigated with shear immediacy.

In regards to Vietnamese defense, just recently the US Navy held joint naval exercises with some minor counterparts in the Vietnamese Navy, which correlates with American military / naval joint drills with the Philippines.

It is in the American calculus to respond to immediate threats to our strategic interests in the region. Rest assured the Chinese , will not risk our intervention. Else their entire navy will be sent to the bottom of the pacific ocean.

It would be wise for Vietnam to expand its OVCs and increasing its naval assets in order to give precedence to its claim. Vietnam's government received the mandate to rule over the people in your country, it is a national prerogative for your government to increase your nation's naval strength.

I cannot lie that it pleases me, as I am sure it pleases most American strategists, to see certain countries in Asia-Pacific courting American favor in response to a certain antagonist state in East Asia.

China's a lot closer to being comparable with the US in its coastal regions than you think. Furthermore, China isn't necessarily afraid of a limited conflict that can redirect citizen anger against a foreign invasion. A united China is a China that is not beatable.

If there's a conflict in SCS, then two things will immediately happen:
1 - The hawks in the PLA will seize power, and
2 - the military machine of China will ramp up.

A limited conflict with American Carrier battle groups is not necessarily a bad thing for China. For one, the conflict is unlikely to escalate to a total invasion because China holds nuclear weapons. Second, the US simply doesn't have the power to hold a ground invasion of China. Period. For that matter, not even NATO and every one of its members together throwing their full force can win in a land invasion of China.

This means the conflict will be limited in scope, i.e. it will be limited to the naval and air engagements, and will involve the US Pacific assets against Chinese coastal assets. If you think the US Navy is a sure win, think again.

The US carriers are much more vulnerable than the rest of the world believes. In all cases, it's much tougher to execute a perfect defense than a perfect offense. Subs, Boats, and missiles can all be tough on a fleet parked next to China's coast. Aegis defense is not nearly as effective as the public thinks. IF they are parked too far away, then their effective sortie rate will be limited.

also, the manufacturing prowess of China will also mean any bases damaged by US strikes and munitions will be quickly replenished by China. China can wear down the US fleet with constant harassment.

Perhaps most important of all, China's Navy will earn valuable experience fighting against the most trained military force in the world.

All in all, though I don't think war will happen, if for no other reason than the fact that the US will not engage in military conflicts they do not have a 100% upper hand in (as per Sun Tzu. Win first, then fight). I don't think China has necessarily as much to fear from US intervention as the rest of the world believes. If for some unknown reason it happens, it's likely that China's military will benefit from the experience of a limited naval conflict and develop more effective strategies and machinery for future conflicts.
China's a lot closer to being comparable with the US in its coastal regions than you think. Furthermore, China isn't necessarily afraid of a limited conflict that can redirect citizen anger against a foreign invasion. A united China is a China that is not beatable.

A limited conflict with American Carrier battle groups is not necessarily a bad thing for China. For one, the conflict is unlikely to escalate to a total invasion because China holds nuclear weapons. Second, the US simply doesn't have the power to hold a ground invasion of China. Period. For that matter, not even NATO and every one of its members together throwing their full force can win in a land invasion of China.
No one is talking about a ground invasion of China. Period. This is a feeble line of argument designed to distract from the fact that China cannot take the SCS and maintain security of the area for Chinese interests. Period.
Who said the United States would invade China? The United States Pacific Command could make surgical strategic strikes on the entire PLAN , and can send the entire PLAN to the bottom of the pacific. The United States has unprecedented air superiority in this theater , with the manifestation of our strategic shift into Asia, and with the presence of 6 Carrier Battle Groups in the Asia-Pacific Region.

That is , of course, within the American calculus.

No one is talking about a ground invasion of China. Period. This is a feeble line of argument designed to distract from the fact that China cannot take the SCS and maintain security of the area for Chinese interests. Period.

I concur, entirely.
Which part China Navy's will started in SCS with Viet Nam? How Viet nam going to re-act?
The Vietnamese will react with solemn flag ceremonies on Mischief Reef and Hainan honoring the Chinese who needlessly died in a conflict they claim was caused by a "rogue" Chinese Admiral. :angel:
In the eyes of the United States, Vietnam and China are both communist countries.

Please spend money on us the US to teach us how to love communism.

Under eyes World Viet Nam and China are Communist Countries, which are World eyes on they both. Nonetheless, Viet Nam Communist country is the most nicer country than the other base on comparison to the rest of Communist Nation in this World.

With U.S and always country first, nothing enemy forever and nothing friend forever only for itself that forever could have been. For U.S itself to be maintain the number #1 and China on it ways getting close to U.S that will be indirect threaten U.S, its will do whatever it needed to be done.
The Vietnamese will react with solemn flag ceremonies on Mischief Reef and Hainan honoring the Chinese who needlessly died in a conflict they claim was caused by a "rogue" Chinese Admiral. :angel:
Then you woke up from your wet dream.
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