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If the us invades iran...?

1) The Iranian people are extremely wasteful when it comes to gasoline. For years gasoline was as cheap as water in Iran and Iranians were the second biggest users of gasoline after the US. The US had a population of 300+million and is the most industrialized nation while Iran is not even close in any area so you get the picture of how wasteful Iran was for years.
Thats myth promoted by mullahs to explain why they still cant build refineries.

United States - 485,341
China - 57,593
Japan - 57,399
Canada - 38,615
Mexico - 35,958
Russian Federation - 33,475
Germany - 29,250
Iran, Islamic Rep - 23,174

Transportation: Motor gasoline consumption

Per capita much more countries consume more than Iran:

Transportation: Motor gasoline consumption per capita

And Iran produces cars from scratch. There are many IRanian models with Iranian made engines, body, you name it. If you're too thick to do a simple google search than I can't help you out anymore.
From French scratch :)

Take a look at this list and see how the Iranian car industry is growing rapidly while in industrialized nations like Canada production is rapidly dropping. Plus, in countries like Canada not a single model is native and are all assembled models from foreign countries.
Car production is moving to third world. Thats natural.
Its not Muslims countries , its generally the LAW of CORPORATIONS by US /Europe that all the refineries will be based in their countries

So Muslim countries will provide the raw material and then they will do the stuff related to technology and then sell it back to Muslims

Get it -- so iran and venezuella said go f your self so they are called anti establishment and anti corporations as they are nationalistic nations and that is why they are thorns in world ....

But countries like Iran are changing that they are building their own refineries with help from china and so soon world dominance will end over few countries :chilli:

So obviously we see a big weapons drive in England / US etc europe , so they can start a new crusade to conquer new lands and territories and it will likely be done under pretext of security

England was a East India company before and it will always have that MASTER'S mentality in its inner circles - and for US that mentality lies with corporations as well who determine who will get selected in democratic ellections (influenced by media and corporate TV/NEWS papers and millions in donatiosn from Companies)

WW1 Started as turkey was connecting Europe to Asia via rail destroying Europes grip on seas based trade and similarly now we are in similar situation

World is divided, there is a major economic recession , and number of ppl > jobs
and resources are less - in past that ended with a major WW2 and its possible that there will be a war in next 4-10 years

And it will be over World Domination , will China accept domination and be submissive will Russia help Euorpe or side with China

Now the US/Europe is on wild goose chase to win allies to help them tame the independent powers like Russia / China etc
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Country that imports gasoline is nowheere even close to industrialized. Making copy of french cars is fine, but not enough.

They are building their own refineries and soon they will not need west to purify their oil they will sell their own oil and refine their own oil 100%

I saw pictures of how modern Irani cities are they are cleaner and better then many American cities

Sure they have economy job problem but that is due to United Nation ILLEGAL ban on iranian freedoms ...

Why should we side with Europe or US ? on Iran ?

The bottom line is they have space program / nuclear program and also missiles program all 100% de to their own people not thru aid money
They are building their own refineries and soon they will not need west to purify their oil they will sell their own oil and refine their own oil 100%

I saw pictures of how modern Irani cities are they are cleaner and better then many American cities

Sure they have economy job problem but that is due to United Nation ILLEGAL ban on iranian freedoms ...

Why should we side with Europe or US ? on Iran ?

The bottom line is they have space program / nuclear program and also missiles program all 100% de to their own people not thru aid money

There is a lot of propaganda.. its far from the truth the sanctions hurt and have slowly started to get worse especially after the EU has joined in... the reality is far from rosy. I agree Iran has a great potential and many resources in every aspect including Oil and Gas however the current establishment that is running the country will drive it to the ground.
There is a lot of propaganda.. its far from the truth the sanctions hurt and have slowly started to get worse especially after the EU has joined in... the reality is far from rosy. I agree Iran has a great potential and many resources in every aspect including Oil and Gas however the current establishment that is running the country will drive it to the ground.

Imagine this

oil below 20 Dollars a barrel
No economy
Industry completely halted
Military completely dissolved with almost ALL pilots, officers and generals either in exile or already executed
Iraq with the help of the United States and the rest of the planet attacks Iran

Iran did not budge.
You as an Israeli should understand this better than anyone. Iran's leaders aren't what makes Iran great. It's its people that have continuously helped the nation survive for 2500 years.
When we ran out of artillery we would send human wave attacks. Our men would walk over mines to clear the path for other soldiers. We would tie grenades and go under tanks because we didn't have any other weapons. Call it brainwashing, religious extremism, extreme nationalism .... Iran survived HELL ON EARTH . Today Iran is a superpower compared to the shape it was in the 80's lol

@ the other Zionist
You lost the argument when you said Auto manufacturing is moving to the "third world"
That is the biggest load of crap I've read in my life.

btw, by 2015 Iran will become a developed country. Iran is considered more developed than even Turkey according to the United Nations. Check the HDI reports for example. Iran moved up 18 places from 2009. You might wanna start coming up with new insults Zionist.
Imagine this

oil below 20 Dollars a barrel
No economy
Industry completely halted
Military completely dissolved with almost ALL pilots, officers and generals either in exile or already executed
Iraq with the help of the United States and the rest of the planet attacks Iran
1) Alas, your knowledge in history of Iran is bad. After revolution oil prices exploded and were very high till 1986. As result from 1979-1986 Iran was literally flooded with money.
2) Arabs indeed helped Iraq, but most of the world was neutral, USA and China supplied weapons to both sides. Israel supplied weapons and parts only to Iran.


Today Iran is a superpower compared to the shape it was in the 80's lol
Actually today Iranian GDP per capita is about same as it was in 1986. All other countries moved forward and only Iran is stucked with same GDP as in 1986.

@ the other Zionist
You lost the argument when you said Auto manufacturing is moving to the "third world"
That is the biggest load of crap I've read in my life.
You yourself noted that car production in Canada is dropping. Labor is too expensive in developed countries.

btw, by 2015 Iran will become a developed country. Iran is considered more developed than even Turkey according to the United Nations.
Turkey GDP per capita is much higher today:


Check the HDI reports for example. Iran moved up 18 places from 2009. You might wanna start coming up with new insults Zionist.
It's still very low, far behind Mexico and Romania. Iran and Turkey have similar problem: while their major cities are quite developed, provinces are extremely poor, like in 13th century. And Iran instead developing these provinces is spending billions of Arab terrorism and ballistic rockets.
Who wrote it? Israeli agents?

You claim that I add to your words whereas this is what you are doing above. I did not state them being Israeli agents. Please do show otherwise.

I did not say "top".

Yes you did. It wasn't written on the missile as you claimed.

They write it on their missiles too.

They say "death to Israel" too and you know pretty well what whill happen to Israeli people if Israel will be destroyed.

More over Iran supports groups which target indiscriminately all Israelis.

Not necessarily. A change in policy in Tel Aviv does not negate rights and statehood for Israeli citizens. For instance, the fall of the apartheid in South Africa.

Thats not executive position. He can only talk.

It would be different had he said this in a private conversation. He used his holding of office to give more credence to his words.

Oh really any individual can put posters over Tehran :lol:

I don't quiet understand what you mean. I can write over a poster and hang it in Tehran as well. In fact, there are numerous posters of different sorts in Tehran. Point is, what you have failed is to provide a statement issued by an official, or a member of parliament, for that would substantiate a threat as you say that Israeli officials have been threatened. Unless you are willing to do so, this part of the discussion is futile.

Marg bar Israel means death to Israel. Not any government and not any down.

It specifically refers to the government. Similarly, when some protest 'marg bar jomuri-ye eslami', they are referring to the government and it's policies and not statehood for Iranians. Lastly, 'marg' is literally translated to 'death' based on a word to word match. Its more appropriate translation is 'down' i.e down with such and such. Indeed though they could be used interchangeably.

You always try to add something I did not say. I only said that Israel provided help in critical times. And I can add now that this help saved lives of many thousands Iranians.

No actually, as I have shown above, it's you who adds something I did not say. Israel's 'help' is controversial indeed but aside from it, it is diminutive. Even at it's zenith, it could not have saved more then tens of lives, let alone thousands. North Korea comparatively, with the field equipment it provided, granted much more to Iran and saved quiet literally the lives of thousands.

I am not even talking about destruction of Iraqi nuclear program.

Neither was I.

Are you stating that these bombings were selected, planned, coordinated, triggered and implemented by Iran and Iranians? Also, based on Israeli sources, wasn't it post this period that Iran was more linked to Hamas?

This "adventure" is result of continous Hezbollah provocations even after Israel left entire Lebanon.

I was referring to the blatant aggression and occupation of southern Lebanon by the Israeli military, which apart from other things, almost solely provided impetus for the birth of Hezbollah. As for leaving the whole of Lebanon, are the Sheeba Farms not a part of the state just as how the Golan heights are not Syrian?

I already explained why Palestinians cant justify Iran.

How and where?

Iran keeps excellent relationships with Armenia despite it occupied Muslim territory and ethnically cleansed ALL Muslims from there (unlike Palestine where Muslim population is rapidly GROWING). So why it cant keep relationships with Israel?

Iran's relations with Armenia do not negate it's relations with Azerbaijan, if that is what you are trying to prove. Moreover, it isn't as if Iran abstains from relations with Azerbaijan. Both states have been making diplomatic overtures. Ethnic and religiously-inspired cleansing however is quiet relevant to the Palestinian territories. Also, despite the the large segment of population they make up in the said area, their rights and statehood are negated, their land is encroached upon, they are unable to return, are often blockaded, and face the the brunt of military displays.
It specifically refers to the government. Similarly, when some protest 'marg bar jomuri-ye eslami', they are referring to the government and it's policies and not statehood for Iranians. Lastly, 'marg' is literally translated to 'death' based on a word to word match. Its more appropriate translation is 'down' i.e down with such and such. Indeed though they could be used interchangeably.

It is not necessary but i confirm the meaning of "marg"

During the protests there was a few "marg bar jomuri-ye eslami"but you could hear as well "marg bar China" (related to materials sent by China to the government to act against the protestors) or "marg bar Russia" (because Ahmadinejad visit to Poutine and some suspected (no source no real data on it) that Russia trained or helped in any way the people who do repression in Iran)

500 >
You say good points about economy especially about the cars.
and Turkey: it is impressive that when i was a kid they were poor and they could see some Iranians with expensive cars like BMW and so
But the situation is opposite now: when you go to Turkey you see such improve that you don't in Iran.

500 >
There are some people who abroad always blame the mullahs and religion. There is always this stupid word i hear "republic of mullahs" here. What does it mean? the constitution is complex. It could have been better than nowadays.
It is like any country which transforms to a dictatorship because some didn't respect constitution and opposition. But it is not the fault of religion and mullahs. If some mullahs are stupid , ignorant, middle age minded (as they say it in France), they are not all mullahs and they are not really different than any country religion:
a friend who is living in your country is saying even in your religion in your country some people make a hell because people use transport during shabbat

Take care all. don't fight ;)
what's with some iranian members and their rude behaviour ?

Is that how you guys are asked to shut up in your country , which is why you start off blabbering BS once you reach the freedom of cyberspace ?

You mind your own damn business , the mods are there to tell me to shut up when i should .

My view point was an impression that i got reading stuff and interacting with iranians on the net most of who were surprisingly much more humble and well behaved than many iranian members here , then i asked the question as to whether it was the correct impression to which abii replied .

If you think the impression i got was wrong you can inform me without asking me to shut up . It seems once some iranians get outside iran they just can not handle their new found freedom .

if any Wahabie effected mind repeat their propaganda against %98 muslim in Iran and call them Majus (Zoroastrian) and try to isolate them from muslim world i would say do not open your muoth
You claim that I add to your words whereas this is what you are doing above. I did not state them being Israeli agents. Please do show otherwise.
I did not claim. I asked who put these posters. Since u did not answer, I will tell: these posters are set by pro-government organization.

Yes you did. It wasn't written on the missile as you claimed.
OK next time I will say missile launchers if it makes u better. So it was again mistranslation?

Not necessarily. A change in policy in Tel Aviv does not negate rights and statehood for Israeli citizens. For instance, the fall of the apartheid in South Africa.
He says "death to Israel", not any policies. South Africa was not democracy, Israel is democracy, all citizens of Israel including Arabs can vote and governments change here regulary.

It would be different had he said this in a private conversation. He used his holding of office to give more credence to his words.
He represents some 3% of Israeli population and he talks. He does not hold any executive position, has not any powers.

I don't quiet understand what you mean. I can write over a poster and hang it in Tehran as well.
If you put poster targeting Khamanai, that will be last thing u put. Anyway, your president says "death to Israel", puts on missile launchers "Israel should be wiped of the map", supports terrorists that murder all Israelis without discrimination. And after all this u whine that one Israeli parliament member which, does not even hold any power, called to target your him?

No actually, as I have shown above, it's you who adds something I did not say. Israel's 'help' is controversial indeed but aside from it, it is diminutive. Even at it's zenith, it could not have saved more then tens of lives, let alone thousands.
Oh, 2000 TOW anti tank missiles, dozens Hawk air defence missiles and spare parts to them, spare parts for tanks, Phantom aircrafts - all that did not save even tens Iranians in war where hundreds of thousands died? Bad to be so ungrateful.

Neither was I.
So think about it.

Are you stating that these bombings were selected, planned, coordinated, triggered and implemented by Iran and Iranians? Also, based on Israeli sources, wasn't it post this period that Iran was more linked to Hamas?
I am saying that Iran is openly supporting those who delibetely target civilians.

I was referring to the blatant aggression and occupation of southern Lebanon by the Israeli military, which apart from other things, almost solely provided impetus for the birth of Hezbollah.
"Blatant agression" is result of repeated attacks by PLO from Lebanon. By the way PLO was hated by most Lebanese and Shiite villagers even greeted Israeli troops that kicked them out. Until Israeli pullout many Shiites served in Israeli allied army.


As for leaving the whole of Lebanon, are the Sheeba Farms not a part of the state just as how the Golan heights are not Syrian?
Sheeba farms are not Lebanese according to UN, Golan is not Lebanese business either.

How and where?

Iran's relations with Armenia do not negate it's relations with Azerbaijan, if that is what you are trying to prove. Moreover, it isn't as if Iran abstains from relations with Azerbaijan. Both states have been making diplomatic overtures. Ethnic and religiously-inspired cleansing however is quiet relevant to the Palestinian territories. Also, despite the the large segment of population they make up in the said area, their rights and statehood are negated, their land is encroached upon, they are unable to return, are often blockaded, and face the the brunt of military displays.
May be you are slow understanding. Let me explain again:

* Iran says that it cant have relatonships with Israel, because it occupies Palestinian lands (these lands never were Palestinian but nevermind).
* But in same time Iran has excellent relationships with Armenia, that not only occupies Azerbaijan's lands, but also ehnically cleansed all Muslims from there and turned mosques into cattle farms.

Conclusion: Iran does not give a damn about occupation of Muslim lands. It attacks Israel simply to lick up to Arabs.
I know well the auto market of Iran . And sadly i can say you this is not a good exemple: cars in Iran didn't have the level of quality of European cars they had the same name of model: the tests norms are not at all the same. remember some of our cars in Iran exploded?

Our country needs really a smart developping environment
this is not today. it is not because of Islam or the existence of IRI
but sadly the matter of an economy in the hands of a few, who didn't help for a better economy and technology
we could get far much better as you say
some people in our country didn't want to let the Iran be a normal country with fair rules. It is nothing to do with religion...
I see many Iranians outside like to criticize religion (even if not the majority) but they didn't get what are the problems.

about the car, Europe manufacture with CE 5 and iran CE 4 this is the program to reach CE 5 in 3 years
@ the zionist that needs to get glasses

The GDP graph has Iran's last set of data from 2007 while for Turkey it's 2008!!
In 2009 Turkey has negative growth as well.

Why don't you use the most up to date set of data?

Iran- GDP - per capita (PPP): $12,500 (2009 est.)
Turkey- GDP - per capita (PPP): $11,400 (2009 est.)


Also the oil price hike was for the beginning of the war. From 85-88 oil was less then 20.
For the first 5 years the maximum price was 50 dollars which is still nothing. Compare that to 140 dollars from 2 years ago or 80 dollars today (at recession)

You keep shooting yourself in the foot with your non existent arguments that mostly have to do with finding holes in mine.

Canada's production fell because it was in a recession. In case you didn't notice, the big three American auto companies went under.

Zionists are usually good with propaganda, not you though. You still need time.

Edit: LMAO
I just read your comment about Iranian villages!!!

Iranian villages are actually quite famous in the region for being really developed. Every Iranian village has running water, natural gas and electricity, even the most remote ones.

I love how a Jew thinks he/she knows more about Iran then actual Iranians
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@ the zionist that needs to get glasses

The GDP graph has Iran's last set of data from 2007 while for Turkey it's 2008!!

In 2009 Turkey has negative growth as well.

Why don't you use the most up to date set of data?

Here most up to date:

Turkey 8,711
Iran 4,399

List of countries by GDP (nominal) per capita - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Canada's production fell because it was in a recession. In case you didn't notice, the big three American auto companies went under.
Sure, its too expensive to produce cars in develped world.

Iranian villages are actually quite famous in the region for being really developed. Every Iranian village has running water, natural gas and electricity, even the most remote ones.
Wonderful, then how come that Iran is far behind Mexico in HDI index? I guess its a Zionist conspiracy.
Here most up to date:

Turkey 8,711
Iran 4,399

List of countries by GDP (nominal) per capita - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sure, its too expensive to produce cars in develped world.

Wonderful, then how come that Iran is far behind Mexico in HDI index? I guess its a Zionist conspiracy.
1) you posted exactly the same number as me genius. Mine was PPP yours is nominal. PPP is more accurate for per capita GDP, especially for a country like Iran that is isolated. Learn the difference between the two and come back.
An Iranian doesn't buy bread in American dollars, he/she buys it in rials. In PPP terms Iran has a bigger gdp/capita than Turkey.

Nominal is good when you're looking at a countries ability to purchase goods from foreign countries (when buying weapons etc...).

Iran- GDP - per capita (PPP): $12,500 (2009 est.)
Turkey- GDP - per capita (PPP): $11,400 (2009 est.)


that means you can purchase more goods with 1 us dollar in Iran than in Turkey.

2) last time I checked South Korea was a developed country. Car production in South Korea is increasing.

Also, you're assuming that as production falls in the West, the developing world is filling the gap. No Einstein, production in the West is dropping because nobody is purchasing those vehicles. Plants are simply sitting idle because people aren't spending. India, Iran etc... are producing Iran Khodro and tata cars. So your "production is moving to the third world" makes no freaking sense

3) Iran has a lower HDI than Mexico b/c of its GDP.
HDI calculates 3 things
2)years of schooling

Iran is only lacking in the GDP part.
However in one year Iran moved up 18 places (2009-2010)

Iran is considered by the UN to be one of the fastest movers (over the last 20 years).
by 2015 Iran will be a developed country. Iran only needs to move 30 more places to do so.

by the way, I rather live under the mullahocracy of Iran for a 1000 years than live in that **** hole Mexico where gangs are running around like it's the wild west.
1) you posted exactly the same number as me genius. Mine was PPP yours is nominal. PPP is more accurate for per capita GDP, especially for a country like Iran that is isolated. Learn the difference between the two and come back.
Nominal is the real thing. It shows how strong is country's economy. PPP indicates more purchase power of civilians. The huge difference between Iranian PPP and nominal shows that Iran has subseeded communist economy.

In PPP terms Iran has a bigger gdp/capita than Turkey.
Its not:

Turkey 12,466
Iran 10,939

2) last time I checked South Korea was a developed country. Car production in South Korea is increasing.
South Korea is developed compare to Iran but not compare to Canada and US.

So your "production is moving to the third world" makes no freaking sense
It makes perfect sense. Like Nike and Reebok moved to third world cars also had to move.

3) Iran has a lower HDI than Mexico b/c of its GDP.
HDI calculates 3 things
2)years of schooling

Iran is only lacking in the GDP part.
As u noted yourself GDP in PPP is not that different. What Iran is really lacking is health:

Infant mortality:

Mexico 18.42
Iran 35.78

List of countries by infant mortality rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Even Zimbabwe has better infant mortality than Iran.

by 2015 Iran will be a developed country.
Maybe it will overlap Zimbabwe.
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