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If India does a Surgical strike in Pakistan, how would/should Pakistan respond??

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I feel same. Assassinating one or two terrorists won't change anything.
If I were RAW chief I wouldn't bother about surgical strikes.....rather I would be more interested in covert ops....a group of commandoes can take down the head of the snake with limited resources and that is what we need...
No problem bhai jaan.

modern military's weakest link is the airforce.

you will cry to hear how badly we were beaten in the air in 1971. So bad that we had to run and hide our fighter bombers to friendly countries.

No matter how bad India is, but they beat us in Kargil through air.

Gen. Mush didn't account for precision bombing by IAF.

India has superior AWACS capability and they can definitely dance around our limited number of F-16s and JF's.

So no, we were weak in Kargil and we still are when it comes to conventional war.



You are correct about that----but remember---at that time---our air force was ZERO-----but still we achieved the target.

We also have our awacs as well. Our F 16's have the most potent BVR missile in the arena at this time

It is about the FIGHT IN THE DOG----and not about the size of the dog---. Does the indian dog want to fight and can it fight a war----.

We know that it is itching for a conflict real bad----the slogans of war are heavy on the media and on publics tongue

The only thing that can be done now is the air and naval war----no ground incursion because of floods----so September is close by when the rivers recede and the land is dry.
If I were RAW chief I wouldn't bother about surgical strikes.....rather I would be more interested in covert ops....a group of commandoes can take down the head of the snake with limited resources and that is what we need...
It's possible to do that if these are rogue groups. Here the whole establishment is nurturing them, kill one head and another would replace it.
First of all Pakistan would be held to be attacked upon opening up weapons deliveries from across the world. China would open up a second and third front. Security council would try to broker a series of diplomatic channels so that this does not blow into a nuclear war. Pakistan would procure J10's / J11 / any other Chinese aircraft that are readily available. Submarines and ships of Chinese Navy would patrol the Indian oceans and most of the equipment will be available to Pakistan. Turkey is going to provide monetary support etc.. This is not very simple.

To much assumptions, try to stand on you feet to face the challenge.

Pakistan should drop N Bomb on New Delhi.
And its dropped on your post :p

Getting back to topic, given the strengths of both nations, it doesnt make sense to escalate to war.
I assume, that even if india goes for surgrical strikes it will be very very limited and precise in nature.
And in similar way the reaction from pakistan will be precise and limited to disallow indias adventure into its soil.
Both the countries dont want to get into full scale war or a kargil like stand off.

Here India might also play smart game by involving US to get the strikes done on name of war against terror.
It's possible to do that if these are rogue groups. Here the whole establishment is nurturing them, kill one head and another would replace it.
But it does send a message.....surgical strikes won't do any good either....

And killing the head does help...take the example of OBL or any other terrorist ,their organization is now the weakest....

And by doing so there won't be pressure on India either from the international community...
Ohhhh Is it?

Parheps that is why we see too much of discussion of using N bomb on india.
i condemn any such discussion, only governments under extreme circumstances can make such a decision, ordinary people shouldnt...

Here India might also play smart game by involving US to get the strikes done on name of war against terror.
just for your info us gave us 350 mils as csf and is giving us latest helis...
apart fromm that we have china...
pak is actually helping us get out of afgan mess by holding meetings...
If I were RAW chief I wouldn't bother about surgical strikes.....rather I would be more interested in covert ops....a group of commandoes can take down the head of the snake with limited resources and that is what we need...

Covert strike should be on highly selected target which cripple the terrorist leadership. No need to kill pawns. they shall be replaced by other pawns.
To much assumptions, try to stand on you feet to face the challenge.

And its dropped on your post :p

Getting back to topic, given the strengths of both nations, it doesnt make sense to escalate to war.
I assume, that even if india goes for surgrical strikes it will be very very limited and precise in nature.
And in similar way the reaction from pakistan will be precise and limited to disallow indias adventure into its soil.
Both the countries dont want to get into full scale war or a kargil like stand off.

Here India might also play smart game by involving US to get the strikes done on name of war against terror.
if it is a surgical strike,then India won't adventure into Pakistan....it will be a precision strike as you said after which India will await a response.....
if Pakistan attacks Indian bases or civilian then it will lead to a low conflict which would be good for India
Covert strike should be on highly selected target which cripple the terrorist leadership. No need to kill pawns. they shall be replaced by other pawns.
their leaders are also pawns and are replaceble... just sayin...
i condemn any such discussion, only governments under extreme circumstances can make such a decision, ordinary people shouldnt...

just for your info us gave us 350 mils as csf and is giving us latest helis...
apart fromm that we have china...
pak is actually helping us get out of afgan mess by holding meetings...

To milk a cow fodder has to be placed in front.
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