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Petraeus: US would destroy Russia’s troops if Putin uses nuclear weapons in Ukraine

NATO will keep pushing Russia via Ukraine. Putin will lose patience and will attack one of the Nato resupply/logistic point in Ukraine or Poland. He may or may not use tactical Nukes, but NATO will try to invoke Article 5 of collective defense and destroy Russian navy around black sea and Ukraine. Russia will use Tactical nuke to stop NATO advance into Russia annexed areas.

After getting tactically Nukes again and again and losing all advancing ground forces. NATO will use Tactical nuke to regain edge and destroy all Russian forces along Russian borders. Leaving Russia vulnerable for invasion.

After realizing country is totally vulnerable, instead negotiating and becoming a NATO bitch, Putin will threatened Europe with nuke strike if NATO tried cornering him. NATO will call his bluff and Putin will launch Nukes on Europe. Europe will launch counter Nukes on Russia, Russia realizing the are F’ed. Will launch more nukes and flatten Europe, after US realizing his Europeans command is no more, US will launch nukes on Russia. Russia will launch wherever left onto US. US realizing that it’s game over will launch everything on Russia and China. Why China. Because F you China and N Korea.

.. and rest of the world will die of nuclear radiation.
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Think about it. Why Russia threaten to use nuke? Becos he can't win in conventional warfare. Anybody who want to use nuke is a loser.

Even USA who used nuke on Japan becos they know they might not succeed capture Tokyo even with all the advantages they have in late stage of WWII. Go read about battle of Iwo jima. The casualties suffered by US soldiers were so great, it leaves such a deep scar on the american dread about going against Japanese again.

Tactical nuke or not, they are out of tolerant level by the major 5 power. Once used, it's free for all. End of world.
Jesus, I would never thought I will say this.

But I for one agree with @Beast

US WILL NOT tolerate Tactical Nuke to be use in any part of the world, that's opening the hypothetical Pandora Box. if US did nothing then it basically open door to smaller power using nuke to blackmail. or increase the number of nuclear capable country.

If Russia uses nuke in Ukraine, US and NATO will legitimatize all Russian target in Ukraine. And US and NATO will enforce a No-Fly zone and insert NATO peacekeeper in Ukraine. All those options are most likely going thru, and US will win the war with Ukraine for them so there is no war, hence no more escalation.

No one will look away if tactical nukes are used. Ukraine may not be NATO, but the Europeans will freak out and the U.S. will be making sure it doesn't happen again by getting involved with NATO to destroy and kill every Russian soldier by conventional means with the help of the Ukrainian ground forces.
Actually, NATO had already responded.

As I quote in other thread, NATO air asset over Eastern Europe all turn off their transponder and stealth plane like F-35 had their Luneberg lens removes and gone "Dark" Russia can probably pick up those blip on radar as they take off, but they can't track all NATO traffic.

If and when Russia start fueling those nuke or taking the warhead out from storage (the precursor of using nuke) NATO can launch a strike package on any target in and out of Russia without Russia knowing.
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Negative I don't see them reacting to Putin using tactical nukes or chemical weapons.. I believe the west will do a media circlejerking when it happens and say hey look it didn't happen on NATO soil
You bet Russia using nukes and the West not responding?

You sound like a thief that uses gun to rob the neighbor. The police is called, and you as thief or bystander thinks the police is too afraid running away. Because nothing happens to the police station.

Man, wake up. A nuclear blast no matter small or big, the fallout will drop on your head.
Nobody will lift a finger unfortunately and everyone will look the other way. The Russians will go berserker rage soon

I will be freaking out if Russians use nukes

NATO will keep pushing Russia via Ukraine. Putin will lose patience and will attack one of the Nato resupply/logistic point in Ukraine or Poland. He may or may not use tactical Nukes, but NATO will try to invoke Article 5 of collective defense and destroy Russian navy around black sea and Ukraine. Russia will use Tactical nuke to stop NATO advance into Russia annexed areas.

After getting tactically Nukes again and again and losing all advancing ground forces. NATO will use Tactical nuke to regain edge and destroy all Russian forces along Russian borders. Leaving Russia vulnerable for invasion.

NATO will not advance into Russian soil
US WILL NOT tolerate Tactical Nuke to be use in any part of the world, that's opening the hypothetical Pandora Box. if US did nothing then it basically open door to smaller power using nuke to blackmail. or increase the number of nuclear capable country.

If Russia uses nuke in Ukraine, US and NATO will legitimatize all Russian target in Ukraine. And US and NATO will enforce a No-Fly zone and insert NATO peacekeeper in Ukraine. All those options are most likely going thru, and US will win the war with Ukraine for them so there is no war, hence no more escalation.
If Russia use tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine, and let us assume that the US/NATO entered the war and essentially put an end to the war, from that point on, every nuclear weapons state hopeful can kiss their dreams bye-bye, and we are not talking about Iran or Saudi but also include allies like JPN and SKR. The current nuclear weapons states will remain as they are because there is really nothing anyone can do about them. But the UN and IAEA will enforce whatever rules there are on the books to prevent the creation of new nuclear weapons states. Whatever reasons were used to remove Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq? They WILL be models for the future.

If Russia use tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine, and let us assume that the US/NATO entered the war and essentially put an end to the war, from that point on, every nuclear weapons state hopeful can kiss their dreams bye-bye, and we are not talking about Iran or Saudi but also include allies like JPN and SKR. The current nuclear weapons states will remain as they are because there is really nothing anyone can do about them. But the UN and IAEA will enforce whatever rules there are on the books to prevent the creation of new nuclear weapons states. Whatever reasons were used to remove Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq? They WILL be models for the future.
As it is now, the world has no appetite for another Nuclear State, and if Russia did use nuke, the world will dismentle anyone that even remotely try to be a nuclear state and most likely bump the current state by some effort so they can be sure nuclear weapon can only be use defensively (Don't ask me how can they do it, I don't know)

On the other hand, would Russia really have the willingness to use nuke? It would be another major escalation but instead of mobilising people, you are gamble with everyone one's certain death, it's no longer a chance you may have survive the frontline for whatever or however they send you for, but rather a certain death or probably a world worse than death is the bet here, no too many Russia are willing to make that bet. If Putin really do raise stake, they will have his ball before he can turn the key or push the button.
LMAO at those who think China will react. China will do sh/t and stay out of this mess. Even recently their reactions tend not to support Russia on the Ukrainian matter.

US credibility towards its allies (And China would carefully look US reaction) would fade away if it didn't react to the use of nuclear weapons by Russia. The reason they haven't used them yet is because they fear what US reaction would be. NATO would absolutely trash the Russians.
The US and its allies would destroy Russia’s troops and equipment in Ukraine – as well as sink its Black Sea fleet – if Russian president Vladimir Putin uses nuclear weapons in the country, former CIA director and retired four-star army general David Petraeus warned on Sunday.

Petreaus said that he had not spoken to national security adviser Jake Sullivan on the likely US response to nuclear escalation from Russia, which administration officials have said has been repeatedly communicated to Moscow.

He told ABC News: “Just to give you a hypothetical, we would respond by leading a Nato – a collective – effort that would take out every Russian conventional force that we can see and identify on the battlefield in Ukraine and also in Crimea and every ship in the Black Sea.”

The warning comes days after Putin expressed views that many have interpreted as a threat of a larger war between Russia and the west.

Asked if the use of nuclear weapons by Russia in Ukraine would bring America and Nato into the war, Petreaus said that it would not be a situation triggering the alliance’s Article 5, which calls for a collective defense. That is because Ukraine is not part of Nato – nonetheless, a “US and Nato response” would be in order, Petreaus said.

Petreaus acknowledged that the likelihood that radiation would extend to Nato countries under the Article 5 umbrella could perhaps be construed as an attack on a Nato member.

“Perhaps you can make that case,” he said. “The other case is that this is so horrific that there has to be a response – it cannot go unanswered.”

Yet, Petreaus added, “You don’t want to, again, get into a nuclear escalation here. But you have to show that this cannot be accepted in any way.”

Nonetheless, with pressure mounting on Putin after Ukrainian gains in the east of the country under last week’s annexation declaration and resistance to mobilization efforts within Russia mounting, Petreaus said Moscow’s leader was “desperate”.

“The battlefield reality he faces is, I think, irreversible,” he said. “No amount of shambolic mobilization, which is the only way to describe it; no amount of annexation; no amount of even veiled nuclear threats can actually get him out of this particular situation.

“At some point there’s going to have to be recognition of that. At some point there’s going to have to be some kind of beginning of negotiations, as [Ukrainian] President [Volodymyr] Zelenskiy has said, will be the ultimate end.”

But, Petreaus warned, “It can still get worse for Putin and for Russia. And even the use of tactical nuclear weapons on the battlefield won’t change this at all.” Still, he added, “You have to take the threat seriously.”

Senator Marco Rubio, the ranking Republican member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee told CNN that Putin was down to two choices: established defensive lines or withdraw and lose territory.

Rubio said he believed it “quite possible” that Putin could strike distribution points where US and allied supplies are entering Ukraine, including inside Poland. The senator acknowledged the nuclear threat, but he said most worries about “a Russian attack inside Nato territory, for example, aiming at the airport in Poland or some other distribution point”.

“Nato will have to respond to it,” he said. “How it will respond, I think a lot of it will depend on the nature of the attack and the scale and scope of it.”

But as a senator privy to Pentagon briefings, Rubio resisted being drawn on whether he’d seen evidence that Russia is preparing to use nuclear weapons against Ukraine.

“Certainly, the risk is probably higher today than it was a month ago,” Rubio said, predicting that Russia would probably take an intermediate step.

“He may strike one of these logistical points. And that logistical point may not be inside … Ukraine. To me, that is the area that I focus on the most, because it has a tactical aspect to it. And I think he probably views it as less escalatory. Nato may not.”

I guess both Russia and the West are going to be destroyed if there's a nuclear war.

Let hope it's not going to happen.

All opinions about nuclear war is useless, the only worth saying is peace.

Some people will say if there's a nuclear attack, we are going do this and that, sounds like a winner.

But in reality, no one is winning.
If Russia use tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine, and let us assume that the US/NATO entered the war and essentially put an end to the war, from that point on, every nuclear weapons state hopeful can kiss their dreams bye-bye, and we are not talking about Iran or Saudi but also include allies like JPN and SKR. The current nuclear weapons states will remain as they are because there is really nothing anyone can do about them. But the UN and IAEA will enforce whatever rules there are on the books to prevent the creation of new nuclear weapons states. Whatever reasons were used to remove Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq? They WILL be models for the future.

It is hard to prevent any country (> 40-50 million) from acquiring nukes. You would set an example for preventing their use
And then Russia will launch thousands of its nukes towards Europe and America, many will be intercepted but hundreds of them will land, than America launch their nukes and we all will die, who make this cartoon a General ?
Send Your complaints to the Russian Embassy.
They may forward it to the Chief Clown in Kreml.
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The US and its allies would destroy Russia’s troops and equipment in Ukraine – as well as sink its Black Sea fleet – if Russian president Vladimir Putin uses nuclear weapons in the country, former CIA director and retired four-star army general David Petraeus warned on Sunday.

Petreaus said that he had not spoken to national security adviser Jake Sullivan on the likely US response to nuclear escalation from Russia, which administration officials have said has been repeatedly communicated to Moscow.

He told ABC News: “Just to give you a hypothetical, we would respond by leading a Nato – a collective – effort that would take out every Russian conventional force that we can see and identify on the battlefield in Ukraine and also in Crimea and every ship in the Black Sea.”

The warning comes days after Putin expressed views that many have interpreted as a threat of a larger war between Russia and the west.

Asked if the use of nuclear weapons by Russia in Ukraine would bring America and Nato into the war, Petreaus said that it would not be a situation triggering the alliance’s Article 5, which calls for a collective defense. That is because Ukraine is not part of Nato – nonetheless, a “US and Nato response” would be in order, Petreaus said.

Petreaus acknowledged that the likelihood that radiation would extend to Nato countries under the Article 5 umbrella could perhaps be construed as an attack on a Nato member.

“Perhaps you can make that case,” he said. “The other case is that this is so horrific that there has to be a response – it cannot go unanswered.”

Yet, Petreaus added, “You don’t want to, again, get into a nuclear escalation here. But you have to show that this cannot be accepted in any way.”

Nonetheless, with pressure mounting on Putin after Ukrainian gains in the east of the country under last week’s annexation declaration and resistance to mobilization efforts within Russia mounting, Petreaus said Moscow’s leader was “desperate”.

“The battlefield reality he faces is, I think, irreversible,” he said. “No amount of shambolic mobilization, which is the only way to describe it; no amount of annexation; no amount of even veiled nuclear threats can actually get him out of this particular situation.

“At some point there’s going to have to be recognition of that. At some point there’s going to have to be some kind of beginning of negotiations, as [Ukrainian] President [Volodymyr] Zelenskiy has said, will be the ultimate end.”

But, Petreaus warned, “It can still get worse for Putin and for Russia. And even the use of tactical nuclear weapons on the battlefield won’t change this at all.” Still, he added, “You have to take the threat seriously.”

Senator Marco Rubio, the ranking Republican member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee told CNN that Putin was down to two choices: established defensive lines or withdraw and lose territory.

Rubio said he believed it “quite possible” that Putin could strike distribution points where US and allied supplies are entering Ukraine, including inside Poland. The senator acknowledged the nuclear threat, but he said most worries about “a Russian attack inside Nato territory, for example, aiming at the airport in Poland or some other distribution point”.

“Nato will have to respond to it,” he said. “How it will respond, I think a lot of it will depend on the nature of the attack and the scale and scope of it.”

But as a senator privy to Pentagon briefings, Rubio resisted being drawn on whether he’d seen evidence that Russia is preparing to use nuclear weapons against Ukraine.

“Certainly, the risk is probably higher today than it was a month ago,” Rubio said, predicting that Russia would probably take an intermediate step.

“He may strike one of these logistical points. And that logistical point may not be inside … Ukraine. To me, that is the area that I focus on the most, because it has a tactical aspect to it. And I think he probably views it as less escalatory. Nato may not.”

And Russia would say thank you and will not retaliate...

USA is going to bomb mainland Russia kill 1000s of troops and Russia won't do anything
It is hard to prevent any country (> 40-50 million) from acquiring nukes. You would set an example for preventing their use
The initials 'WMD' were never meant to be restricted to only functional devices but to include programs and people necessary to create nuclear functional devices. The nuclear inspection programs for Iraq were intended to discourage Iraq from becoming a nuclear weapons state. If the initials 'WMD' are restricted to only functional devices, then those inspection programs were illegal in the first place because Iraq did not have functional devices. When none were found, the West, particularly the US, were pilloried in public, but behind closed doors, everyone in the region were glad that Iraq did not became a nuclear weapons state.

But I would posit this...That even if Poutine only threatened and backed down, the world will wonder if the next nuclear threat from anyone else would be real, and would not take that chance. As of now, there would be immense political and economic pressures to deter any country, but if Poutine actually follow thru with his threat, once the (nuclear) dust settled in Europe, any nuclear weapons state aspirant would see warships off their coast readied to put out that light.
If Russia use tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine, and let us assume that the US/NATO entered the war and essentially put an end to the war, from that point on, every nuclear weapons state hopeful can kiss their dreams bye-bye, and we are not talking about Iran or Saudi but also include allies like JPN and SKR.
The entire argument is based on the assumption that Russia will stop there. Also, that UN and NATO will remain powerful enough. Sure, those with nukes will not suddenly become non weapons states but it will ensure many many more states will now persue nukes, secretly if needed. If this group of "outlaws" become large enough, then all the sanctions etc will be ineffectual. An attenuated NATO and US will ensure no more world policing by them. In a truely multipolar world, this will mean US and NATO mandates will not work.
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