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If Pakistan 'splinters' | Indian Defense Review

If India does not continue to stop its support for TTP and BLA, i think the its about time Pakistani strategic thinkers revisit their policy. It is clear that the Indians have not reciprocated Pakistan's gesture of ending support for Anti Indian Elements inside Pakistan. In fact, the Indians have increased their monetary support for Anti Pakistani Elements. If the Indians don't end their intransigence, its about time we start putting our surplus ammunition to good use.

They are one of you with huge local support but instead Pakistanis love to accuse India or Martians.

JI chief should apologize for terming terrorists martyrs: ISPR – The Express Tribune

Tehreek-e-Taliban should open an office: Imran Khan – The Express Tribune
They are one of you with huge local support but instead Pakistanis love to accuse India or Martians.
Tehreek-e-Taliban should open an office: Imran Khan – The Express Tribune

imran khan doesnot know about good and bad talibans ..........haqqani talibans and TTP o_O 
there are few elements who are also taking revenge from govt but they are not TTP nor haqqani......but are from tribal areas too .....not they are terrorist,they are those tribal people whose children ,parents have been died on drones .....

@INDIC one thing i forgot TTP are working for C.I.A and RAW ..u see tatoos on the back of one taliban who attacked peshawar airport .
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If India does not continue to stop its support for TTP and BLA, i think the its about time Pakistani strategic thinkers revisit their policy. It is clear that the Indians have not reciprocated Pakistan's gesture of ending support for Anti Indian Elements inside Pakistan. In fact, the Indians have increased their monetary support for Anti Pakistani Elements. If the Indians don't end their intransigence, its about time we start putting our surplus ammunition to good use.

Tell this to islamic jihadis aka TTP that they are supported by kafirs, I am sure you will be killed.
imran khan doesnot know about good and bad talibans ..........haqqani talibans and TTP o_O 
there are few elements who are also taking revenge from govt but they are not TTP nor haqqani......but are from tribal areas too .....not they are terrorist,they are those tribal people whose children ,parents have died on drones .....

When your enemy is courting these guys then IK's statement makes sense.
Tell this to islamic jihadis aka TTP that they are supported by kafirs, I am sure you will be killed.

Already did, he confessed. A very senior leader of TTP was captured by the Army. After intense interrogation, he confessed that they were receiving weapons and money from Indian Consulates located in Afghanistan.

Source: Ex Brigade Commander Bajaur
Already did, he confessed. A very senior leader of TTP was captured by the Army. After intense interrogation, he confessed that they were receiving weapons and money from Indian Consulates located in Afghanistan.

Source: Ex Brigade Commander Bajaur

Anyone will agree to anything after "intense interrogation" :rolleyes:
Already did, he confessed. A very senior leader of TTP was captured by the Army. After intense interrogation, he confessed that they were receiving weapons and money from Indian Consulates located in Afghanistan.

Source: Ex Brigade Commander Bajaur

Dont be notorious. TTP will end the day pakistan proves its an indian stooge.
TTP will be ended by haqqani talibans with the help of army after nato going ...
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and after this haqaani taliban will interfere in the politics of pakistan and eliminate the bad politians ...its my prediction :rofl::rofl:
How do you Indians see mr. bharat verma's dream? do you think it will be good for Indian progress?
How do you Indians see mr. bharat verma's dream? do you think it will be good for Indian progress?

the way I see it , Balkanized pakistan occupied by corporate NATO forces and then these forces will balkanize india. But most indians here are too stupid to see the obvious about the past nature of CIA ops and geopolitical games.
How do you Indians see mr. bharat verma's dream? do you think it will be good for Indian progress?

To be honest Pakistan is falling apart, but then salvaging the situation is difficult but not impossible.

As the usual accusations go, Pakistani's in Pakistan and Pakistani's worldwide would blame India and would be reaaallly pissed and probably declare another 1000 year war or another 1000 cuts and would most likely be open to anything that's anti India, as in support to groups, alliances - you already are - but then there would be double effort into it.

So it would actually cause the continuation of the turmoil and most likely not good for our progress or stability.
Didn't V.K. Singh recently admit that India provided financial aid to Baloch separatist groups?

And they are still hosting the Tibetan government in exile as well.

Though it seems they have stopped their training of the LTTE at least.

No,he said the amry pays off Kashmiri politicians.
Possibility of disintegration of Pakistan is low.

Now you are flattering me :P 

Its not important if its stupid or not - what's important is 'if Indians buy this or not' - Indians have an appetite for anti Pakistan, anti China stuff by default. We both represent an 'axis of evil duo' for Indian minds.

There are several reasons for this, as we know.

Both Pakistan and China have been Prime Security Threats for India for several decades.

Then both have fought wars with India. The memory of the wars is still there in Indian Psyche; then there are border issues which are not solved yet.
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