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'If Iranian general can be droned for terrorism, why not a Pakistani general?'

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Ohh, let me add a bit more to it. The sentence seemed incomplete.

“If Irani General can be shot down, so can indian generals for Terrorism in IOK, Baloch, Pak”

Exactly bro.
If you need some UAV's to do that please get our Göksungur or Anka S.
I wanna see Indian terrorists annihilated by Turkish systems.
Indians getting dellusions of being america again
in memo scandal they tried this when zardari asked u.s to kill generals at ghq but their plan were failed
OMG ... last time Gungu terrorist general survived on 27/02; our negligence ... !
They mean 27 feb there General was in brigade office when pf bombed them lol
Oh, of course, Chidu Chat-Tatta.... can always tell from the language and ideas presented.

A perfect example of the bhooki nangi Hindustani nation that grovels, whines, pleads and paws at the Americans to do what India doesn’t have the capability to do.
nonsense article . idiots

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Why asking permissions ? If you can do it, why not doing it now you clerical chimp ?
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