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'If Iranian general can be droned for terrorism, why not a Pakistani general?'

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When cows can give milk, why doesn't Hari Prasad.
Its a totally legitimate question in India.

The question should be if an Iranian general can be assassinated then who can't be assassinated?
There is a whole lot of grey area in what you are saying.

Point here that matters is that Iranian general wasn’t in his home country or HQ rather on foreign grounds where US has their stronghold.
All 3 did irreparable damage to their countries.

All 3 also are enemies of Pakistan and united together in Feb 2019 to put border pressure on Pakistan.

Ironically Gen Suleimani led the threats from Iran.
And anyone in Pakistan who still supports the deceased, he must be declared traitor to the nation !!!

Just like those who still support altaf
And anyone in Pakistan who still supports the deceased, he must be declared traitor to the nation !!!

Just like those who still support altaf
I am sure you have a deceased you support don't you?
I think this is a stupid article whoever wrote that. Fortunately, we are not as messed up as Middle East to target generals of each other in foreign countries.
And anyone in Pakistan who still supports the deceased, he must be declared traitor to the nation !!!

Just like those who still support altaf

Until we control the narratives coming out of Imambaras throughout Pakistan, this problem will continue. We need to rid these places of Iranian control now. Establishing nationalistic and pro-Sunni leaders is a must.

I see the exact same problem coming from Sunni, Ahle Hadees masjid as well. Nationalism and national unity should be promoted in every place of worship in Pakistan.
Because the afghan terrorism was beneficial when it was directed at the soviets and america used Pakistan as transit for afghan fighters while gulf countries and america were responsible for funding and supplying and helping with Intel and training.

You see when the terrorists fight America's enemies they were called freedom fighters but after 9/11 they became terrorists:lol:
Indians and their delusions, that's what keeps them going since they know they have eunches in their civil and military leadership.

'If Iranian general can be droned for terrorism, why not a Pakistani general?'

Chidanand Rajghatta | TNN | Updated: Jan 4, 2020, 22:26 IST

WASHINGTON: Amid widespread misgivings in the US Congress and among American analysts about the assassination of a serving general of a sovereign nation, the Trump administration is belatedly making the case that Iranian General

Qassim Suleimani
was a terrorist and a war criminal who should have been targeted a long time ago, even though he was not on any global proscribed list.

In fact, top administration officials are going so far as to link Iran and Suleimani to 9/11, even though the US Commission that carried out a monumental inquiry into the attack found no such connection. The 9/11 attack was carried out by Sunni extremists, mostly from

Saudi Arabia
, who by most accounts had little or no connection to Shia-majority Iran, a hated regional rival.

US vice-president

Mike Pence
was among those who wheeled out this 9/11 connection in a series of tweets listing Suleimani’s purported terrorist activities, alleging that he “assisted in the clandestine travel to Afghanistan of 10 of the 12 terrorists who carried out the September 11 terrorist attacks in the United States.”

Pence was eviscerated by analysts for “gaslighting” the American public, with experts arguing that the idea that Suleimani would assist in 9/11 — knowingly or otherwise — made no sense, because besides being Shia, he actually cooperated with the US government against the Taliban in Afghanistan, which hosted the 9/11 plotters and perpetrators.

Indeed, the assassination of general Suleimani opened a can of worms for the Trump administration with some Af-Pak experts asking why Washington should not target Pakistani generals who have a more established record of backing and carrying out terrorist attacks.

"Important point: why aren’t the Americans confronting the Taliban masters in Pakistan in a similar manner? The Taliban and their masters in Rawalpindi are responsible for the killing of 3500 US servicemen in Afghanistan," asked Saad Mohseni, a prominent Afghan entrepreneur.

And from a US military veteran on Twitter: So Americans killed by a foreign proxy group are worthy of revenge when it is Iran providing the support, but when it is Pakistan supporting the Taliban and HQN killing Americans in AFG they get a peace deal and Pakistan gets aid.

Several US military commanders and administration officials have accused Pakistan’s military intelligence agency ISI of using Taliban proxies to kill American personnel in Afghanistan with no retribution from successive administrations in Washington except for aid cuts and downgraded ties.

Earlier this week, US secretary of state

Mike Pompeo
revealed in a tweet that he had phoned Pakistan's Chief of Staff General Bajwa and to brief him about "US defensive action to kill Qassim Suleimani," adding that "the #Iran regime’s actions in the region are destabilizing and our resolve in protecting American interests, personnel, facilities, and partners will not waver." It was not clear if Pompeo intended it to be a warning to Bajwa and Pakistan, which in the eyes of some US analysts has long carried out a covert proxy war against US forces in Afghanistan.

Separately, Washington is rife with speculation as to why Trump decided to go in for such precipitate action against Suleimani that is resulting in something the President has pointedly sought to avoid: deploying more US troops abroad. One explanation is that Trump felt he looked weak after his 2019 decision to call off an airstrike against Iran after it downed the US surveillance drone.

There is also conjecture that Trump resented being trolled by Suleimani on social media. The Iranian general was apparently quite adept on Twitter, frequently taunting Trump, including calling him a “bartender” and a “casino manager.”

There are also more serious wag-the-dog explanations for the strike, with one prominent American scribe saying it is "hard to decouple his (Sulemani’s) killing from the impeachment saga." Indeed, the impeachment saga has been blown off the news cycle, at least for now.

Until we control the narratives coming out of Imambaras throughout Pakistan, this problem will continue. We need to rid these places of Iranian control now. Establishing nationalistic and pro-Sunni leaders is a must.

I see the exact same problem coming from Sunni, Ahle Hadees masjid as well. Nationalism and national unity should be promoted in every place of worship in Pakistan.
Bro, it is not about sectarianism, nope.

You might see me talking against iran but i never talk or even think of talking against any sect just because I consider them a part of ummah.

However, Shia muslims should understand that iran is NOT SHIA and SHIA IS NOT IRAN !!!

Be loyal to where you live just like we are loyal to our country instead of KSA coz we have priorities as well as Kalma in our hearts so basically we have everything that we need for this world. We don’t need to lick boots of other countries trying to play the holy card.

I am sure you have a deceased you support don't you?
It depends on who the deceased is , simple.

Any deceased must not be talked bad. I didn’t say anything to this deceased irani General yet, you can check timeline.

If you are however referring to Gen Zia Ul Haq, he is not about religion but our Army General as well as Pakistani leader. So if i support him, no one should be surprised.
These barking dogs themselves don't have courage other than bark so they are trying to put their words in other's mouth..
if you look any hateful creature on earth, it is Randian. Their media claim in the involvement of Iranian general killing and now asking favour from America. What a fcking shameful nation is Randian. I think it is time to release their Randian General target Lockdown live footage took on Feb 27. Modi needs a treament.laaton ke bhoot baaton se nahi maante
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