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If Modi does not come this time, India will never be a super power we dream of!


Under PM Modi, India will become a global superpower, says Yogi Adityanath

RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat, UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, and Yoga guru Baba Ramdev said in unison that under PM Modi, India will become a global superpower and will lead the world.
Siraj Qureshi
The Agra division has become the center of both central and state politics these days. As soon as the Samajwadi Party's national convention ended in Agra, the RSS and BJP invited Yoga guru Baba Ramdev to the ashram of Vijay Kaushal Maharaj in Vrindavan (Mathura) to sing praises of PM Modi and his vision of India.

RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat, UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, and Yoga guru Baba Ramdev said in unison that under PM Modi, India will become a global superpower and will lead the world. The trio claimed that India had enough military strength to give a befitting reply to the enemies.

Answering a question, RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat said, "We should not just depend on the governments. PM Modi works for 18 hours in a day and Yogi Adityanath remains available in public service day and night. So, it becomes the duty of the society to act in the national interest. The day all the people of India start thinking and acting on this, India will become a superpower."

On this occasion, UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said, "Our single target should be working in the national interest and each and every citizen should give his or her best for the development of the country. There are lot of people who are still debating the issue of the national anthem in madrasas, but the high court has given a clear order in this context and we welcome that order."

Yoga guru Baba Ramdev said, "Today, the United States is ahead of us in many ways and the biggest reason for that is the American citizens who work with full dedication and honesty for their country's progress. If Indians also start working with a comparable selflessness and dedication, no power in this world could stop India from becoming a world leader. If the people work together, the GDP will also increase and new employment opportunities will be created."

The trio urged the youth of India to rise above regionalism and casteism and unite in the name of religion, to work for the country.

Addressing the assembled crowd, RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat said that the Hindus have faced numerous attacks. Hindus are being forcibly converted to other religions. Even in the ancient times, the people resisted these attempts to end Hinduism from India with their full might and even now it will be the same scene.

Bhagwat said that the young generation of this country needs to learn dedication to the cause. Today, the youth of India shouts catchy slogans in public meetings about nation-building and development but forgets it as soon as the meeting ends. This needs to change in order to make this country a real superpower.

Yogi Adityanath said that Hindutva is not an issue, in fact, it is an art of living. The day is not far when India will become a 'Vishwa Guru' and lead the world. He said that the first and foremost should be religion. Regionalism and casteism should not play any part in nation building.

Yoga guru Baba Ramdev said that 'Gita', Hinduism and cows are safe in India till there are people like Modi, Yogi, and Bhagwat at its helm. Till the time India is led by people who have faith in the religion, nobody can beat India. Only the unity of Indians can make India the country of 'Ram' and 'Krishna' again.

He said that the RSS is the protection wall of India from all external threats and the over 12 lakh saints in India give the community a direction.
india will never be a “superpower” regardless. No matter how many modis come to power :lol:

india has never been a relevant great power other than when other superpowers ruled it (aka Islamic Mughals) etc

india is a restricted culture and peoples, and lack a global cultural footprint and hence can’t project any super power like cultural and physical influence anywhere outside it’s own borders (may be Bangladesh? :lol:)

india isn’t even the sole regional power in South Asia. It’s just the larger regional power in South asia alongside with Pakistan (with Pakistan, ironically, exerting more influence outside it’s borders than india. Eg: Afghan war, conflict with Soviet etc)
Notice she says supapowa. This is the typical Indian mentality, supapowa mentality. Contrast this with common Chinese who hopes the country can be moderately prosperous compared to the US.

That's a paid news stuff. BJP have very sophisticated and organised propaganda machine. Almost 500 people working vigorously day and night for hefty salary.

You can think of it as a miniature version of CPC propaganda ministry.

Don't bother to waste your time and energy on these type of videos.
People of India have become smart. They know whom to choose and why.

Modi will make India a global superpower, Mahagathbandhan has no leaders: Amit Shah sounds poll bugle in Gujarat

Claiming that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has rock-solid support of people, BJP president Amit Shah on Tuesday said the coming Lok Sabha poll will be an important step for India to become a global superpower.

DNA Web Team
Feb 12, 2019, 01:02 PM IST
Claiming that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has rock-solid support of people, BJP president Amit Shah on Tuesday said the coming Lok Sabha poll will be an important step for India to become a global superpower.

Attacking the opposition parties which were trying to forge an alliance ahead of the Lok Sabha election to take on Modi, Shah said the "mahagathbandhan" (grand alliance) was made up of only state-level leaders and that it will not affect BJP's poll prospects.

He sought to know from the opposition parties who was their prime ministerial face and the leader of their proposed grand alliance.
He is the light at the end of the tunnel for India and merits the right to come back. It is our humble request to our easterly neighbors to vote for BJP on election day. Please! Pretty please!

Remember Demonetization, GST, Toilets, Cleanliness Drive and much more..

Surgical strikes... :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
By the way, the woman in the video died from COVID two days ago due to oxygen shortage.

that's the fate of Hinduvta bhakts,

Sadly what do they get from voting Modi g - the supa powa maker? Death
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By the way, the woman in the video died from COVID two days ago due to oxygen shortage.

Extremely Sad to Hear this. I hope she rests in peace.

Modi created an image about himself among his people and they had high hopes from him.

Its unfortunate that these people are seriously disappointed.

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