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If Russia launch one hundred missiles over Polish military bases, do you think that would trigger WWIII?

do you think that will trigger WWIII?

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I'm tired of see Russia statemen like Lavrov repeating American bullsh!t.

I dont understand how someone can even imagine that USA would trigger WWIII to defend the Poles :lol: or anyone else than themselves.

Polish regime has a record of casus belli against Russia, sending weapons without stop to kill Russian soldiers in Ukraine through Polish land. And Russia cowardly allow that.

Russia has nothing to lost, because they are all the economically sanctioned that they can be, and nobody will trigger a war against Russia to defend East NATO members.

Yes, it will, but the West will first keep soiling its pants for 2 months, and only then come to making an action out of fear.

Remember, NATO treaty art. 5 has a 60 days deadline.
I'm tired of see Russia statemen like Lavrov repeating American bullsh!t.

I dont understand how someone can even imagine that USA would trigger WWIII to defend the Poles :lol: or anyone else than themselves.

Polish regime has a record of casus belli against Russia, sending weapons without stop to kill Russian soldiers in Ukraine through Polish land. And Russia cowardly allow that.

Russia has nothing to lost, because they are all the economically sanctioned that they can be, and nobody will trigger a war against Russia to defend East NATO members.

Who do you suppose leads NATO? And whom do you suppose feeds Poland with weapons? Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine, Romania and Bulgaria are NATO member states post Soviet collapse.

Baltics want Kaliningrad eliminated. Poles want northern Ukrainian and western Belarusian territories.

Read a bit of history my friend, you would learn a lot from it.
You forgot the big issue. Russia should just leave Ukraine.

You simply dont understand whats at stake. We either defeat Russia in Ukraine now or will face Russia later on in middle or western europe. Putin wanted a Eurasian Empire ruled from Moscow.

Thats obviously not in our european interest and exactly the reason why gas delivery block would not change us to beat russia out of Ukraine.

Well, Russia needs the cash. They are poor country

Russia is struggling with supplies only few hundred kilometers from it's own border so I wouldn't be too afraid of that.
Some parts I agree with some parts make no sense.

Putin always had the most to lose. Putin until now has been none stop bluffing, nuclear posturing, and losing credibility every single day. Russia has been exposed for what it is.. a paper tiger that is being destroyed by a small properly trained motivated military.

Every single analyst had Russia taking Kiev within 3 days. All that went to hell simply due to national unity, strong leadership, and fighting moral. Defending ones homeland will bring the inner superhero in you out.

Its pathetic a muslim would support a nation like Russia which has the hands of tens of millions of muslims on its hands. From central asia, to eastern europe, caucases, middle east, afghanistan. Russia deserves every pounding its getting right now for what it did to the cities of syria, chechnya, and afghanistan. Russian terror from even 200 years ago is felt today in cities throughout central asia.

Russia is a pathetic country that cannot take on Ukraine let alone Poland. Forget NATO. US/NATO can give Russia a pounding that will make afghanistan/iraq wars look like a cake. Hundreds if not thousands of videos are online showing how untrained and pathetic russian units are, including the so called special "chechnyan" units. The Russian airforce with x20 the numbers of ukraines air force has yet to achieve even a semblance of air superiority.

Russia throughout history has only been saved due to 1 reason... ITS SHEER SIZE, but now since the last few decades Russia has been seeing a population decline unknown in human history. The sheer manpower Russia had in past comapared to its enemies is simply no longer there today. Germany+Poland alone match Russia in population size and both these nations are still seeing population increases+immigration. Russia lost a key competitive advantage against its neighbors long ago.

Russia's bluff will simply be called because if Putin even dares his generals to pull the nuke trigger, his own generals will take Putin out and overthrow the government to prevent total nuclear war. You can game theory it out hundreds of times under current conditionals today and the end result is most likely still VERY UGLY FOR RUSSIA AND PUTIN.

Over the next few weeks/months if Russian failure continues at it is I see a 80% probability of Russia using a tactical nuke over a open/unpopulated area. Either of the following-

- Nuclear Blast over the black sea
- Nuclear Blast in the Cherobyll exclusion zone (which already has radiation)

Both of these options would throw the ball in NATOs court. My assessment is NATO has a 75% probability of a strong military/nuclear response. What that exact response will be... IDK we will have to see :D

I am not anti-Russian but I agree with you. Events in ukraine have shown that
russia is a paper tiger and their military equipment is of inferior quality. They are all talk, nothing more. If the ukrainians can give the russians a hiding, then Poland, Lithuania, Romania etc will smash them to pieces, forgot about america and the other major nations of nato. It's a no-contest. russia doesn't stand a chance against them.

I'm tired of see Russia statemen like Lavrov repeating American bullsh!t.

I dont understand how someone can even imagine that USA would trigger WWIII to defend the Poles :lol: or anyone else than themselves.

Polish regime has a record of casus belli against Russia, sending weapons without stop to kill Russian soldiers in Ukraine through Polish land. And Russia cowardly allow that.

Russia has nothing to lost, because they are all the economically sanctioned that they can be, and nobody will trigger a war against Russia to defend East NATO members.

Then do it. Lavrov and Putin need to stop threatening the use of nukes and then backing off. It makes them and russia lose credibility and look like they are scared.
I'm tired of see Russia statemen like Lavrov repeating American bullsh!t.

I dont understand how someone can even imagine that USA would trigger WWIII to defend the Poles :lol: or anyone else than themselves.

Polish regime has a record of casus belli against Russia, sending weapons without stop to kill Russian soldiers in Ukraine through Polish land. And Russia cowardly allow that.

Russia has nothing to lost, because they are all the economically sanctioned that they can be, and nobody will trigger a war against Russia to defend East NATO members.
Russia has a lot to lose. NATO can retaliate by destroying Russian equipment and troops in Ukraine with ease. That I guarantee. Doesn't have to lead to WW3. Just wipe out the Russian forces in Ukraine alone and its over in their adventures in the country. Russian surviving troops will flee back to Russia. They know how accurate the NATO weapons are.

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