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If the us invades iran...?

Nominal is the real thing. It shows how strong is country's economy. PPP indicates more purchase power of civilians. The huge difference between Iranian PPP and nominal shows that Iran has subseeded communist economy.

Its not:

Turkey 12,466
Iran 10,939

South Korea is developed compare to Iran but not compare to Canada and US.

It makes perfect sense. Like Nike and Reebok moved to third world cars also had to move.

As u noted yourself GDP in PPP is not that different. What Iran is really lacking is health:

Infant mortality:

Mexico 18.42
Iran 35.78

List of countries by infant mortality rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Even Zimbabwe has better infant mortality than Iran.

Maybe it will overlap Zimbabwe.
1) once again you're lying through your Zionist Israeli teeth
You people are so brainwashed that when somebody gives you cold hard facts with evidence you keep denying it. An uneducated goat herder is more rational than you.

I gave you figures with a source regarding the GDP PPP and you come back with new figures without any sources

2) In Infant mortality Iran is number 119 while Zimbabwe is in the 150s (according to the United nations)

Many countries with higher incomes than Iran are doing far worse.

3) South Korea is FARRRRRRRRRRRRRRR MORE developed than Canada.

I guess according to you, not producing and loosing income=development lmao

face it Jew
you're making **** up as you go and your whole argument is built on mistakes in mine and finding holes in my responses lmao
get a life
1) once again you're lying through your Zionist Israeli teeth
You people are so brainwashed that when somebody gives you cold hard facts with evidence you keep denying it. An uneducated goat herder is more rational than you.

I gave you figures with a source regarding the GDP PPP and you come back with new figures without any sources
My source is IMF.

Report for Selected Countries and Subjects

2) In Infant mortality Iran is number 119 while Zimbabwe is in the 150s (according to the United nations)
Thats 2006 report data. I used 2009 CIA report data. Anyhow in both reports Iran is almost two times behind Mexico.

Many countries with higher incomes than Iran are doing far worse.
Like? Anyhow Iran is noshwere close to developed states. Developed states have infant mortality 4 times lower.

3) South Korea is FARRRRRRRRRRRRRRR MORE developed than Canada.

Welcome to the real world:

GDP per capita:

Canada - 39,658
South Korea - 17,074

Report for Selected Countries and Subjects
OK next time I will say missile launchers if it makes u better. So it was again mistranslation?

Firstly, it wasn't a launcher. It was a transporter alone. Secondly, yes it is. I'm not denying that I have witnessed this on numerous occasions but the fact of the matter is, there is no quotation as such by Ruhollah Khomeini.

He says "death to Israel", not any policies. South Africa was not democracy, Israel is democracy, all citizens of Israel including Arabs can vote and governments change here regulary.

How is Israel a democracy as compared to apartheid South Africa. Israel has shunned a great segment of Palestinians from their own land and has accorded Israeli 'citizenship' to those of it's own choosing. South Africa previously created internal partitions in a similar fashion. Israel isn't as much about democracy as it is about preferential rights.

If you put poster targeting Khamanai, that will be last thing u put. Anyway, your president says "death to Israel", puts on missile launchers "Israel should be wiped of the map", supports terrorists that murder all Israelis without discrimination. And after all this u whine that one Israeli parliament member which, does not even hold any power, called to target your him?

You stated Iran's leadership as targeting Israeli leaders in a similar fashion and you have yet to provide a statement to prove it. In it's stead, you are diversifying the discussion by including other issues. Ahmadinejad says down with Israel. Also, he did not put the tags on the transporters. Also, what is a terrorist to you may not be the same for others. For instance, ask the shelled Lebanese villagers of the 80s, the IDF were the terrorists. Also, where has he shown support for the murder of Israeli civilians. Can you verify this claim?

Oh, 2000 TOW anti tank missiles, dozens Hawk air defence missiles and spare parts to them, spare parts for tanks, Phantom aircrafts - all that did not save even tens Iranians in war where hundreds of thousands died? Bad to be so ungrateful.

Israel gave Iran F4 Phantoms? The United States utilized Israel for provision of some parts and equipment to selected individuals and the entire impetus behind the affair was accorded by these individuals in the hope to obtain gains from Hezbollah, another Israeli-necessitated creation, for the release of hostages, held again in reaction to Israeli endeavors. Israel was reimbursed entirely (with financial benefits) for it's provisions. So what has Israel accorded on it's own for Iran? These group of individuals moreover were opposed to the revolutionary government.

I am saying that Iran is openly supporting those who delibetely target civilians.

Iran does not support the murder of Israeli citizens.

"Blatant agression" is result of repeated attacks by PLO from Lebanon. By the way PLO was hated by most Lebanese and Shiite villagers even greeted Israeli troops that kicked them out. Until Israeli pullout many Shiites served in Israeli allied army.

The long term occupation and administration is definitive of blatant aggression against a sovereign state. Apart from this, Israel managed to manufacture religious strive and division by the creation, organization and financing of militias. Most notably, Israel toyed with Christian militias in Southern Lebanon. After the forced Israeli withdrawal, these former front-line Israeli-backed paramilitaries became redundant. Many of them, residing in Israel now, are all too critical of that period and often feel being abandoned by the state which armed them. Also, as to your last sentence, it was precisely the lack of cooperation and negation of Israeli occupation by the dominant Shi'a community in Southern Lebanon that proved to be the biggest nuisance for the IDF and one of the primary reasons for the successful raids by Hezbollah.

Sheeba farms are not Lebanese according to UN, Golan is not Lebanese business either.

What conclusion does the UN have on the Palestinian territories? Also, what is the extend of Israeli present and historical cooperation with the UN and on the implementation of UN resolutions?

May be you are slow understanding. Let me explain again:

* Iran says that it cant have relatonships with Israel, because it occupies Palestinian lands (these lands never were Palestinian but nevermind).

In other words, you purport that these lands were always Israeli, even with a historical imperative?

* But in same time Iran has excellent relationships with Armenia, that not only occupies Azerbaijan's lands, but also ehnically cleansed all Muslims from there and turned mosques into cattle farms.

Firstly, by what characteristics do you ascribe relations to be 'excellent.' Secondly, your basis for reasoning fails in that Israeli actions too have been ethnically and even religiously dismissive of of an entire population. Thirdly, are you then trying to argue that Israel and Armenia equate to each other in that they are ethnically and religiously prejudiced, are militaristic, expansive and that as equals by this logic they should be accorded the same treatment? If such is to be accepted as the case by yourself, it should reason more Armenian-Israeli relations. With this evidently not being the case, your point only serves as a further example to point out to the double-standards in prevalent Israeli policies.

Conclusion: Iran does not give a damn about occupation of Muslim lands. It attacks Israel simply to lick up to Arabs.

I don't see how you could arrive at such a conclusion especially since the logic dictated by yourself is contradictory on several levels. If Iran, as you put it, was so keen to impress an entire ethnic (Arabs), relations with Arab-populated countries would have on the whole been very different. Moreover, I would suggest you see Iran outside the prism of ethnicities so as to obtain a better understanding because in terms of foreign policy, ethnic-derived matters are are rather irrelevant for Iran. In historical terms, for instance, under the Shah, it indeed could be debated for I see him as a racial chauvinist.
Firstly, it wasn't a launcher. It was a transporter alone. Secondly, yes it is. I'm not denying that I have witnessed this on numerous occasions
Good: so Iran does threaten to wipe out Israel of the map on it's military parades.

How is Israel a democracy as compared to apartheid South Africa.
Because all citizens of Israel, including 1.5 million Arabs can elect and be elected. They have same rights as Jews.

You stated Iran's leadership as targeting Israeli leaders in a similar fashion
I said that Iran puts posters targeting Israeli officials and even offering money for their murder.

Ahmadinejad says down with Israel.
He says death to Israel.
His regime openly supports terrorists who target Israeli civilians.
His regime threatens to wipe Israel out of map on military parades.

Israel has full right to target him. But only some parliament member without any power said it and you whine like a girl.

Israel gave Iran F4 Phantoms? The United States utilized Israel for provision of some parts and equipment to selected individuals and the entire impetus behind the affair was accorded by these individuals in the hope to obtain gains from Hezbollah, another Israeli-necessitated creation, for the release of hostages, held again in reaction to Israeli endeavors. Israel was reimbursed entirely (with financial benefits) for it's provisions. So what has Israel accorded on it's own for Iran? These group of individuals moreover were opposed to the revolutionary government.
I said Israel gave parts for fantoms without parts planes dont fly u know. Before histages there was also program "Jews for weapons" Israel gave weapons to release Iranian Jews.

Iran does not support the murder of Israeli citizens.
Iran supports terrorists who deliberately murder Israeli civilians. Hense Iran supports murder of Israeli civilians.

The long term occupation and administration is definitive of blatant aggression against a sovereign state.
First Lebanon allowed PLO attacks from its territory against Israel, only later came Israeli occupation in Lebanon.

Most notably, Israel toyed with Christian militias in Southern Lebanon.
It was south Lebanon militia were served all religions (2 Chrstian battalions, 2 Shiite battalions and 1 Druze).

Also, as to your last sentence, it was precisely the lack of cooperation and negation of Israeli occupation by the dominant Shi'a community in Southern Lebanon that proved to be the biggest nuisance for the IDF and one of the primary reasons for the successful raids by Hezbollah.
Many Shites served for Israel.

What conclusion does the UN have on the Palestinian territories? Also, what is the extend of Israeli present and historical cooperation with the UN and on the implementation of UN resolutions?
Why u change topic all the time? Israel recognizes resolution 242.

In other words, you purport that these lands were always Israeli, even with a historical imperative?
These lands never were Palestinian.

Firstly, by what characteristics do you ascribe relations to be 'excellent.'
Iranian and Armenian leadeers meet, they have good trade, Iran makes Armenian festivals. This I call good relationships.

Secondly, your basis for reasoning fails in that Israeli actions too have been ethnically and even religiously dismissive of of an entire population.
Arab population under the Israeli rule GREW. Azeri population under Armenian rule dissapeared ALL.

Thirdly, are you then trying to argue that Israel and Armenia equate to each other in that they are ethnically and religiously prejudiced, are militaristic, expansive and that as equals by this logic they should be accorded the same treatment? If such is to be accepted as the case by yourself, it should reason more Armenian-Israeli relations. With this evidently not being the case, your point only serves as a further example to point out to the double-standards in prevalent Israeli policies.
Armenia did not expell or occupy any Jews, why should it hurt Israel-ARmenia relationships?

I don't see how you could arrive at such a conclusion especially since the logic dictated by yourself is contradictory on several levels.
Logic is simple. Armenia did everything what Iran is accusing Israel. COnclusion: occupation is just excuse, Iran does not care about it at all.
The most recent events have proven all anti Iran and anti Muslim rhetoric wrong.
Speculations, lies and falsehoods are all self-defeating.
US doesn't need to, it has Israel to do its dirty laundry.
"Israel" couldn't even invade Lebanon. Hizbullah was too strong. No need to overestimate these worthless thugs.

Au contraire, one can make a case that ALL religions need to be treated with equal disdain and disrespect :flame:
Of all religions, I dislike atheism the most. It's the most illogical religion in the history of mankind ;)
"Israel" couldn't even invade Lebanon. Hizbullah was too strong. No need to overestimate these worthless thugs.

Of all religions, I dislike atheism the most. It's the most illogical religion in the history of mankind ;)

Only Islam stood the test of time and of science at the same time, all the other religions have mostly atheists claiming to be part of a religion.
Most Christians, Hindus , Jews and others are not practising their religions and yet claim to be part of those religions, one can see their agnosticism toward religion in general, since they adhere to false religions.
I will be glad to answer anyone with questions about these facts.
The U.S. can't invade Iran.

really no need to disrespect any religion.

"Israel" couldn't even invade Lebanon. Hizbullah was too strong. No need to overestimate these worthless thugs.

Of all religions, I dislike atheism the most. It's the most illogical religion in the history of mankind ;)

If you consider Atheism to be a religion then being bald is a hairstyle:smokin:

Try this analogy instead........ Religion:Atheism:: Disease:Healthy........ hope you get it...... I'd be glad to clear it up if you still have any questions:azn:

The U.S. can't invade Iran.

really no need to disrespect any religion.

Only Islam stood the test of time and of science at the same time, all the other religions have mostly atheists claiming to be part of a religion.
Most Christians, Hindus , Jews and others are not practising their religions and yet claim to be part of those religions, one can see their agnosticism toward religion in general, since they adhere to false religions.
I will be glad to answer anyone with questions about these facts.

Huh???? so according to your logic..... Atheists outnumber believers in every religion except Islam??:hitwall:
Believe it or not, facts speak for themselves.
Do some research, and you will find out that most of these people (atheists) confuse Islam with their native religions.
Believe it or not, facts speak for themselves.
Do some research, and you will find out that most of these people (atheists) confuse Islam with their native religions.

Not gonna waste my time researching something that is so obviously ludicrous. Sorry! lemme know if you got something to back up your claims.
Believe it or not, facts speak for themselves.
Do some research, and you will find out that most of these people (atheists) confuse Islam with their native religions.

Islam asks for submission to God's will to witch every creature in the Universe abides by, from microcosmic ones to macrocosmic ones, so not to be in conflict with the laws governing our universe or the universe as a whole.
God has blessed us, the humans (alone) with a form of intelligence that should help us in appreciating the beauty of these mathematical laws, to understand them and to come to the conclusion of awe towards their Creator.
with reason, logic and every other limited tools we have as humans and the best of us using them with the help of the most sophisticated scientific instruments they can device, came to the same conclusion of the existence of this supreme being -that we call God in Anglo-Saxon language or Allah in Arabic, Dieu in French and so on... -
One can not help but submit to these laws and use his intelligence and reason to come in terms with them for the best beneficial results to him and to his surroundings. Thus the supremacy of Islam.
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