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If the us invades iran...?

That is what Saddam thought too...... how well did that end for him?:butcher:
Saddam thought that? Who told you? Baghdad Bob?

Your one liner doesn't match the historical reality of Saddam's Iraq in the last years. Saddam had no reason to be confident, which is why he took of his pants and even showed the inspectors/US/Europe his underwear too. He was opening up every hole and pit for inspection.

He did everything to get out of a conflict. In the end, they wanted him gone.
what does it mean for pakistan - negatives and positives?

how should pakistan react - support? resist? stay neutral?

please discuss, indians welcome to answer the same questions as well, but replace pakistan with india - just to give a different perspective.

1st US is no so dare to invade Iran. Iran is a strong and living nation. And Amreeka is just a barking dog upon only sleepy or greedy nations like we are.
However, if it happens, i wish we must stand with our Iranian fellows.
If they are invaded, it would be good for us. Because if Iran does get Nuclear weapons - then this will start a nuclear-arms race in the middle east.

If they are invaded, it would be good for us. Because if Iran does get Nuclear weapons - then this will start a nuclear-arms race in the middle east.

LOLX....Never good for us. All Muslim countries should get Nuclear power
Don't serve US policies to weaken Muslim world
The difference between the Iraqi invasion and the fictional Iranian invasion, is that the Iraqis, welcomed the Americans as saviours, let them in, found about their true nature and intentions (a bit too late) and started to fight them with very elemental weapons, while the Iranians (also from this experience) will start the fight as a nation with at least 10 million fighters armed to the teeth. Do you think that the US would like to face this force from day one, and how many lives can the US army afford to loose before their public opinion stops the war, since their entire losses in Iraq and Afghanistan will be surpassed in some few days or weeks of combat !!!

the route who pass by iraq and syria you most forget about it
the turkish route is not guarnteed becouse for turkey to allow a strike from there land can cause big problmes
that leaves the saudi route
I don't really think an invasion will ever occur. The best that could happen is in air strike on Iranian nuclear facilities and nothing more. Sure that could turn the region into hell though. Hezbollah will strike Israel, and Iran will most likely strike Israel if they can and they'll also strike the military bases in the Gulf countries.
Remember that an airstrike doesn't have to be an Israeli one, the biggest military base in the world is an American military base in Qatar ( which isn't really far from Iran ) and it has a huge number of aircrafts.
the route who pass by iraq and syria you most forget about it
the turkish route is not guarnteed becouse for turkey to allow a strike from there land can cause big problmes
that leaves the saudi route
With all due respect, I believe you are partially incorrect. The route of Iraq is quite possible as I don't think Iraqis are willing to strike coming Israeli aircrafts, nor do I think they have anti aircraft equipment strong enough to shoot down those aicrafts. As for Syria, the country is in a state of chaos currently and I think Al Assad is more worried about killing his people than protecting Iran.
As for Turkish route, under pressure from US and Nato they could allow it, but it isn't as guaranteed as the other routes. Saudi Arabia-Iran relations are pretty bad and Saudi Arabia could likely allow the Israeli aircrafts to pass through their air space and strike Iran.
we have many of our issues to take care of.
to hell with iran
Doubt Iran's ever gonna be invaded US :coffee:

Would it not, if it could?

After all, Iran calls USA the Great Satan, and thus wouldn't eliminating its perception of evil be a logical part of its policy, if indeed it had the means to do so?
The US can" theoretically" invade any nation on the planet (apart from Russia and China), but how many millions of solders is it willing to sacrifice? Does its economy allows it? What is the Public opinion about a war more dangerous than "the little walks in the park" in Iraq and Afghanistan that the US lost - by all expert's opinions-?
That scenario of sacrifice can only happen if the US is directly threatened and its own survival is at stake, which is far from being the case with Iran.
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