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If Pakistan Goes To War?.

Ḥashshāshīn;3755656 said:
@Aeronaut, I didn't mean Chinese involvement in combat, but they will definitely provide assistance, like weapons and Intel on what Indian soldiers are doing.

With GCC, I meant extra Oil Supply, but as you said they are changing their direction. I still think KSA and UAE will provide some cheap oil during the period of war or help Pakistan economically during/after the war.

As for a NATO attack, Russia will most definitely supply missiles and other high tech weapons. Slowly all country are getting under control of the West and NATO is surrounding Russia. They will act.

Iran supported Pakistan during the '65 war. NATO is their current enemy and they will help to destroy it as much as possible.

Well, when chines supported you guys last time ? never, they just gave you promise and took away the precious land. And the middle east is providing you cheap oil even in peace time. and it will not go beyond this line. regarding iran, it has tilted towards india more these days.
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we are lacking some things and we should learn from iran they are fully prepared for a war and they say they could fire 11 thousand missile in minutes
As-Salam- Walikum..

Okay , this might be a stupid question.. but it doesn't hurt to ask..

Lets say..
khuda-Na-Khasta if Pakistan is under attack or goes to War, which countries would come in for support?.

Dont really want to name any country, just take it as a general enemy or anything.


he he he he what a cute thread lolzzzzz

well in short if Pakistan goes to war there wont be any allies this time to help LAND OF THE PURE !!!!!!!

Why ????????..=Because Doobthe Jawaj ko koi nahi bachata

secondli if it ever comes to that be rest assured it will stop before it ever starts want to know why

three reasons
1. PA is incapable of defending its own people and country & allies from its own Strategikk assets do you think they have guts to go all owt when they know they and there famlies will have to say bye bye for ever to all the perks they are gettting now as deu to Amrican AID and perks they get they have become so soft that they are more happy to run bakeries , petrol pumps and shadee halls (one was even there very colse to Mehran when it was attacked )

2. China will never come to your aid all it will do is do some hard lip service and give you wepons for free and same goes with Turkey and SA .....least we Forget US ....well this time count it owt i wont be surprised if it shares intellegence what it has about paksitan with India in case of a war

3.as they say in hindi GHAR ME NAHI DANE AMMA CHALEE BHUNWANE means u dont have resources to fight a war even for three days anjd in that time be rest assured we can do a pretty bad damage (but i dont think Indian Govt has the spine to attack even maldieves let alone Pakistan)

so in short its realli very very SAD for me to Learn that Youth of Pakistan thinks of war as they last opton to save pakistan and have some honor realli it cant get worse for pakistanies as there youth have lost hope in life and countru and think war is onli respectable way to fulfill promise they made to there god ......what a tragedy
I can appreciate our Chinese friends saying that China will support Pakistan in case of war but let us understand that the Chinese policy has been one of refrain and avoiding conflict. It is highly unlikely that China will be putting itself in a war scenario and the most we can expect is military supplies and intel and a staunch diplomatic support. There is almost no chance that the PLA will be called to step in.

Then there's Turkey who can also support diplomatically but that's about it. They will avoid a direct confrontation with a country like India.

As for the GCC... they've started to lean elsewhere and couldn't care less about Pakistan unless they have the Iranian concerns on their minds. And Iran isn't going to help us either. They'll be needing their troops for their own defense rather than a neighbouring country who has been avoiding them for years.

So in short: Pakistan's only support can come from Pakistanis themselves and no one else.
If Pakistan goes to War than it ll lead to World War III ,
Triger from LOC or western borders fire will expand to the world from Gawadar's shores to World .
Ppl ppl ppl, when u talk about Pakistan in a war situation with india..........don't forget the quantity and type of weapons our common men have and their mentality as they always get united and ready to fight against india. why u forget why and what is happening here after the jihad in Afghanistan and Kashmir ended and we have the mujahideen back in Pakistan. Any way, if india attack on us an open and all out war, i will get my riffle and pistol and will volunteer/go to fight with india, where ever i can. let me know how much of u thinks same and join the jihad against india??????
Dont expect anyone to come to our aid. We have to do our defense by ourselves. Being said that, have faith in your armed forces. They are fully capable of defending Pakistan against any threat!
No channel in Pakistan is giving any coverage to the Kashmire incident , and rightfully so becasue its act of 3rd party

Just few weeks back 20-30 Pakistani Soldiers were taken and killed cold blooded , and that is reality that there is a 3rd party involved

Pakistani soldiers were also under impression that nothing would happen but unfortunately Talibans and such forces have no real concious

Even now as I watch all channels are coverging Election speeches

Our forces are generally more then capable to reply in a conventional war

But I am suprised every time , Indian Media and Politicians blame the Head of state and government even when its act of a 3rd party
Ḥashshāshīn;3755714 said:
I don't agree. I think India would get involved, not directly, but India with definitely get involved. What better chance would they have to destroy Pakistan completely?

Beleive me...You have very low knowledge about India and its thought process...We donot like Pakistan...But that does not mean destroying Pakistan....This is a ridiculous idea....And assuming that your thought process goes well, then what next ..If Pakistan gets destroyed...then India has to face the barbaric people from the Western province of Pakistan and all the ****** people who is fighting among themselves on our border...Do you think India will like that ?? Of course not....India is better to be with educated and comparatively better people from Punjab and Sindh rather than people from Afganistan Taliban and all the terrorist from NW province and all that tribal area of Pakistan....

And the 2nd most important factor is that India always opposed of presence of any super power be it US or Russia at its corridor....So India may want NATO in Afganistan but of course there will be stiff resistance from Indian GOV for any presence of NATO in an official way in Pakistan...Because India knows very well that after Pakistan...NATO might be gets tempted enough to control INDIA too...
Ḥashshāshīn;3755714 said:
I don't agree. I think India would get involved, not directly, but India with definitely get involved. What better chance would they have to destroy Pakistan completely?
Dude, India has many problems. Check social media. People aren't even talking much about Indo-Pak clashes at border.
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