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If Pakistan Goes To War?.

Ḥashshāshīn;3755762 said:
What's your point? US and USSR didn't go into direct confrontation...

so who is going for direct confrontation with pakistan? n both countries reached very near to use nukes in cold ear
Ḥashshāshīn;3755767 said:
That was because the US needed Pakistan to remove the Soviets from Afghanistan.

yes and their rivalry with india who was pro soviet at that time.
Thats why one of their senator once said that we have created a monster in asia
India will be nuked in that case. Only victors would be the westerners in that scenario.

No body will get nuked and even if something against pakistan is thought even, then india n china will be taken into confidence and even russia too ..

so unless until we dont have counter nuke tech,U.S will never attack directly ..till then they will try to do what they are doing in syria n libya .i.e proxy war :) ..
Nops they didn't.
Buddy, they sent their USS Enterprise to help you back in 1971 which was countered by Russian sub. Also, they even asked China to help Pakistan which it couldn't because of weather and blockage of mountain passes.
They think they will get support against Pakistan across the durand line.......It is their w*t dreaming......People across the durand (towards Pakistan) will support their Army and their Boundaries against India.

No body knows coz U.S is here till 2024 :D and atleast they have army which is surely not capable but is made of fighters from nothern alliance :D
Hope for 'NO MORE WARS' in this region but if it comes on Pakistan only the unity of Pakistanis will help them fight successfully no one will come to help you out! in case of a super power even nukes will not help.

What is your view, would Afghans/Pakistani Pashtuns support Pak Army against India?
Buddy, they sent their USS Enterprise to help you back in 1971 which was countered by Russian sub. Also, they even asked China to help Pakistan which it couldn't because of weather and blockage of mountain passes.

+ in kargil war

and in 65 war too ....

and in 71 war too ..

they asked USSR to stay away from west pakistan and to have a safe passage of POWS.

and most important is that they knew pakistanis are making nukes and taking help from china
Okay, I am getting some exciting replies.

I was confused about Turkey , back in 2009 , went for an airshow in Dubai, met a Turkish Airforce Pilot.. he asked me where I was from .. and he then he said : Ah , Pakistan Brothers Brothers... and i was kind of surprised.. :).

Thanks for the replies guys. Appreciate it.

All I wish is, none of the countries goes to War, as most of em have Nuclear powers.. which could be pretty ugly if used in War..

Turks are perhaps the only trust worthy friends who won't leave you alone in the middle of the may day.
"If Pakistan Goes to War?"

Pakistan is already at war.

Pakistan is under attack.

Certain powers and other states are bombing Pakistan directly (US drone strikes) or using proxies (TTP, BLA) who are killing Pakistani soldiers and civilians.

Nobody ever planned on a conventional war with a nuclear power, but the way to attack/destroy it was exactly through the guerilla warfare/terrorism that we are seeing now.

I hope I don't offend anyone but instead of engaging leisurely in abstract ideas and "what ifs", look at the reality.

However if Pakistan plays its cards right it can emerge from this period of turmoil, if it doesn't then......
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