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If Pakistan Goes To War?.

India would not attack Pakistan for any flimsy reason.

It would be in response to a provocation like Mumbai massacre.

Then forget about support from China or Arab world etc.

Chinese are no fools to rush in because Pakistanis wish that. Help is on merits. If merits demand no help, then there would be no help. More over they have to worry about $100 Billion trade. This is no trifle amount to be thrown away just like that.

Arab world is sick of Pakistanis and their terrorists. They returned two of them in 2012 to India to upstage Pakistan. Do not expect too much from them too.

The moral of this discussion is that if Pakistan persists in its ways of supporting radicals and terrorists, do not expect help.
14 January... Tehrir Sq (don't know proper spelling) in Islamabad. Allah Khair karey. No trolling intended.
Nobody would come! Don't expecting anything beyond support on your stance on some international forums. BTW, why would we go for a war in first place? War is not an option, come up with a better question next time.
Ḥashshāshīn;3755627 said:
Goes to war with whom?

If India, support from China, Arab countries and Turkey.

If NATO attacks, then support from China, Russia and Iran.

Neither china nor Arabs ..

coz U.S wont be with pakistan and in earlier wars,U.S played a very critical role in saving pakistan
Ḥashshāshīn;3755666 said:
A war between India and Pakistan will not happen, period. Two huge nuclear nations can't just go on a military adventure. Unless they want 100s of Millions of casualties, that is. And plus, the Chinese will come to protect their border too. A triple nuclear border is just too damn dangerous to be volatile.

2 huge?

We are nothing in comparison to U.S n USSR :) ..they had 20000 nukes in combined :lol:

and USSR was broken n no millions got died ...
14 January... Tehrir Sq (don't know proper spelling) in Islamabad. Allah Khair karey. No trolling intended.

May be not trolling but PUN for sure was intended! How stupid we get while drawing analogies!
Ḥashshāshīn;3755714 said:
I don't agree. I think India would get involved, not directly, but India with definitely get involved. What better chance would they have to destroy Pakistan completely?

India will be nuked in that case. Only victors would be the westerners in that scenario.
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